setup/Arena Config

Arena Configuration File

The arena configuration file, arenas.yml, is created when you first run the server with the HGMGS plugin. It is found in "plugins/Hunger Games Map Generator Server" folder. You can edit this file with any text editor. Check the validity of the file's contents here.

IMPORTANT: All settings described here must be under the "arenas.<arena name>" node where <arena name> is the name of the arena you want the settings to apply to.

If a setting is not specified in this file (arenas.yml), the value defined in the config.yml file will be used (except for messages, which will be taken from the language.yml whose name is defined in config.yml).

Arena-Only Settings

rankemptyA number determining which arenas will be open as more players are on the server. If 0 or not given, the arena will always be open. Rank 1 arenas will be opened if all rank 0 arenas could be "arenafullpercent" full. All rank 2 arenas will be opened if all rank 1 and 0 arenas could be "arenafullpercent" full, and so on.
autojoinemptyWhen true, players will automatically join this arena when they log in. If this is set for multiple arenas, whichever one is first in the list will be joined.
generatorsemptyA list of the generator files (not including .jar) to choose from when regenerating.
settingsfilesemptyA list of the settings files (not including .dat) to choose from when regenerating.
chestitemsfile/generators/settings/chestitems.datThe location of the chest items data file to use when regenerating.
schematicsfolder/generators/schematicsThe location of the folder to use for schematics when regenerating.
length350The length of the arena in blocks.
width350The width of the arena in blocks.
offsetX0The X-coordinate of the arena's center.
offsetZ0The Z-coordinate of the arena's center.
players12The number of players the arena can hold (must be 12 or 24 for the default generator).
vipemptyTrue if the arena is a VIP arena and only players with "" permission can join.
worldNameemptyThe name of the Bukkit world that this arena should be in. Do not use a world that is already occupied.

General Settings

autostarttrueWhen true, a game will automatically start in this arena when it is full.
autostartidlefalseWhen true, this arena will automatically start if no new players have joined in the time set by "idlestarttime".
idlestarttime60The number of seconds this arena will wait after a player joins to automatically start. Only used when "autostartidle" is true.
autoregenfalseWhen true, will regenerate this arena with a new map once a game is over.
votetostartfalseWhen true, allow players to vote for a game to start in this arena.
minplayers5Defines the minimum number of players that must be in this arena for the votes to count.
minvotepercent75Defines the percentage of players which must vote for the game to start.
arenafullpercent50Used for calculating which arenas to open. An arena will be opened if all lower ranked arenas could potentially have "arenafullpercent" percent of their total player count join. 100 = open more arenas only if there are more players on the server than the open arenas can hold.
countdowntime10How many seconds to count down between a game starting and the lever pull, releasing the players.
onGameStartMessagessee configWhat messages should be broadcasted to tributes after the countdown. Color codes are allowed.
graceperiod0The amount of time after starting a game that PvP in the arena is disabled. Keep the default of 0 for no grace period.
onGracePeriodOverMessages''The messages to display when the grace period is over. Leave blank for no message.
onDeathMessage''Text to show when a player (<player>) is killed (<killer>) in an arena (<arena>)1.
thunderondeathtrueWhen true, a thunder sound will be played when a player dies to imitate the cannon fire.
autospectateondeathfalseWhen true, players will automatically become spectators in this arena after dying in a game.
compassdistance1000The maximum distance a compass will be able to locate nearby players in a game. If you wish to disable the compass feature, set this to 0.

Deathmatch Settings

usedeathmatchtrueWhen true, all players will be teleported to a random deathmatch location after "deathmatchtime" seconds.
deathmatchwarn60How many seconds before the deathmatch should players be warned of it coming.
onDeathmatchWarningMessagessee configWhat messages to display to the tributes as a warning of the impending deathmatch.
deathmatchtime600The number of seconds to wait after a game starts before teleporting players to the deathmatch locations.
onDeathmatchMessagessee configThe messages to display to players once they are teleported to the deathmatch positions.

End Game Settings

useendgametrueWhen true, the game will be automatically ended after "endgametime" seconds.
endgamewarn60How many seconds before the game is ended should players be warned of it coming.
onEndgameWarningMessagesee configWhat messages to display to the tributes as a warning of the impending game over.
endgametime780The number of seconds to wait after a game starts before automatically ending it.
onEndgameMessagessee configThe messages to display to players when a game is auto-ended in an arena (<arena>)1.

Event Commands

NameDefaultDescriptionVariable Support1
commands.onKillemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) kills another.<player>
commands.onDeathemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) dies.<player>
commands.onJoinGameemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) joins a game.<player>
commands.onLeaveGameemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) leaves a game either by logging out or using /hg leave.<player>
commands.onVoteemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) voted for a game to start.<player>
commands.onWinemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) wins a game.<player>
commands.onJoinSpectateemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) begins spectating.<player>
commands.onLeaveSpectateemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) stops spectating.<player>
commands.onStartGameemptyConsole commands to run when a game starts.none
commands.onStartGamePlayeremptyConsole commands to run for each player (<player>) in the arena when a game starts.<player>
commands.onDeathmatchemptyConsole commands to run if/when the deathmatch starts.none
commands.onEndGameemptyConsole commands to run when a game ends.none
commands.onRegenStartemptyConsole commands to run when an arena begins regenerating.none
commands.onRegenEndemptyConsole commands to run when an arena is done regenerating.none

1Commands with variable support will replace the variable listed with the entity related to the event. For example, the "commands.onWin" will replace "<player>" (without quotes) with the name of the player that won before running the commands.

Commands with Permissions

If a command supports use of the <player> variable, it can also have a permission prefix. The syntax for a command would be:

- <permission>; <command>

where <permission> is the permission node that the player must have for the command <command> to be run. If there is no prefix, the command will be run if the player didn't have any of the other command's permissions. Here are a few examples:

-; give <player> emerald 10Gives the player 10 emeralds if they have the "" permission.
- give <player> arrow 5
- bukkit.command.teleport; give <player> arrow 10
Gives a player 5 arrows if they don't have the teleport permission and 10 arrows if they do.