Secrets of Telekinetic Reality (Spoilers) - Aqueous

Aqueous is the specialization path related to liquid, persistence, and climate. Planned features include freezing/melting blocks and summoning waves/ice pillars. Aqueous is composed of the following nodes:

Node used to toggle a mode that allows for the use of certain Aqueous nodes and boosts the effects of others. When activated the user will receive water breathing and fire resistance potion effects. Leveling up this node decreases the time it takes to activate, increases the maximum duration of activation and increases the frequency at which the fire resistance potion effect is applied.
Skill tree appearance: Material.WATER_BUCKET
In-game description: Bend the aura to form fit your desires. Ability to active the Aqueous aura.
In-game controls description: Hold shift and stand still next to a liquid to activate. Hold shift and stand still on dry land to deactivate.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Aqueous[1].

Used for propulsion while in a liquid. Velocity and cool down between each use scale accordingly with node's level. Requires "Regulation" node to be activated.
Skill tree appearance: Material.SUGAR
In-game description: "We all live in a yellow submarine!" Forcibly displace liquids to act as a method of propulsion when submerged.
In-game controls description: Left click while in a liquid.
Maximum level: 50
Prerequisites: Regulation[5].


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