bPermissions command list
These are the default commands in bPermissions
• "/permissions save" Use save after changing permissions with commands, otherwise they'll be overwritten when you reload permissions
• "/permissions reload" Do this for your permission edits to take effect
• "/permissions cleanup" This cleans out all empty users groups from your files. Any user with no permissions and simply in the default group
• "/permissions backup" This backs up all of your permission files!
To do any of these commands, you need the bPermissions.admin permission node.
You can shorten the "permissions" in these commands to "p", "bp", or "perm" .
There are two stages to the command structure for changing group/user meta data/permissions in bPermissions.
Stage 1: Select which object you would like to edit.
example: /world World_Awesome
example: /group Admin - this will create a group if it does not exist, or select an existing group with that name!
example: /user HerpDerp
You can also use /w, /g, /u as a replacement for /world, /group, /user
Stage 2: Change object as you wish, using this structure:
User's available actions: addgroup, rmgroup, setgroup, addperm, rmperm, meta, cmeta
Group's available actions: addgroup, rmgroup, addperm, rmperm, meta, cmeta
World's available actions: mirror (mirrorto) (mirrorfrom)
*note: Meta data's VALUE has two arguements, KEY and VALUE. See examples below.
User examples:
example: /user rmgroup Admin This removes group "Admin" from the user selected previously.
example: /user setgroup Noob This sets the user selected to group "Noob"
example: /user rmperm some.node This removes node "some.node" from selected player
example: /user meta prefix Herp This sets meta data "prefix" to "Herp" on selected player
example: /user cmeta prefix This removes the selected player's prefix
Group examples:
example: /group addgroup Member This makes the selected group inherit group "Member"
example: /group addperm a.node This adds permission node "a.node" to the selected group.
example: /group meta suffix Derp This adds suffix "Derp" to selected group.
example: /group cmeta suffix This removes the selected group's prefix
If you use an object in a command, such as /world, /user, or /group, It will give you the currently selected object,
/world, would give the output of, "Currently selected world: yourworldnamehere"
Other commands
There are are also ways of checking the prefix / suffix of a user or a group.
example: /group meta prefix displays a groups prefix
example: /user has permissions.node checks whether a user has a specified permission
example: /user list groups will list all the groups a player is in
Shorthand commands! Great for scripts!
Ever wished you could set a group globally for a player in one line? Now you can! And you don't have to worry about the order of things either ;)
To set codename_B to admin in all worlds
/exec u:codename_B a:setgroup v:admin
To add the permission "bPermissions.admin" to the admin group in world "world"
/exec g:admin a:addperm v:bPermissions.admin w:world
- u/g: selects the user/group and provides the name
- a: provides the action (addgroup/rmgroup/setgroup/addperm/rmperm/setprefix/setsuffix/setpriority)
- v: provides the value (ie. WHAT you are adding/removing/setting)
- w: provides the world (optional, leave blank to apply to all worlds)
Quick Group Setting
To set codename_B to admin in all worlds
/setgroup codename_B admin
Ok, heres what i dont get.... you give us /permissions reload, But were not suposed to use it cause it dosnt work? WHY!?
I edit my .yml files on an hourly basis and use /perm reload and have never had a problem with them not saving, I frequently change permissions from in-game too. Ya'll are just weird.
As long as you had saved the config (assuming your editing directly from the files) after you've changed things and then reload in-game or from a console/control panel, you should receive the desired results.
i have 2 questions
i do
/world world
/user %p
/addperm blah.blah
do i have to have a group?
and does %p work for the player who is typing it in?
ok so I am having a problem selecting my world. The name of the world is "World One" minus the quotes. Everytime i try to select that world it says Too many arguments. I can not think of another way to select that world. Anyone help?
If you have problems adding a global group to a user, try the /exec command without the w: argument.
can you reload custom nodes in game? it does not seem to work for me...
I have updated my server to 1.5 and I am using the newest 1.4.7 version of bPermissions. It seems to be putting the prefix twice and it outs the tag name in it. I have a screen shot of this and I have my config file of my main world.
Picture: http://i.imgur.com/ukJQYyW.jpg
Config: http://pastebin.com/Lt0XPeA4
Please help! Thanks, Cam
how do i set a user that has capitals in their name?!?!?!? please help me!!!!!!!!!!!
does Bpermissions stand for Bannana Permissions
it would be useful if the usage for these commands were available in-game
First: Agreed with MinecraftMan872. Pex has that.
But what I really wanted to post: Is there a permission that allows certain groups in a track to promote/demote only in that track, and only for ranks below them? (I feel like this is there somewhere, and I'm just being stupid...)
What MrMe1003 wrote ;)
Also: Is there a command for listing a users groups?
I already have the permissions setup from my previous PEX. And I tried to use it on bPermissions it seem's like it didn't work
I'm having an issue where I can't remove any negative nodes /exec g:default a:rmperm v:^mobarena.use.join
ok, how do i change the global file from the game?
@sharqman: to remove negative perms, remove them without '^', so, /exec g:default a:rmperm v:mobarena.use.join.
I need universal permissions (for all worlds) so can I use a wildcard for the world selection.
If that won't work can somebody point me into the right direction
Once you back up your permissions, where does the backup go?
Look at the shorthand commands.