
Configuration File

The configuration file, config.yml, is created when you first run the server with the HGMGS plugin. It is found in "plugins/Hunger Games Map Generator Server" folder. You can edit this file with any text editor. Check the validity of the file's contents here.

Note: This file can have many more settings, they are described on this page:

Arena-Specific Configs

Any setting from that page given in this file will be used as a default for new arenas.

General Plugin Settings

languageEN_US.ymlDefines the name of the file to use for plugin messages. The name should include .yml.
sponsoritemsemptyList of items that can be sponsored. Format is <item #/name>, <qty>, <cost #/name>, <qty>.
Example: - arrow, 5, emerald, 10 will require 10 emeralds to sponsor a player 5 arrows. Use "/hg sponsoritem add" command to add items with the wizard.
sponsorcooldown600The amount of time in seconds after sponsoring until a player can sponsor again.
sponsorcooldownVIP300The amount of time in seconds after sponsoring until a VIP player can sponsor again.
statloggerJARSBD.jarGives the name of the JAR file in the configuration folder to use for exporting statistics.

General Plugin Event Commands

NameDefaultDescriptionVariable Support1
commands.onLoginemptyConsole commands to run when a player (<player>) logs in.<player>

1Commands with variable support will replace the variable listed with the entity related to the event. For example, the "commands.onLogin" will replace "<player>" (without quotes) with the name of the player that joined before running the commands.