ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
- Format chat with incredible ease!
Permissions Support
- Supports all permissions systems that Vault supports.
- Extremely optimized code, Average chat execution is around 0.10ms
- Ability to color players nametags based on their colored group!
- Full control over your servers chat formatting
- Ability to test what the chat would look like with /cg test all or /cg test <group>
- Importation ability using Vault, loads your chat settings from your previous Chat formatter (if applicable)
- Attention: ColoredGroups disregards prefixes from your permissions system, it allows you to easily set chat colors in the ColoredGroups config.yml rather than with your permissions system.
- /cg help - Lists all available commands
- /cg reload config - Reloads variables from config
- /cg reload tags - Reloads tags if they are enabled
- /cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat
- /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
- /cg import - Imports chat profiles using vault from your previous chat provider
- Drag and drop the .jar into the plugins directory and restart the server.
How to set groups
- ColoredGroups works by "hooking" into your permissions plugin to see how to format chat messages.
- You need to properly configure ColoredGroups in order to work, however it is very simple.
Easy method
- If you have vault installed, simply run /cg import
- Vault will scan what permissions system you use, and then fill our config nicely :)
More involved method
- Once you map all your ranks over to ColoredGroups, you can now configure the colors how you please.
- Visit my website for more information.
Nice plugin! :D
Hey, go into your plugins folder and find the ColoredGroups folder. From there you will find a config.yml, open that and then you will see the groups coloredgroups recognizes. Add more groups by copy and pasting and making sure you keep the right format (or Yaml will complain).
Edit: If you want me to do the groups for you I can, but the colors you can change yourself since it's more of a pain.
I really am a nooby noob at this stuff, but I have bPermissions, and installed this plugin, but it only picks up two of the five groups, default and admin. Please help.
If it says [Unknown] then your either using a unsupported permissions plugin or the perms plugin isn't working right. All ColoredGroups does is get the group of a player so it's pretty straight forward.
Hi my name on mc is maxiejrnickuk and i think the permissions plugin isn't in there and i need help can u help me plz and it won't show the ranks ==
I had to think of a name for the message color so I just wen't with muffix, haha.
Thanks, it was extremely easy to implement i'm surprised some other chat plugins don't support it.
My favorite part is "muffix" :D
Muffixes, my new favorite word.
This allows you to set the prefix, suffix, and the muffix(a word I made up for the message color) for every group, You can also customize the format which is used for the group. The group in the config corresponds to the group you have in your permissions plugin.
Will this use the each prefix from the meta of each group?