Tired of entering tedious and repetitive commands? Wish you could group commands into one short and easy to use command?
With BetterAlias you can specify any number of aliases for your commands!
- Create aliases for long repetitive commands:
becomes/permissions player setgroup <playerName> VIP
/vip <playerName>
- Combine multiple commands into one simple command
- Compatible with your existing permissions/plugin commands!
- Supports partial player name lookups (ie "e0n" to find "Ne0nx3r0")
- Add BetterAlias.jar to your plugins directory
- Once loaded an aliases.yml file will be created
- Customize the file and use /bareload to enable the changes.
- Use the examples inside aliases.yml to setup aliases for everyone to use! (or add a custom permission node for the command)
See the examples page.
Multiple Commands
Separate multiple commands with dashes (-):
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
The examples file that comes with the plugin includes examples of every type
In my aliases.yml I have this defined:
0: reply &cERROR&r - You must specify the shop ID! Use &6/shopclaim <ID>
When someone types "/shopclaim shop1" instead of getting a reply only to them, they say into public chat "reply ERROR - You must specify the shop ID! use /shopclaim <ID>"
The colours are working, but the "reply" function doesn't seem to work at all, it just says whatever it's supposed to reply into public chat, as the person it's supposed to be replying privately to.
EDIT: Scratch that, thought I had the most recent version but in fact I did not. Updated, and now the reply function is working properly. However, there's still a bug to report. That same command now results in the user getting this error:
&cERROR&r - You must specify the shop ID! Use &6/shopclaim <ID>
ie, the colour formatting codes are not being interpreted, they're just being sent as plaintext.
Yes they do.
The commands don't work in the console.
Cooldown? I'm guessing you mean a delay between executed commands? You can use "wait" function for that, refer to the page of examples.
Can you add a cooldown please?! Because this doesn´t go with boosColdowns ;(
The node is betteralias.make.mod
This is to protect server admins from accidentally specifying a permission node they didn't mean to, they have to explicitly say this is a betteralias permission.
I seem to be having problems with the 'permission:' line, unless a person is OP, they don't have permission to use the alias. I didn't notice until I tried using aliases to set ranks given they have the permission. For example, my mod with the permissions 'make.mod' does not have permission to use the alias. An opped player without 'make.mod' has permission. I use PEX. I threw this in a YAML code section because it wouldn't keep the formatting.
On a side note, I haven't used anything but aliases made with BetterAlias. '/f power' is '/power', '/warp shop' is '/shop', etc. Most useful plugin I've ever used, I wish I had money to donate.
Ok, so I currently use a script to run this, but I thought it would be cool to allow all our admins to use it with a in game command. It currently does this when run in game,
I assume it's trying to use some of the symbols instead of send them?
EDIT: I see the derps I made in forgetting the double-slash on those two outsets, but that is not causing the other problems.
The wait time is measured in ticks: 20 ticks = 1 second, so 100 ticks = 5 seconds
Have you got the most recent release of the plugin?
Can't use the wait alias. Just says the commands in chat. Example:
wait: permission: your.node 0: - wait 100 console /me thinks this message will come last!
This doesn't wait 100 seconds, it makes the user say "wait 100 console /me thinks this message will come last!"
One of the most useful plugins I have. However, I did have some troubles setting up bigger commands. Making a command for something like /manuadd [name] [group] [world] six times (one for each world) took me a couple hours to figure out. I'd suggest making the examples a little more clear in the next update. Expect a donation from me. :P
I'll see what I can do with the next release
For things like this: /getdiamond
getdiamond: cost: 100 0: console /give !name diamond 1
Can you add Economy Support?
There were some spacing issues, also you forgot to put "reply" before a reply type. If you check your event log it should tell you when you do /bareload what the issues are, but I've created a fixed version of your aliases file:
Hey! I've been using BetterAlias successfully for a while now, but just now I added two new entries and it has stopped working. Can you identify the errors and/or correct them for me?
Is it possible to have several files to keep a bunch of aliases organized? Like for example CSS allows the @import function to add another in it by linking only one into the html header.
It would come in handy for those who have a lot of aliases, I myself use this plugin mostly to translate commands into my native language, so there is quite a bit of scrolling. This isn't essential of course, but if it's not too difficult to implement, then - in my situation - it would prove to be very useful.
Epic :DDD
Thank you, I appreciate it!
I'll let you know when I sort out how to best implement sub-commands.