Tired of entering tedious and repetitive commands? Wish you could group commands into one short and easy to use command?
With BetterAlias you can specify any number of aliases for your commands!
- Create aliases for long repetitive commands:
becomes/permissions player setgroup <playerName> VIP
/vip <playerName>
- Combine multiple commands into one simple command
- Compatible with your existing permissions/plugin commands!
- Supports partial player name lookups (ie "e0n" to find "Ne0nx3r0")
- Add BetterAlias.jar to your plugins directory
- Once loaded an aliases.yml file will be created
- Customize the file and use /bareload to enable the changes.
- Use the examples inside aliases.yml to setup aliases for everyone to use! (or add a custom permission node for the command)
See the examples page.
Multiple Commands
Separate multiple commands with dashes (-):
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
The examples file that comes with the plugin includes examples of every type
Looking forward to the update! :)
Made a donation, I know it's not much and this is the first ever plugin (and possibly last) that I have donated to. I really am grateful for you efforts to better this already amazing plugin. I wish you the best!
I need to brush up on my Bukkit API knowledge :p
-snip- Moved to Tickets
The !oppositeGameMode flag should still work (it was removed and readded recently), although notably it wont work from the console.
I'll see what I can do in the next update. It might be something like allowing spaces in aliases ("rank add", "rank del", etc.) This way it wont mess up the config files people have already.
The PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent disagrees with you.
Bukkit does not support what you are trying to do, due to the face that you are trying to make a sub command from a main command. (super command)
Super commands can only be registered if hardcoded into the plugin.
Sorry to bother you, but could you add support for spaces in aliases, so that I could do something like this:
At the moment I'm using aliases such as /addmember /removemember etc, but it would save a lot of space in the help files, if I could use spaces. space-saving helpfile:
If you would consider adding this feature, it would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I was previously using version 05 and have updated to 1.2 (yesterday). Since updating the alias "gm" does not work now. playing around with to see what the issue is but can you please post a page for all the variables you use in your plugin rather than have to sift through the config in examples.
found the issue. In earlier and current version you had a predefined alias of
U actually have to make it like this to work:
I've been using this plugin for a while, brilliant plugin by the way! I was just wondering whether it has support for specific arguments. Let me give you an example:
"vip": /pex user !name group set vip
"admin": /pex user !name group set admin
Else: reply You must enter a valid rank.
So if the user types the specific parameters in he will run the command successfully, but if anything else is typed then he would get an error response.
Sure, I'll see about getting this in the next update.
Please add a IgnoreCanceld to the Command EventHandler.
Just use multiple replies; even if I added a new line character internally the plugin would have to break it into separate lines. Minecraft doesn't do new line characters.
Absolutly fantastic plugin, but does the "reply" function also allow line-breaks? It would be great, if it did, then I could get rid of some plugins that currently take up server resources, because betteralias would do the job itself.
I could of course just do: 0: - "reply text text" - "reply text text"
But since they are separate commands basically, would it strain the server more? Because that's the opposite I wish to do, due to major lag problems.
Now i found out it is just items with meta data that aren´t getable by the give command. Does your plugin support meta data? (373:8270 <- Invisibility Potion 8:00 Min)
Not allowed to discuss here, but I PMed you some info.
The next version (v1.2) will allow wait times. See the examples page for more info.
want to ask if there is a github link to add features by myself like the wait command?
I can only say that it's likely the command you are using; you can run the command from the console and see what the output is though.
You'll have to add a version that doesn't use !name though to do it from the console.
I am including the spaces as it gives the message "Item 373:8270 does not extist" when i do not set them.
Are you including the spaces with the colon? There shouldn't be any spaces.
Hi i have problems getting your plugin work with potions. I am using:
- /give !name 373 : 8270
to give the player an invisibility potion but it does not do anything. Using the /give command ingame like mthat works fine. Could you fix that or help me if i did sth wrong?