
AmkMcAuth Version 1.5.2


  • See New functionality: Register Password is now doing "auto confirm"
    No more spaces in registerd password.

New functionality: 

  • Register Password is now doing "auto confirm".
     so, if player is using a space in the registered password treats it as the player typed it in twice as a sort of confirm option. So the registered password  containing a space should have the same first and second part.
    This also implies  that now it is impossible to register a password containing a space character.
    If there is no space then the typed password is set as the registered password.
  • Added BCRYPT as password encryption (configurable in config.yml).
    If players Registers of changes his password it will be stored using the  Encryption Method configured in the config.yml config file.
  • Added setrecover command so player can recover their forgotten password using Quesion+Answer when they have not set their email address. Password recover using email has priority over Quesion+Answer. If a player has set his email address then the player cannot set the recovery Quesion+Answer.
  • You have now full control over the command Aliases this plugin uses, just by editing the alias entries in the plugin.yml file in the jar file.
  •  GodeMode On Join if WithInSession (Grace-periode Disconnect/Connect) Enable/Disabled using config setting. This could be (mis)used as a pvp exploit (previous: disconnect+connect activated godmode)


  • This version needs some updates to the language files, add these entries:
    PASSWORDS_SHOULD_EQUAL: Password-Confirmation: Passwords do not match!
  • This version needs some updates to the config.yml file, see config.yml for information.



AmkMcAuth Version 1.5.1


  • When the player is joining your server and the server has to load chunks and you have set the Capcha On Join to use the temprary inventory so not shown always resulting a kick of the player saying "failed to klick Capcha". On Rejoin the chunks are already loaded and the Capcha is shown correctly. This version fixes this bug.

New functionality: 

  • Added the recoverpwd command so players can reset their forgotten password when they join the server. AmkMcAuth sends a temprorary new password to the players set emailaddres. If no email adress is set, recoverpwed will fail to do so (no password change set).
  • Players can not use their playername as password, has to be different
  • Added RGB color support in the language files. So you can now use RGB colors in your Language file messages.  like "%#FF0000%This Line has RED text". (Just place your RGB code between %% signs).
  • Players cannot use their playername as password, configurable (on/of) in config.yml
  • Added HideInventorywhen player is not logged in. Prevents "Inventory-peeking".


  • This version needs some updates to the language files, add these entries:
    PASSWORD_RECOVER_MAIL: Recover login, new password send to your email address.
  • This version needs some updates to the config.yml file, see config.yml for information.


  • recoverpwd when email address is not set (like using answer to a given question)

 AmkMcAuth Version 1.5.0


  • Thanks to member: "mdfm28", MySQL support is now optimized. mdfm28 rewrote the MySQL-update code as it was not optimal (and sometime AmkMcAuth did not update the Password resulting null values in the players table password column). Now every Password-Change that occurs wil instantly be written to the MySQL table. 
    Mdfm28, thank you for your support and contrubution to this project to make it better.

New functionality: 

  • Added "Capcha" on Server join, The player has to click a random block in a temporary inventory when they enter/join the server. This can be enabled (default is disabled). Is the player clicks the wrong block he will be kicked with a message saying: "Failed to click Capcha? Kicked because you are not Human!"
  • Added a replacement for Password. Players can now use a minecraft block as a password. If they use this, AmkMcAuth will display an temporary inventory containing several minecraft blocks. The player has to click the block he want two use or set as his password. A player can use this if he types in the word 'menu' in place of the normal password he uses.
    Typing in: "t\login menu"  wil display the inventory having minecraft blocks. The word 'menu' acts as a password replacement so AmkMcAuth knows the player wants to use the temporary  inventory to select his password-block.  This works for every command: register, login and changepass.
    There is a new setting: "AutoMenu" that controles this behaviour. If the setting: "AutoMenu" is set to true, the "menu: become the auto-selected option, so the player does nog have to type it in, so if the player types: "t\l", "t\Login", "t\register" (no/blank password) AmkMcAuth assumes the "menu" option by default and shows the temporary inventory when there has to be a password-block selected.


  • This version needs some updates to the language files, add these entries:
    CAPCHA_MESSAGE: Click %1$s Capcha.
    WRONG_CAPCHA_CLICK: Failed to click Capcha? Kicked because you are not Human!
    REGISTER_MESSAGE: Register using a password block.
    PASSWORD_MESSAGE: Login using your password block.
    OLD_PASSWORD_MSSGE: Click current password block.
    NEW_PASSWORD_MSSGE: Click block to use as password.
    USAGE_MENUPASSWRD: type %1$s as password if you use menu/inventory-block
    USAGE_AUTOPASSWRD: just type %1$s is you use menu/inventory-block as password
  • This version needs some updates to the config.yml file, see config.yml for information.

AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.5

Bug-Fix release Only: 

  • new players getting "same playername using different uppercase/lowercase" message.
    player caps checking fixed, so the check returns the right result.

AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.4


  • Fix on IP-Address with a length more then 20 characters crashing the plugin (seen on Paper server).
  • Fix on Updating Counter-Email and Ip-Adress, Random-File-pointer was located wrongly.

