Secrets of Telekinetic Reality (Spoilers) - Equilibrial

Equilibrial is the specialization path related to wind, transportation and mass. Planned features include flight, speed/jump boosts and the manipulation of large quantities of blocks. Equilibrial is composed of the following nodes:

Node used to toggle a mode that allows for the use of certain Equilibrial nodes and boosts the effects of others. When activated the user will receive a speed and jump boost potion effect. Leveling up this node decreases the time it takes to activate, increases the maximum duration of activation and increases the frequency at which the jump boost potion effect is applied.
Skill tree appearance: Material.GLASS_BOTTLE
In-game description: Align the aura to suit your needs. Ability to active the Equilibrial aura.
In-game controls description: Hold shift and jump in place to activate. Hold shift and stand still to deactivate.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Equilibrial[1].

Used to negate fall damage. Creates a large eruption of block on impact, each block displaced negates a small percentage of the damage. More effective if used on flat surfaces. Does not require "Coordination" node to be activated, however the effects are doubled if it is. Leveling up this node increases the chance of adjacent blocks being displaced.
Skill tree appearance: Material.SLIME_BALL
In-game description: Eating gravel sucks. Becoming a human pancake isn't much fun either. Channel vertical kinetic energy into surrounding terrain.
In-game controls description: Hold shift when hitting the ground.
Maximum level: 30
Prerequisites: Coordination[5].


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