ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
ColoredGroups - Simple, yet powerful!
- Format chat with incredible ease!
Permissions Support
- Supports all permissions systems that Vault supports.
- Extremely optimized code, Average chat execution is around 0.10ms
- Ability to color players nametags based on their colored group!
- Full control over your servers chat formatting
- Ability to test what the chat would look like with /cg test all or /cg test <group>
- Importation ability using Vault, loads your chat settings from your previous Chat formatter (if applicable)
- Attention: ColoredGroups disregards prefixes from your permissions system, it allows you to easily set chat colors in the ColoredGroups config.yml rather than with your permissions system.
- /cg help - Lists all available commands
- /cg reload config - Reloads variables from config
- /cg reload tags - Reloads tags if they are enabled
- /cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat
- /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
- /cg import - Imports chat profiles using vault from your previous chat provider
- Drag and drop the .jar into the plugins directory and restart the server.
How to set groups
- ColoredGroups works by "hooking" into your permissions plugin to see how to format chat messages.
- You need to properly configure ColoredGroups in order to work, however it is very simple.
Easy method
- If you have vault installed, simply run /cg import
- Vault will scan what permissions system you use, and then fill our config nicely :)
More involved method
- Once you map all your ranks over to ColoredGroups, you can now configure the colors how you please.
- Visit my website for more information.
@imilkywayz Wonderful Plugin, The only thing is,I want my chat format to be.....
ADMIN player message
No brackets or parentheses or anything just spaces in between them with separate colors for each.
When I tried this it shows up like this, %g player message, but the colors work fine. Is there a way to do this. Thanks for the plugin if I didn't find this my chat would look terrible! Thanks
The colored nametag feature is implemented, it is not bundled with it's dependency. Bundling it with it's dependency would not improve performance, you'd just have a single larger plugin compared to two plugins.
I see where you're coming from though.
To achieve maximum performance and organization, you're likely going to have to develop it yourself or contract a third party dev. It is not usual that public plugins try to do it all, and do it all right, since it's very difficult to make it simple but applicable to any server via configuration.
Ah.. Well, i currently use another plugin that does it all, so its not 'that' crucial for me.
But it would still be nice if you could implement the overhead thing in your plugin as i'm trying to keep the plugin count as low as possible :-)
It can if you have TagAPI installed, make sure it's enabled in config and you should be able to set the color of player name tags.
Does this plugin also color the overhead player names?
Strange log :
How do u make it so that players who joined will be assigned automatically to a color group?
Read the documentation:
/cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
Follow the format in the default generated config to format chat how you described.
You dont set a default rank with this plugin, that is set with a permissions plugin.
Read the documentation:
/cg test all - Sends you an example message of what all groups looks like in chat /cg test <group> - Sends you an example of what that groups chat would look like
Follow the format in the default generated config to format chat how you described.
You dont set a default rank with this plugin, that is set with a permissions plugin.
I need some help with the plug-in. I created the groups and when I type in /cg test all they pop up. But how do I make it so when I type in the chat it will say [Owner]brenzi [Message]. Also, how you set a default rank?
The v1.6.2 file is just the version number for the file itself, not what bukkit version it's for.
With that being said, yes you can use v1.6.2 on the bukkit 1.7.2.
The v1.6.2 file is just the version number for the file itself, not what bukkit version it's for.
With that being said, yes you can use v1.6.2 on the bukkit 1.7.2.
Can I use the 1.6.2 version also for 1.7? Sorry, didn't look far enough :s
Apologies, was an issue with a hidden tab character in the plugin yaml.
Uploaded a fix.
1st off, Thanks for the response.
Here are the steps I took. stopped server. download your jar, put it in my plugins folder started server. got the errors you posted. At the end, no config folder or plugin.yml is created.
2nd, that is helpful info! Since many of the problems listed below from others are probably the same problem I'm having, you might want to update your description that spigot is not supported. This is the first plugin I've downloaded from this website that did not work on spigot.
That error is on a new install of the plugin...
no existing .yml
Any error messages?
You messed up the YAML, verify your YAML with a parser
I placed it into my plugins folder, however It doesn't seem to create a configuration file.
I get this error when trying to install 1.6.2 :
I've been using this same plugin to format the chat on my server for over a year now and there has not been any errors in the entire time it's been running. If you could give me more details I could better help you, but I'm confident the plugin is stable.