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Why bPermissions?
Why bPermissions? Why shouldn't I just use PEX?
bPermissions is unique and specially designed to be the easiest Permissions Manager out there. After you start using it you won't understand what's easier - using bPermissions or peeling a banana skin!
Some reasons why bPermissions is a suitable plugin for you.
- bPermissions has the most simple commands which you never forget. They are so short you have more time playing minecraft that making ranks all the time.
- bPermissions has a specially designed chat manager plugin for it. It is easy to use. Just drag and drop the file into your /plugins directory. Get it here: dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bchatmanager
- Don't like using commands? Minecraft down and you desperately need the ranks done but don't know how YAML? Don't worry. The specially designed bPermissionsGUI makes it so all you have to do is open a program and you can manage your ranks with just a click. Get it here: dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissionsgui
- bPermissions has multi-server support. Are you tired of copying and pasting your configuration files to all of your servers? Well with bPermissions you can just get bPermissionsNano and it transfers and syncs the files between the servers you want.
- bPermissions has a fast as lightning support team! An outstanding team of staff all for you. If you run into any problems you want to rely on a quick paced team to assist you.
How to use
(i'ma use the part i written up on my new thing. It's nothing like the old one so :) )
Support & Questions
If you have a question or require our support team. There are many ways to contact us, before you open a ticket it is recommended you read the FAQ, usually your answer is there.
First of all, as we said, visit our FAQ
You can also contact us on our, IRC Channel
You may make a forum post or open a ticket.
Sadly we do not respond to posts on our thread on the bukkit forums.
I'm still confused
If your up to here, your either confused, want to know more or are here for the smack, well there are ways to learn more.
The first way is read the N00B Level 900,
We even have a option for being tought verbally. Here are some detailed tutorials by the BukkitTeacher.
Thanks for choosing bPermissions
It's that easy!