
Tutorial: How to start

Step 1: Install Plugin

As usual you go with:

  1. Stop server
  2. Download LimitedCreative.jar from Bukkit to plugins/-Directory
  3. Start server

With that the most is done, and all basic features are available.

Step 2: Configure advanced modules

Now lets go configure the more advanced features, depending on the setup of your other plugins and your needs.

All configuration can be done via config.yml, but as this needs you to be familar with the YAML-Syntax, we'll use the ingame/console commands to do configuration here. Just keep in mind, that the config.yml only gets changed if you run /lc config save after changing the configuration via /lc config ...

If you don't need a module, just skip it and proceed with the next.


You need it if...

  • ... your economy Plugin provides commands like /sell
  • ... minigames (like Spleef and co.) or arenas can be joines via command
  • ... there are chest accessible via command

To prevent the usage of those commands in creative you only need to add them to block list via:
/lc config cmdblock commands add <command>
The <command> have to be with out leading /.


  • /lc config cmdblock commands add sell
  • /lc config cmdblock commands add spleef join

Per GameMode-Permission

You need it if...

  • ... your economy plugin works with clicking on blocks or entites, that you can't or don't like to block interaction with
  • ... command blocking isn't fine graded for your need to prevent certain actions


  1. First, you need to have Vault and a Vault-compatible Permission-Plugin installed.
  2. When this is given, contact your permission-plugins documentation to create a new Group. That group could be named creative or similar.
  3. Now you give all the permissions, creative players shouldn't have, to that group as a negative permission. This is usually done by preceding the permission-node with ^ or -. That should be also explained in the permission-plugins documentation.
  4. Set the configured group in LC-Config (whereby creative is the group-name you defined):
    /lc config gmperm creativeGroup creative
  5. Enable the module:
    /lc config gmperm enabled true


You need it if...

  • ... you think (like me) that the players shouldn't get creative in the full world


  1. You need WorldGuard, and therefore WorldEdit
  2. The region module is then ready for action, as soon as you wan't to define a region, look at he Region-Module-Documentation


You need it if...

  • ... limiting creative players to regions isn't enough for you, so your creative players are free to place blocks anywhere, where they also have access to as survival player


  1. Enable the module via: /lc config set blockstate enabled

Step 3: Finish

Have you changed anything in the config via commands? Don't forget to save: /lc config save.

That's it for now. Your server now should be secured against exploiting creative-mode in any way. You may have a look into config.yml for more fine graded settings.


Do you have any problems? Then take a look into the FAQ or ask for help in IRC-Channel #[email protected].
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