Setup MySQL connection:

To setup the MySQL database login using your MySQL adminitrator UserId/Password and issue these commands to create the Database (schema) used by the AmkMcAuth plugin (defaults to AmkMcData) and the AmkMcUser + password of your choice (use different UserId and/or Password and remember them), something like this:

create database AmkMcData;
grant all privileges on AmkMcData.* to 'AmkMcUser' identified by 'password';
flush privileges;

and put this Database-name + UserId/Password in the  Plugin config.yml file.

Caution: I have seen many system forceing you to enter your MySQL administrator UserId/Password in the application/plugin config file so the application/plugin can create the database by it self. Never do this!!, this way you allow the application/plugin to be administrator on your MySQL server, you do NOT want that, it's a security risc!
What you do is: you create the database by hand and setup a UserId+password that has all the rights in the created database used by the application/plugin and put this UserId+Pasword in the application/plugin configuration files.

The application/plugin code can than create the tables etc. needed by the application/plugin using his own priveliged UserId/Password.