New functionality: 

  • Added OnRgstr event (Join-Event when new Player has to Register his PlayerName).
  • Added OnGrace event (Join-Event when Player was logged in before: Grace login/No password).
  • Every event console command excution can now be delayed by a number of game-ticks
    To delay a command start the command-line with the parameter: AmkWait(NumberOfTicks),
    Where NumberOfTicks is the number of game ticks to wait before running the command.
    The parameter has to be "AmkWait(..)" otherwise AmkMcAuth will run this command without waiting.
    If you wait to long the player might be logged off resulting in a message like: "No player was found".
  • Added Hidden-Login, so the login command is not showing up in the Console/Logs, hiding the password.
  • If player logs in with different UserId-case letters player will be kicked showing the players real/registered Userid.
    Server administrators have to update the languagefile entry "PLAYER_REGISTERED_OTHERCASE:" adding ", registered as: %1$s" at the end  so its something like :
    "PLAYER_REGISTERED_OTHERCASE: same playername is registered using different Character-Case!, registered as: %1$s"


  • Added better support for Single-MySQL database support in your Minecraft Server-Network
    But still not perfect (to prevent serverlag on MySQL queries), working on that.
  • You can now put color in all your language file messages, make all your messages shine like a rainbow.


  • The "clear player inventory on Join when not logged in and restore on Login and/or leave" question.
    You can do this by using an inventory plugin and then using the OnJoin, OnGrace, OnLogin and OnLeave AmkMcAuth events give the commands to manage the inventory at. There are no plans to implement this directly in AmkMcAuth because therre are plugins doing a much better job on that. The AmkMcAuth events can be used to do the same thing whitout adding extra code to the AmkMcAutg plugin.

AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.3


  • Updating strange (to long) IP-Addresses (longer then 20 characters?) in StartUp will fail,
    causing the server to disable the plugin AmkMcAuth, Added check to prevent this failing Update
  • Removed Debug-Code to find a way to disable open player inventory (cannot be done)
  • Updated config file management, AmkMcAuth updates the config.yml on missing entries.
  • Version-checker no longer crashes on AmkMcAuth BETA versions.

New functionality: 

  • added select Special Spawn world when option "teleport_to_spawn: true" is used.
  • added select special Spawn point when option "teleport_to_spawn: true" is used.

Ongoing changes: 


AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.2 


  • Bug was found by: hipstersavage:
    When a server uses the multiverse plugin and a world is removed,  has "teleport to spawn" on  and a player playing on that removed world joins the server AmkMcAuth gives crashes while it tries to teleport the player to spawn becaus that spoinpoint is no langer there (no world). Now AmkMcAuth does nothing and let Spigot handle this situation.

New functionality: 

  • (requested by  hipstersavage) Players in process of loggin (not logged in yet) can now be set invisible for other player.
  • (requested by  hipstersavage) AmkMcAuth can now execute console command when players:
    OnJoin, If as player connects to the server (Join Event)
    OnLogin, If as player loggs in using "/login" command
    OnLogof, If as player loggs off using "/logoff" command
    OnExit, If as player disconnects from the server (Leave Event)
  • Added setemail command so players can set their email address. Also the option to force players set email address using reminder is added.

Ongoing changes: 

  • moving more hardcoded messages to the language files
  • optimizing code.
  • hiding players inventory contents.

AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.1


  • Bug was found by my Beta tester: resoluciones67564:
    When Player for the first time joins a server his joincoorinates are a little "off". This coordinates mismatch has the effect that the player is "jumping" to an other location after registration. This version fixes this behaviour.

AmkMcAuth Version 1.4.0 

New functionality: 

  • Added MySQL support, playerdata is stored in a MySQL table. It is also possible to use MySQL and use the old player-data files as backup.
  • Added Email registration, Players can register their account using their email address. AmkMcAuth creates a random Password for the player and sends it to the player so they can login.
  • Added Setting so a player can move for a few seconds on join / login. This is probably a fix for the AntiCheat plugin as this plugin is kicking the player for illegal moving/flying while logging in. 
  • Version checking on server startup. There is also a manualy command: /amka chkdevmsg
  • In-game Memory Player-Profile data is cleared/removed if a player has not joined for a configurable number of days (default 10 days).
  • Added Maximum players count allowed from same IP-Address.
  • Added Maximum players count allowed from same Email-Address.
  • Kick on password fail/wrong password
  • disallowed Email address list (no fake/disposable email addresses) 


  • Bug was found by my Beta tester: GramerForever69:
    Minecraft UserIds are NOT case sensitive. AmkMcAuth was using case sensitive UserIds. Player trollbot and TROLLBOT are different users according to AmkMcAuth (Different UUID's), but Minecraft sees them as the same Player. This causes Security Issues.
    This is fixed now, while joining the server AmkMcAuth Checks the lowercase PlayerName against a list with all the registered lowercase playernames and kicks the player if the playername is found. 
  • Login/ChangePassword using Hidden Chat not working, Hidden Chat Option now disabled. 
  • Logout causes players on login to teleport to the prvious Join Location (should not happen). 
  • Config reload was not working, now it loads the configuration from config.yml 

Previous AmkMcAuth Versions:

  • Command to get UUID from offline player-name,
  • Login option using "hidden" chat commands. Hidden Chat is not showing up in the logs.
  • "NoLoginPwd" system: if players are loggind in (using correct userid-password combination) and disconnect, they do not have to type the password again if they connect from the same ip-address using the same user-name (until they logout or server reboot eg.).
  • Commands to manage the "NoLoginPwd" list. 
  • Same, but this time it is granted using a permission node (like permission group).