
// Original en_us language file AmkMcAuth version 1.4.2 by AmkSoft
// 26-03-2021 Updated for usage in  AmkMcAuth version 1.5.2 by AmkSoft

COMMAND_NO_CONSOLE: This command is only available to players!
DISALLOWED_PASSWORD: That password is disallowed! Use a different one.
DISALLOWED_EMLADDRESS: That email address is disallowed! Use a different one.
YOU_MUST_LOGIN: You must log in to use that command.
ADMIN_SET_UP_INCORRECTLY: The server admin has set this plugin up incorrectly.
CONTACT_ADMIN: Please contact him/her to resolve this issue.
YOUR_PASSWORD_COULD_NOT_BE_CHANGED: Your password could not be changed.
OLD_PASSWORD_INCORRECT: Your old password was incorrect.
YOUR_PASSWORD_CHANGED: Your password has been changed.
ALREADY_LOGGED_IN: You are already logged in!
COULD_NOT_LOG_IN: You could not be logged in.
HAS_LOGGED_IN: has logged in.
HAS_REGISTERED: has registered.
LOGGED_IN_SUCCESSFULLY: You have been logged in successfully.
USED_INCORRECT_PASSWORD: tried to log in with an incorrect password!
INCORRECT_PASSWORD: That password was incorrect. Please try again.
NOT_LOGGED_IN: You are not logged in!
LOGGED_OUT: You have been logged out.
ALREADY_REGISTERED: You are already registered!
PASSWORD_SET_AND_REGISTERED: Your password has been set, and you have been registered.
PASSWORD_COULD_NOT_BE_SET: Your password could not be set!
EMAIL_SET_AND_REGISTERED: Your email address has been set and login password is send.\nCheck your mail.
EMAIL_SET_AND_CONFIRMSEND: Your email address has been set and confirmation-email\n is send. If no email received do the setemail again.
PASSWORD_RECOVER_MAIL: Recover login, new password send to your email address.
ERROR_OCCURRED: An error occurred. Please try again.
NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS: Not enough arguments.
TRY: Try
PASSWORD_CHANGED: Password changed.
PASSWORD_COULD_NOT_BE_CHANGED: Password could not be changed.
ADMIN_HELP: AmksoftMcAuth Administrative Help
HELP_CHANGEPASSWORD: Changes any player's password.
HELP_LOGIN: Logs a player in.
HELP_LOGOUT: Logs a player out.
HELP_REGISTER: Registers a player.
HELP_REGEMAIL: shows/sets a players email address.
HELP_UNREGISTER: UnRegisters (remove) a player.
HELP_GETUUID: Shows the UUID of a player.
HELP_NLPLIST: Shows NoLoginPwd (NLP) Player list (No Password on login).
HELP_NLPADD: Add Player to the NoLoginPwd (NLP) list.
HELP_NLPREM: Remove Player from NoLoginPwd (NLP) list.
HELP_RELOAD: Reloads the configuration from the disk.
HELP_HELP: Displays this help.
USAGE_LOGIN0: usage (hidden/chat) type: t\\%1$s [password]
USAGE_LOGIN1: Command Aliases: l, logon, login
USAGE_LOGIN2: usage (command) type: /%1$s [password]
USAGE_REGISTER0: usage (hidden) type: t\\%1$s [password]
USAGE_REGISTER1: Command Aliases: register
USAGE_REGISTER2: usage (command) type: /%1$s [password]
USAGE_CHANGEPAS0: usage (hidden) type: t\\%1$s [oldPassword],[newPassword]
USAGE_CHANGEPAS1: Command Aliases: cpwd, changepassword, changepass, passchange
USAGE_CHANGEPAS2: usage (command) type: /%1$s [oldPassword],[newPassword]
USAGE_PASSWORD: usage (command) type: /%1$s [oldPassword],[newPassword]
PLAYER_ALREADY_REGISTERED: That player is already registered!
PLAYER_INVALID_EMAILADDRESS: %1$s has invalid/unusable Email-Address: %2$s
PLAYER_REGISTERED_OTHERCASE: same playername is registered using different Character-Case!, registered as: %1$s
PLAYER_EXCEEDS_MAXREGS_IP: To many registrations coming from your connection!
PLAYER_EXCEEDS_MAXREGS_EM: To many registrations using your Email-Address!
PLAYER_LOGGED_IN: That player has been logged in.
PLAYER_LOGGED_OUT: Logged that player out.
PLAYER_NOT_REGISTERED: That player is not registered yet!
PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE: That player is not online!
PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED_IN: That player is not logged in!
PLAYER_REMOVED: Player information successfully removed.
REGISTERED_SUCCESSFULLY: Registered %1$s successfully.
COULD_NOT_REGISTER: Could not register %1$s.
CONFIGURATION_RELOADED: Configuration reloaded.
INVALID_SUBCOMMAND: Invalid subcommand.
LOGGED_IN_VIA_SESSION: You have been auto logged in via session.
LOGGED_IN_VIA_NLPAUTH: You have been auto logged in because you are granted.
LOGGED_IN_VIA_NLPLIST: You have been auto logged in because you are special.
WAS_LOGGED_IN_VIA_SESSION: was logged in via session.
WAS_LOGGED_IN_VIA_NLPAUTH: was logged in via NLP (NoLoginPwd-permission).
WAS_LOGGED_IN_VIA_NLPLIST: was logged in via NLP (NoLoginPwd-nlplist).
ANOTHER_PLAYER_WITH_NAME: Another player is already online with this name.
INVALID_USERNAME: Your username contains invalid characters!
TOOK_TOO_LONG_TO_LOG_IN: You took too long to login!
PLEASE_SETEMAIL_WITH: Please set email-address with
PLEASE_REGISTER_WITH0: Please register (hidden) with
PLEASE_REGISTER_WITH1: Please register (command) with
PLEASE_LOG_IN_WITH0: Please log in (hidden) with
PLEASE_LOG_IN_WITH1: Please log in (command) with
USAGE_MENUPASSWRD: type %1$s as password if you use menu/inventory-block
USAGE_AUTOPASSWRD: just type %1$s if you use menu/inventory-block as password
NO_PERMISSION: You do not have permission for that.
COULD_NOT_REGISTER_COMMAND: Could not register command "%1$s" - not registered in plugin.yml (%2$s)
ERROR: Error.
CONVERTED_USERDATA: Converted %1$s to %2$s
COULD_NOT_CONVERT_USERDATA: Could not convert %1$s into %2$s (could not rename)
METRICS_OFF: You have Metrics off! I like to keep accurate usage statistics, but okay. :(
METRICS_ENABLED: Metrics enabled. Thank you!
COULD_NOT_START_METRICS: Could not start Metrics!
ENABLED: enabled
NLP_LIST_PLAYERS: List of (via 'nlpadd') assigned NoLoginPwd Players:
NLP_LIST_PLAYERS_NONE: There are no (via 'nlpadd') NoLoginPwd Players yet.
NLP_SET_UPDATED: NoLoginPwd Status is updated successfully!
EMAIL_ADDRESS: email address
PASSWORD: password
CURRENT: Current
NOTCONFIRMD: not confirmed
CAPCHA_MESSAGE: Click %1$s Capcha.
WRONG_CAPCHA_CLICK: Failed to click Capcha? Kicked because you are not Human!
REGISTER_MESSAGE: Register using a password block.
PASSWORD_MESSAGE: Login using your password block.
OLD_PASSWORD_MSSGE: Click current password block.
NEW_PASSWORD_MSSGE: Click block to use as password.
PASSWORDS_SHOULD_EQUAL: Password-Confirmation: Passwords do not match!


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