Tired of entering tedious and repetitive commands? Wish you could group commands into one short and easy to use command?
With BetterAlias you can specify any number of aliases for your commands!
- Create aliases for long repetitive commands:
becomes/permissions player setgroup <playerName> VIP
/vip <playerName>
- Combine multiple commands into one simple command
- Compatible with your existing permissions/plugin commands!
- Supports partial player name lookups (ie "e0n" to find "Ne0nx3r0")
- Add BetterAlias.jar to your plugins directory
- Once loaded an aliases.yml file will be created
- Customize the file and use /bareload to enable the changes.
- Use the examples inside aliases.yml to setup aliases for everyone to use! (or add a custom permission node for the command)
See the examples page.
Multiple Commands
Separate multiple commands with dashes (-):
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
The examples file that comes with the plugin includes examples of every type
and what permission should i put so they can use the command
is it possible if i change the command?
Amazing plugin! Works on 1.10! Thanks a ton! Finally a working Alias plugin that supports spaces in commands!!!!
Since this haven't been updated since 1.8.1 (but still works thought) I found this one:
It says: "Delayed commands with custom pause, warmups and cooldowns" so perhaps that would work better?
Haven't tried it on 1.11 yet so don't know how well it works. But just a tip. Going to try it out, if it doesn't work well I'll continue using BetterAlias instead but othervise I'll prob switch since it seem to be more updated.
Helllo There So I been using BetterAlias for some time but i can't seem to find away to make it so when people do /pvp they have to wait like 10s be for it will tele them pvp: 0: player_as_op /warp pvp they can just do /spawn to tele out fast i wanted to make it so they have to wait like 10s be for leaving the place is there away to do that? my server is 1.8.9
Hello. I used this plugin for my server and I like it a lot. I start saying that I use this in a spigot 1.10.2 server and It's pretty clear except for an issue that doesn't allow to use a plugin's alias with something as a powertool or commanditem. I understood that it was not so until a certain version, I hope so that you'll fix this. Now I've 2 notices that are pretty interesting: 1) What about adding aliases to our alias? This is to avoid to create a new one every time that someone would like to add multiple commands to execute a certain action. 2) I suggest to add an optional setting to tab-complete the commands and same for !np and !n (n=number) it should be really interesting to tab-complete commands. For player argument that's easy but I know that for generic target it is impossible to provide an user intention; it's for this that a hooked suggestion is to add a better argument specifier instead of creating commands with multiple words inside quotes. Edit: Other glitches: caseSensitive no longer working: when it's activated the command does not work at all (I didn't wrong configuring my own case sensitive command: it does not work for /makeOp). I'm really sorry if my english is bad but I hope you understood. Thanks!
These aliases worked up until 1.9. Now seem to be breaking I dont believe this is being further updated but would love to know. Meanwhile I think I need to move everything to commandhelper which i knew would happen eventually.
Does this have rcon support?
Also this is not compatible with ItemCommand or Essentials "Sudo". I don't know who is to blame for this but if you're able to make it work with those plugins I will love you forever (already do, a bit!)
The issue is that it only says "Unkown command" If I try to run a betteralias command through those plugins!
I think it's like that with most plugins that run commands.
In reply to bingoberraz:
# Required permission will be betteralias.cmdblocks
# permission: cmdblocks
- console /say §e!name has been born an §lAmazon!
- console /manuadd !name Amazon
- console /rpgitem amazon give !name
- console /questadmin give !name Bronze
- console /msg !name Be sure to ask for a realistic first *and* last name, but NO mythological/story characters!
- console /rpgitem jutunic give !name
- wait 10 console /spawn !name
- wait 14 console /spawn !name[/code]
I want to point out the command DOES use two slashes, I did that as a precaution since originally it used permissions to run the Alias, but I ran into trouble and this was just a quick work-around to prevent people from accidentally stumbling across the command. What this means is to run the command you have to use THREE /// or it won't be recognized.
/sudo <username|@p|@a|etc> c:///amazon
Is it possible to have short command like : "/helpop <text>" becomes "/hp <text>" ?
In reply to y40:
"*": /helpop !*
Very good plugin. Abut can you add custom messages ?( for no permission BetterAlias. ..)
WOW! What an amazing plugin. It does EXACLY what it says, its fast, and easy to use. Combine it with some tellraw commands, and its perfect. I am using it as a global helpop system, custom punishment system, and am using it to block my plugins. I have made over 300 aliases that help me run my server with ease!
Feature Request: Could you make it support numbers like 1-4 or 2- e.g. when creating a custom ban command (ban player reason), you have to create a new variable for every word.
Hello! I absolutely love this plugin, its one of my most favourite plugins I keep on my server. I've been a long time user of this plugin and made a ton of random minigames and all kinds of fancy stuff with just this plugin's config, along with command blocks and other stuff. Can I make a request for a feature for this plugin? I think it would be great if you setup a setting in the config, or maybe a command to cancel aliases which have wait times, for example: Let's say I have an alias to reboot my server:
Can you create a way to interrupt these waits, so that the commands are immediately executed(as in sped up), or simply cancel them entirely? It would be really helpful with such a feature in this plugin. Thanks!
Hey, just wanted to say this is a great plugin and you should really consider releasing it on Spigot.
Best of luck
@bingoberraz If you use the plugin "Console Name" and have it configured to however I do (which may just be default lol) then it'll "break" the [SERVER] prefix of /say.
So, for example, when I do /say This is only a test. it comes out as:
[@] This is only a test.
(It is also in all white BTW)
Alternatively, if I do /say &1This is also a test, it comes out as:
[@] This is also a test.
Thus allowing you to customize it however you want :)
As for removal of money, you would set it up as a multiple command alias. I'd have to do tests so I doubt this is correct, but will give you an idea...
Hope that helps.
like that you're trying to help me but. I know about the !1p and also I know I can use /broadcast but it has an ugly prefix and color imo. Ty anyway
Is it possible to add a cost for a command? This would be a really nice feature.
I agree, autocomplete would be quite helpful heh However, there is the !1p that you can use, which will sorta-autocomplete the closest match to what you enter. For instance... I have one that will force a player to run the Rules command and the page specified by you, which we use in an instance a player happens to be not following one of them. The Alias I set is /forcerules and then the config is as such:
So if you were to type /forcerules bingo 2 it would make me run (as if I were an Op) the command: /sudo bingoberraz rules 2, causing you to do /rules 2 and view Page 2 of the Rules :P
Do you have an example of how you want broadcast to work?
I don't know how your server is configured (or what plugins you use) but on mine, with Essentials and a single chat (no channels, per-world, or local), doing /broadcast does display it on everyone's screen.
EDIT: BTW Neon, I updated my ticket, via a comment at least.
I love this plugin. It's very useful! :)
Is there anyway to add autocomplete feature to autocomplete online players? Or is this already implemented?
edit: BROADCAST. Please! :D
Exactly like Reply but to everyone <3
Thanks for the quick reply, how have I gone my whole life without knowing about this command?? Loving the plugin by the way. It will definitely be a necessity from here on out. Thank you so much!