Tired of entering tedious and repetitive commands? Wish you could group commands into one short and easy to use command?
With BetterAlias you can specify any number of aliases for your commands!
- Create aliases for long repetitive commands:
becomes/permissions player setgroup <playerName> VIP
/vip <playerName>
- Combine multiple commands into one simple command
- Compatible with your existing permissions/plugin commands!
- Supports partial player name lookups (ie "e0n" to find "Ne0nx3r0")
- Add BetterAlias.jar to your plugins directory
- Once loaded an aliases.yml file will be created
- Customize the file and use /bareload to enable the changes.
- Use the examples inside aliases.yml to setup aliases for everyone to use! (or add a custom permission node for the command)
See the examples page.
Multiple Commands
Separate multiple commands with dashes (-):
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
The examples file that comes with the plugin includes examples of every type
Once I rewrite a few things in the next release hopefully that will be cleared up.
Thanks! Well, they were online. For example, sometimes typing the first half of their name wouldn't work but typing less of it would, or typing the second half of it would work. It seemed a bit confusing anyway. Sometimes it sounded like other people were typing the same thing and it would just not work sometimes but would others. I know sometimes even when typing the full name exactly it would say it wasn't found.
If two people have a similar name and you put something in that could reference either one, it might reference the wrong one. I'd like to add an error that shows all the matching names instead of running the command in the next update.
Additionally, the !xp placeholders only check for online players. If the person isn't on (or perhaps has a nickname assigned to them) it might have an issue. I'll look into this.
When I try to use a !1p for a player name it doesn't seem to detect it properly all the time and I can't figure out why. I am using the latest CB RB that just came out and the latest version of this. It seems almost random to me.
Hey, this is a really, really awesome plugin! Thanks!
It just took me a bit to catch on to the fact that the numbers at the start of the lines meant the number of arguments but once I figured it all out this is a mighty fine piece of work you have here.
Lmao ok I posted a ticket with the file cause that was the cleanest most official aka(non-filehosting) way I knew to do it, whats really funny about this is I just realized your the author of Quantum Connectors and those are the commands I'm trying to shorten :)
BTW You've done a brilliant job with QC. It's become my favorite plugin in only two days and I'm just getting started with it. I plan to make some videos for my site later of some of the creations and, if you'd like, I could send them your way as well.
Can you share the yml you've setup?
Is there a way to account for a command that has optional parameters ? I have quite a few commands I'd like to shorten that have parameters that are only needed on occasion. I've followed the examples and when i use the command and neglect to use the !1 parameter (the optional parameter) it throws an error in the console. Error
You should be able to do it just as you have. There's an example in the default aliases.yml (tpthenkick)
Help, is possible i set to one command execute others in sequence? like:
Those aren't bad ideas; what commands do you use that would use those?
Works like a charm. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the built in bukkit alias, but this is so much nicer. If your open to suggestions I have a couple.