CommandsEX - modular plugin architecture
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Jenkins (#6 and beyond for 1.5.1)
What's Inside?
- Teleportation commands
- Warping
- Spawning
- Items and Inventory
- Mobs Related
- Homes management
- Banning
- Jailing
- Common Administration (kick, freeze, mute)
- Time Control
- Weather Control
- Informative Commands
- Fun Commands
- Translations
- Join and Leave Messages Grouping
- XMPP (Jabber) Chat Relay
- Chat Text Replacements
- Chat Spy
- Message Of The Day
- Custom Player Commands
- Custom Console Commands
- Play Time-based Player Promotions
- Economy-based Player Promotions
- Death Group
- TNT Kamikaze!
- NanoSuit
- Weather Forecast
- Explosion Control
- Shutdown Custom Kick Message
- Update Alerter
- Custom Death Messages
- Coloured Signs
This project has now been taken over by iKeirNez, who will continue work on CommandsEX in the same fashion I did - and even better! It was a pleasure to create this tiny little thingy for you guys. Have some great Minecraft days in there and see you all in another life :) zathrus_writer
Build your very own plugin set - Lego style!
If you ever needed a single function but had to download a massive plugin that contained it, you will probably know the feeling. It could be hard to pick up the right plugin-set for a server with all the plugins currently in existence. Especially since many of them conflict with each other.
That is the idea behind CommandsEX project - to allow server administrators to choose which commands and functions they really need and let them trash all the rest.
More information
- Official Wiki
- CommandsEX Builder - create your very own CommandsEX build!
- CommandsEX Test Server - play about with the latest features not yet available to download!
CommandsEX uses standard config.yml file, located in CommandsEX folder in your plugins directory. Options in the configuration file are clearly commented and their list is also present in the Configuration section of the plugin Wiki.
Additionally, CommandsEX allows anybody with the permission to access the /cex command. Some options from the config file are retrievable and can also be updated via this command.
Need help?
- Create a Ticket - if you have a feature request or a bug to report
- BukkitDev Forum - support, questions, suggestions and general chat regarding CommandsEX
- Leave a Comment - if you need a question answered or have a word of praise
Donations help keep CommandsEX alive, updated and improved. If you use CommandsEX and would like to help the authors continue working on CommandsEX then you may want to consider donating. You can donate whatever amount you like by using the PayPal donate button below.
Hmm. So are you saying that the many plugins that disable TNT griefing are all stolen code? No, just because plugins are similar doesn't mean that they're stolen.
its okay i tried doing /cex_economy and it said to contact an administrator same with nearly everything? /afk works
You can't steal something you made and own, if you check the source code you will realize it is all property of this team. Also, this has always had some functionality that essentials has not. I bet all developers involved (including those who work on essentials) would be pleased if you kept your rude comments off Bukkit and BukkitDev, as we all spend a great deal of time to provide software to you - the server owner - absolutely free of charge.
Rip off version of Essentials, same commands, It even has the same amount as Essentials. Reported for plugin stealing.
It's been awhile since I've worked on this but if I remember correctly there is too much code that breaks with Bukkit updates in there currently so I doubt it'll work. I lost interest in this awhile ago and wanted more time to spend on other projects. Sorry.
Wait So Does This Plugin Even Work Anymore? I'm Interested For It And Well Umm Can I Use This For 1.7.4? If It Doesn't Work Anymore Then Here Is A Messgae To Devs [Hello Devs. Can You Please Update This Plugin? If The Preveous Owner Was Here He Could Do It!. You GOT To Do This. THIS IS A FAMOUS Plugin In Your Hands!]
@Maximvdm Please make an updated version, especially for the custom build I'm dying for this :(
Ill push some updates to github soon, I got a working 1.7 (apart from the invisibility support, for that I only use VanishNoPacket)
Guys, the plugin has not been abandoned. It will most likely be updated in the future, but for now we are all working on other projects. Give us some time to get back to this later.
I think he means when you create a command with the .txt file, can you add a permission node or is there already a permission node for the command you create?
Then prove me incorrect.
No it isn't. *sighs*
Update to 1.6.2
Donations help provide a test server, and some motivation for the team. It's really preference whether or not you donate, we cannot really entice you.
And yes, I am in AP Comp Sci (the third CS class you take) in school, and it is ridiculously easy. We are still learning how to pass arguments through constructors! haha
If you jump in and start playing around with stuff, you will find some fun things to do in minecraft, and even improve on your server. It would also help out a great deal with your classes. That was my original plan, but after finding my interest in programming, I really stopped managing my server and moved over to plugin development.
How much do donations help?
I've already read through the source and I know exactly how difficult programming these plugins is. Especially as only a 2nd year CSET student, these plugins are beyond my level of programming.
I am prepared to donate to CEX as it is the core of my 1.5 server.
Please understand it is a very hard, and very long process. We don't get paid to do this (unless we get donations, which are rare), and we put more effort into programming Bukkit server mods than some people put into their day jobs.
Someone please teach me some java so I get this plugin update D:
Is it possible we can get a little information on the progress of an update? Thanks.