CommandsEX - modular plugin architecture
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Jenkins (#6 and beyond for 1.5.1)
What's Inside?
- Teleportation commands
- Warping
- Spawning
- Items and Inventory
- Mobs Related
- Homes management
- Banning
- Jailing
- Common Administration (kick, freeze, mute)
- Time Control
- Weather Control
- Informative Commands
- Fun Commands
- Translations
- Join and Leave Messages Grouping
- XMPP (Jabber) Chat Relay
- Chat Text Replacements
- Chat Spy
- Message Of The Day
- Custom Player Commands
- Custom Console Commands
- Play Time-based Player Promotions
- Economy-based Player Promotions
- Death Group
- TNT Kamikaze!
- NanoSuit
- Weather Forecast
- Explosion Control
- Shutdown Custom Kick Message
- Update Alerter
- Custom Death Messages
- Coloured Signs
This project has now been taken over by iKeirNez, who will continue work on CommandsEX in the same fashion I did - and even better! It was a pleasure to create this tiny little thingy for you guys. Have some great Minecraft days in there and see you all in another life :) zathrus_writer
Build your very own plugin set - Lego style!
If you ever needed a single function but had to download a massive plugin that contained it, you will probably know the feeling. It could be hard to pick up the right plugin-set for a server with all the plugins currently in existence. Especially since many of them conflict with each other.
That is the idea behind CommandsEX project - to allow server administrators to choose which commands and functions they really need and let them trash all the rest.
More information
- Official Wiki
- CommandsEX Builder - create your very own CommandsEX build!
- CommandsEX Test Server - play about with the latest features not yet available to download!
CommandsEX uses standard config.yml file, located in CommandsEX folder in your plugins directory. Options in the configuration file are clearly commented and their list is also present in the Configuration section of the plugin Wiki.
Additionally, CommandsEX allows anybody with the permission to access the /cex command. Some options from the config file are retrievable and can also be updated via this command.
Need help?
- Create a Ticket - if you have a feature request or a bug to report
- BukkitDev Forum - support, questions, suggestions and general chat regarding CommandsEX
- Leave a Comment - if you need a question answered or have a word of praise
Donations help keep CommandsEX alive, updated and improved. If you use CommandsEX and would like to help the authors continue working on CommandsEX then you may want to consider donating. You can donate whatever amount you like by using the PayPal donate button below.
I'll try add an option to do that
Can you make it so that instead of it moving people to a group automatically after acquiring a certain amount of funds it makes them pay, like let's say someone wanted to rank up to the rank "Pro" Can you make it so they have to purchase the rank?
Ok, I'll look into that!
Yes that's what I thought ! CommandsEX's kick message for banned players are a lot better than Essentials !
Do you mean when they try to login when banned? If so, yes that should be possible.
What are the permissions nodes for private messaging?
Is there a solution to let CommandsEX override the kick event from Essentials to show the ban reason ?
Thanks ! :D
CommandsEX for 1.5.2 has been released
I have just updated CommandsEX for the latest CraftBukkit 1.5.2 Beta build (#2771). You can find the full package here or you can use the Builder to make your own customized version here
Its out now, you can find it here and the Builder has also been updated
No, it send them to the roof of my spawn :C
When will the 1.5.2 build be out? (Sorry for not being patient.)
How does it not work? Does it teleport them to the default spawn?
We will add that to our todo list for the recode :D
Can you add exact spawn location for new players ? ;3 your /setspawn don't work for new players
Do you have plans to add compatibility for DynMap ? I mean homes and warps indication on map.
You need to update Java to version 7.
Yeah, we're looking into fixing command blocks soon. Sorry for the inconvience
Okay, I'll try fixing the Builder, hopefully we won't have issues like this when I roll out the new builder. Also about TNT carts, yes I'll eventually get round to that and making it world specific.