CommandsEX - modular plugin architecture
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Jenkins (#6 and beyond for 1.5.1)
What's Inside?
- Teleportation commands
- Warping
- Spawning
- Items and Inventory
- Mobs Related
- Homes management
- Banning
- Jailing
- Common Administration (kick, freeze, mute)
- Time Control
- Weather Control
- Informative Commands
- Fun Commands
- Translations
- Join and Leave Messages Grouping
- XMPP (Jabber) Chat Relay
- Chat Text Replacements
- Chat Spy
- Message Of The Day
- Custom Player Commands
- Custom Console Commands
- Play Time-based Player Promotions
- Economy-based Player Promotions
- Death Group
- TNT Kamikaze!
- NanoSuit
- Weather Forecast
- Explosion Control
- Shutdown Custom Kick Message
- Update Alerter
- Custom Death Messages
- Coloured Signs
This project has now been taken over by iKeirNez, who will continue work on CommandsEX in the same fashion I did - and even better! It was a pleasure to create this tiny little thingy for you guys. Have some great Minecraft days in there and see you all in another life :) zathrus_writer
Build your very own plugin set - Lego style!
If you ever needed a single function but had to download a massive plugin that contained it, you will probably know the feeling. It could be hard to pick up the right plugin-set for a server with all the plugins currently in existence. Especially since many of them conflict with each other.
That is the idea behind CommandsEX project - to allow server administrators to choose which commands and functions they really need and let them trash all the rest.
More information
- Official Wiki
- CommandsEX Builder - create your very own CommandsEX build!
- CommandsEX Test Server - play about with the latest features not yet available to download!
CommandsEX uses standard config.yml file, located in CommandsEX folder in your plugins directory. Options in the configuration file are clearly commented and their list is also present in the Configuration section of the plugin Wiki.
Additionally, CommandsEX allows anybody with the permission to access the /cex command. Some options from the config file are retrievable and can also be updated via this command.
Need help?
- Create a Ticket - if you have a feature request or a bug to report
- BukkitDev Forum - support, questions, suggestions and general chat regarding CommandsEX
- Leave a Comment - if you need a question answered or have a word of praise
Donations help keep CommandsEX alive, updated and improved. If you use CommandsEX and would like to help the authors continue working on CommandsEX then you may want to consider donating. You can donate whatever amount you like by using the PayPal donate button below.
that's the exact plan - to keep this updated, so when new Bukkit build is out, it will be compatible with it momentarily ;-)
Will it always be updated?
live streaming of the coding of CommandsEX :-D
A word of apology to all of you who saw this project as abandoned - it's now been fixed and the work continues of course ;-)
Hi iAutolycus, you are right indeed. There was an error with /tpa and /tpahere functions handling.
A new version has been released today, which contains fix for this, warping functions and several other fixes. Builder page is also updated now.
You can use the CommandsEX Builder ( to re-build your flavor - the website is updated to CommandsEX Alpha 1.3 already.
Full version here (before Bukkit guys approve the new file):
Hello I downloaded a custom version last night. So far so good except one thing. Whever I do the tpahere and they expect it, I go to them instead of them coming to me?
@zathrus_writer I see, then this is a really nice plugin! It's a must have on my server.
this would depend very much on what you're trashing
for example commands like /tp or /spawn do not affect performance by themselves. Although, the arrival location is being refreshed each time players teleport to your spawn or use /tp command... this makes your server much more stable (and players won't get caught half-burried in ground), however it may have a little performance impact
on the other hand, if you get rid of events - like chat or commands replacements, this definitely will improve performance, since the plugin won't be checking every chat message and every command from your players
So if I trash all of the unnecessary features, would the performance of the server increase?
you're right, the name is a bit unfortunate :-P ... but hey, there is PermissionsEX and nobody lmao's on that one, so what :D
sure thing, go visit and translate away :-)
I could do the translation of this plugin in French! I am French so... PM me!
Commander functions have been implemented into this plugin as well as other functions like Teleporting and Translations... this is definitelly NOT the same thing as Commander nor has it any intention to be such a thing
it's simply a set of commands and functions that can be built to the admin's liking ;-)
This looks exactly like Commander....