Tired of entering tedious and repetitive commands? Wish you could group commands into one short and easy to use command?
With BetterAlias you can specify any number of aliases for your commands!
- Create aliases for long repetitive commands:
becomes/permissions player setgroup <playerName> VIP
/vip <playerName>
- Combine multiple commands into one simple command
- Compatible with your existing permissions/plugin commands!
- Supports partial player name lookups (ie "e0n" to find "Ne0nx3r0")
- Add BetterAlias.jar to your plugins directory
- Once loaded an aliases.yml file will be created
- Customize the file and use /bareload to enable the changes.
- Use the examples inside aliases.yml to setup aliases for everyone to use! (or add a custom permission node for the command)
See the examples page.
Multiple Commands
Separate multiple commands with dashes (-):
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
The examples file that comes with the plugin includes examples of every type
You're completely doing something WRONG.
Just for you I downloaded v1.1.0 from here and tested it this morning on the latest dev build (2646) with no issues.
Try (from the console) pl to make sure the plugin is loaded, and then bareload to see if it's responding. If both those work and you have no errors, perhaps your aliases.yml is empty.
If this does not seem to solve your issue, you can submit a ticket with your startup log and list of plugins and I'll take a look.
It is completely not WORKING.
I am on the latest Bukkit snapshot and latest BetterAlias version it the alias' arent working. Even the example alias arent working. No console error. I have tested on a plain bukkit server without anyother plugins.
Woohoo! Thank you very much =) I will give it a go.
About 4 comments below that is the answer, as I said I'm fixing support for * in the next version.
I still have no respone. I don't want to have this plugin not work and it wont even startup. The error messages from the console are about 3 comments down.
use 2: instead of 1: the number in front denotes the amount of variables
I am trying to use multiple variables but it seems to not want to pick up a second variable. Is there a way to do this.
Here is my example:
teamset: permission: staff 0: "reply Usage: /teamset <username> <teamname>" 1: - /world world - /user !1 - "/user addperm herochat.autojoin.!2"
It will workfine if i break out any of the command so its simply 1 variable after /teamset but i get no error and it compiles without error when doing a /bareload. I have tried to break it into 1: and 2: with a variable in each section but that seems to not work either. Thanks for any assistance.
I get this error on startup: 19:48:13 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BetterAlias v1.0.1 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "*" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at com.ne0nx3r0.betteralias.alias.AliasManager.loadAliases( at com.ne0nx3r0.betteralias.alias.AliasManager.<init>( at com.ne0nx3r0.betteralias.BetterAlias.onEnable( at at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.j( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.e( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.a( at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.init( at at
Craftbukkit 1.4.7R1.0 Ubuntu 12.10
Thank you so much! :D
I'll take a look at re-adding support for those parameters in the next version.
You can already specify your own permissions when you want them:
This way permissions are only required when you want them, rather than all the time.
hey how about permission node creator...
example for:
tpthenkick: 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p
permission node will be like: betteralias.command.tpthenkick aka for other commands should be betteralias.command.<command>
Some of the actual pure aliases I had with those don't work now. It gives me a java.lang.NumberFormatException on line 75 where it has the parseInt there because obviously * isn't an integer.
So how can I now use "*" and !*
It was adblock plus :(
You might try reinstalling Chrome or disabling extensions; I use Chrome primarily and I've never noticed this issue.
They probably messed up chrome :( I'll go report it, if I can figure out where
That's odd, even when I'm not logged in I see the tickets section. Might be a browser thing I suppose.
I would love to, but for some reason the links aren't at the top of the page so comments are my only option.
the gamemode switch is not working
2013-02-08 14:10:58 [INFO] diannetea issued server command: /gamemode oppositeGameMode diannetea
my chat says
Change player gamemode. /gamemode <survival|creative|adventure> [player]
Next time I'd prefer if you submit a ticket rather than a gigantic comment and include your aliases.yml.
v1.0.1 should fix this.