ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
- Format chat with incredible ease!
Permissions Support
- Supports all permissions systems that Vault supports.
- Extremely optimized code, Average chat execution is around 0.10ms
- Ability to color players nametags based on their colored group!
- Full control over your servers chat formatting
- Ability to test what the chat would look like with /cg test all or /cg test <group>
- Importation ability using Vault, loads your chat settings from your previous Chat formatter (if applicable)
- Attention: ColoredGroups disregards prefixes from your permissions system, it allows you to easily set chat colors in the ColoredGroups config.yml rather than with your permissions system.
- /cg help - Lists all available commands
- /cg reload config - Reloads variables from config
- /cg reload tags - Reloads tags if they are enabled
- /cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat
- /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
- /cg import - Imports chat profiles using vault from your previous chat provider
- Drag and drop the .jar into the plugins directory and restart the server.
How to set groups
- ColoredGroups works by "hooking" into your permissions plugin to see how to format chat messages.
- You need to properly configure ColoredGroups in order to work, however it is very simple.
Easy method
- If you have vault installed, simply run /cg import
- Vault will scan what permissions system you use, and then fill our config nicely :)
More involved method
- Once you map all your ranks over to ColoredGroups, you can now configure the colors how you please.
- Visit my website for more information.
Hey, I understand you don't like people demanding new features for your plugin, but saying you're going to release that new feature "tonight" and then totally ignore me a month later with nothing added isn't very cool. I love your plugin and all, but seriously.
Anyways keep up the good work.
Thanks for the positive feedback, for once a comment isn't demanding new features. I want this plugin to be relatively basic in nature, because as you've noticed, it's really powerful while staying pretty basic.
This is by far the best chat plugin out there (at least for my server ;) )!
It's worked with every permissions plugin I've tried so far, and it's beyond easy to configure. Not to mention you can configure almost any aspect of the chat with ease! 5 stars to your plugin, and I'm looking forward to continued development!
But... "Will do, I'll make that right now and release it tonight."
Way back when I had add-ons I had a default addon which enabled the world name in the format, it worked fairly nice. In order to achieve things like world format, factions support, and per player formatting, it'd turn into every other chat formatting plugin and loose it's unique performance. Everyone has a different taste of plugins, this one was designed with performance in mind (I run it on my own server) - if you would prefer features you may be interested in another chat formatting plugin.
Yes that would be nice hope that gets added asap.
Very helpful from an author standpoint.
If you want support, your going to need to be more specific. If you just post a 6 words comment that has no useful info, then I will just assume you didn't know how to configure it, which is a shame.. the plugin is pretty straightforward.
I am using this with bperms and when I type /cg help, nothing shows up. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
I accidentally deleted the config, and I tried what you said about resetting the server and it didn't work. Please help! @imilkywayz
Thanks a bunch =)
Will do, I'll make that right now and release it tonight.
It would be really nice to have a world function for 'Format' on each group.
it says im missing a group plugin what plugin do i need? (colored groups)
Using your permissions plugin?
ColoredGroups formats chat, it does not handle groups like bPermissions for example would.
You could try if you want a easy way to rank with your permissions plugin.
how do i set peoples ranks?
Details would be great you know...
Furthermore this plugin runs on my server and works fine, so it's a problem with your config.
Colors Arent Working..........
I've an idea for a "better" config. Instead of having ShownGroup and Prefix being separate, you could merge them into one; just "Prefix". It doesn't make a lot of sense (to me) to have these separate, because from what I've done so far, you can't have two words in the same prefix of separate colours/effects, only one.
However, if it IS possible to have the two, I don't know how and I'd believe the current way would be too obscured.
As for suffixes, I'd like to have an actual suffix. Right now, the plugin treats the playername as a suffix, which can get confusing when one has many ranks. The playername should be its own variable that can be added to the format.
I'm also not sure if the plugin supports multiple chat effects at once.
how do i set peoples ranks like whats the command i use
What Permissions plugin are you using?