Secrets of Telekinetic Reality (Spoilers) - Oculus

Oculus is the specialization path related to light, disorder and perception. Planned features include invisibility, moving light sources and AoE blindness/night vision. Oculus is composed of the following nodes:

Node used to toggle a mode that allows for the use of certain Oculus nodes and boosts the effects of others. When activated the user will receive a night vision potion effect. Leveling up this node decreases the time it takes to activate and increases the maximum duration of activation.
Skill tree appearance: Material.EYE_OF_ENDER
In-game description: Transition the aura into an appearance that meets your demands. Ability to active the Oculus aura.
In-game controls description: Hold shift and move mouse to activate. Hold shift and keep mouse still to deactivate.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Oculus[1].

Used to implant torches into walls from a distance. Range is directly equal to the node's level. Does not require "Hallucination" node to be active, however range is doubled if it is. Torches can replace dirt, grass, sand, stone, gravel and cobblestone. Between each use there is a cool down period equal to 6.25 seconds minus 0.2 seconds for each level.
Skill tree appearance: Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST
In-game description: "It matters not how fast light may travel, darkness shall always be there awaiting its arrival." Implant a torch into a basic material from a distance.
In-game controls description: Press Q while holding a torch and looking at a basic material.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Hallucination[5].

Reticence will break any light source within a radius of the player. Range is equal to ten plus twice the node's level. Requires "Hallucination" node to be active. Destructible light sources include: beacon, brewing stand, brown mushroom, diode, dragon egg, ender chest, glowing redstone ore, glowstone block, jack o lantern, lava, redstone comparator (on), redstone lamp (on), redstone torch (on), stationary lava, torch, furnace (smelting) and fire. Reticence has a cool down period equal to 70 seconds minus two seconds for each level.
Skill tree appearance: Material.INK_SACK
In-game description: You don't need light, and neither does anybody else! Extinguish all light sources in a specified radius.
In-game controls description: Hold shift and left click on a block.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Hallucination[15].


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