ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
- Format chat with incredible ease!
Permissions Support
- Supports all permissions systems that Vault supports.
- Extremely optimized code, Average chat execution is around 0.10ms
- Ability to color players nametags based on their colored group!
- Full control over your servers chat formatting
- Ability to test what the chat would look like with /cg test all or /cg test <group>
- Importation ability using Vault, loads your chat settings from your previous Chat formatter (if applicable)
- Attention: ColoredGroups disregards prefixes from your permissions system, it allows you to easily set chat colors in the ColoredGroups config.yml rather than with your permissions system.
- /cg help - Lists all available commands
- /cg reload config - Reloads variables from config
- /cg reload tags - Reloads tags if they are enabled
- /cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat
- /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
- /cg import - Imports chat profiles using vault from your previous chat provider
- Drag and drop the .jar into the plugins directory and restart the server.
How to set groups
- ColoredGroups works by "hooking" into your permissions plugin to see how to format chat messages.
- You need to properly configure ColoredGroups in order to work, however it is very simple.
Easy method
- If you have vault installed, simply run /cg import
- Vault will scan what permissions system you use, and then fill our config nicely :)
More involved method
- Once you map all your ranks over to ColoredGroups, you can now configure the colors how you please.
- Visit my website for more information.
Oh i could've known that it was a Maven project, compiled without problems :-)
It's a good skill.
You'd need to install maven though :s
anyways, the feature was added but I can't post the file up at the moment D: sorry
Wonderful! :) I'll often check for an uploaded file it as i'm not that talented yet with compiling existing plugins from source ;-)
Sorry for the late reply, was at work.
Anyways, this is actually a bug. Small one code wise, but with big effects in-game.
Fixing now :)
EDIT: Permission node is coloredgroups.coloredchat, but I still need to make the fix.
Thanks for the update! :) +Like
edit: With the new version it seems that disabling allow-color-codes also affects the pre-formatted chat itself (unless your OP):
The thing is, i don't want to allow coloured chat messages for all players.
I would appreciate it very much if you added a permission node for this, so that i can allow only certain/specific people to use colors in their messages ;)
Yes, will work on that right now.
Can you add a variable for displayname? That way I could use Nicky plugin and your plugin simultaneously. Also your plugin is overriding ColourChatGUI's colourful messages.
Next update i'm doing will include multiverse alias support and factions formatting.
v2.0 was mainly just overhauling everything :)
Thank you for the feature request though, will get it done soon!
I tested v2 but unfortunately it shows the default world names.
In my case Multiverse reads/uses the alias values found in worlds.yml:
The End
world (survival)
Besides this all the chat-formatting i had from EssentialsChat is missing (i.e. nicknames in chat messages).
In previous version(s) of your plugin nicknames still worked (somehow), i'm not sure what has happened =/
edit: thanks for your response, i'll be patient then ;-)
ColoredGroups does not support prefixed world names.
However, that is a good feature request - and you should expect to see it soon :)
Thank you for the update :)
I have MultiVerse and can't seem to use Multiverse's variable for prefixed world-names: %world%.
When using this in either prefix, suffix or format, the chat messages i type has the correct world prefix but i'm the only one who sees the chat message as a "Could not pass event AsyncPlayerChatEvent to ColoredGroups v1.7.0" is thrown as well:
I'm also unable to colour name tags (i have GroupManager, Vault and EssentialsChat as well and tried disabling EssentialsChat to see if that solved it, but without luck)
Thanks for this plugin.
Install the plugin by dropping the jar into your plugins folder and restarting the server.
Navigate to the newly generated folder under /plugins/ named ColoredGroups.
Open the config.yml, and also open the "groups" file for your permissions plugin.
Basically, you enter in the name each rank you on have on your server as an element of the "groups" list in /plugins/ColoredGroups/config.yml.
What does this mean? Consider you have the following configs.
You want to match the name of the group from your permissions plugin to the name in the coloredgroups config.
This allow allows you to name your permissions groups something simple like "r1" and use ColoredGroups to display it as "Newbie" using the ShownGroup field!
how do I set groups
i have a problem with factions... i configure the factions so that i can see the faction name in the chat but coloredgroups block this... can you say me what can i do?
i only need that in the chat appears the normal name from groupmanager with factions but the tag i want to change.. thanks!
I don't have access to the bukkit 1.8 development builds.
You are not even using bukkit 1.8, you're using spigot. Can't really expect compatibility when the plugin was not designed for what you're trying to use it for.
I'll look into patching this issue though, it's likely just an issue with the PermissionsEx reference.
Thanks for the report still.
In the config, you can use color codes.
Sorry I dont have a very descriptive explanation of how to do it, it's mostly just up for user trial and error to figure out what they like best.
How I can change the color of the brackets ?
Thanks though :-)
I will definitely look into this and fix it.
It is an issue with the plugin. Thanks for reporting