CommandsEX Alpha 1.3


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 3, 2012
  • Size
    170.13 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.4-R1.0


If you built your own CommandsEX with homes support prior to this version, a new re-build is highly recommended ;-)

added warping functions:

/listwarps (public/private/own) -> lists warps

/warp list (public/private/own) -> lists warps

/warp <Name> -> teleports player to a given warp

/warp create <Name> -> creates a new warp

/warp public <Warp> -> makes a warp public

/warp private <Warp> -> makes a warp private

/warp rename <Old-Name> <New-Name> -> renames warp

/warp delete <Warp> -> removes a warp


  • fixed annoying "Please wait a while before repeating the same command" message
  • fixed handling of /tpa and /tpahere requests
  • added in-game editable config options, reflecting latest changes (from homes-inclusion upwards)
  • fixed possible unintentional home teleport when using /home <...> command
  • fixed CommandsEX custom builder website - now doesn't break dependencies if you opt-out of Teleportation but opt-in for Homes Management

Regexs do not always execute in the right order, so, for example, a chat message containing the "MF-word" will be caught, instead, by the "F-word" replacement, despite the "F-word" regex being placed after the "MF-word" regex in the chat replacement list.