Statistic Loggers

Statistic Loggers

Below is a list of the known statistic loggers available for this plugin. Some plugins may be written by other authors, please contact them if you have a statistic-logging related error and are using their plugin.

To use, download the statistic logger and put in the "statistics" folder in the HGMGS configurations folder. Then, change "statloggerJAR" in the "config.yml" to the name of the logger you want to use.

The loggers that currently come with the HGMGS and do not need to be downloaded are:

  • SQLStatLogger
  • ScoreboardStatLogger


Author: skaterzero807


SQLStatLogger is a statistics logger for the HGMGS plugin that allows users to track game statistics and save them to a MySQL database. It supports the /hg rank and /hg games commands to list the top players and previous games. It records the number of wins, losses, games and kills for each player and also the winner, start time, end time and arena name for each game.


Author: skaterzero807


ScoreboardStatLogger is a statistics logger for the HGMGS plugin that allows users to track some game statistics using Minecraft scoreboards. It records the number of wins, losses, games and kills for each player.