Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the official FAQ of the Bukkit plugin Telekinetic Reality (TR).
Before you post a question in the comments or a forum, please read over the following to verify that your question has not already been answered.

1. How do I install the plugin?
Same as every other plugin on Bukkit. Download the .jar file and insert it into the 'plugins' folder in the server directory. Then run your server. If the plugin does not appear in the plugins list displayed with the command '/pl', please PM me and I will help you resolve your problem.

2. I can't buy the node "Levitation"!
You need to earn skill points first. Hold shift and right click simultaneously while looking at a block (not a tile entity, telekinesis will not work on blocks with inventories). After a long period of time you will gain a skill point, which you can then spend on "Levitation".

3. How can I earn more skill points?
After you have unlocked the first node, anything you do involving telekinesis will earn you skill points (some things faster than others, however that part is for you to discover ;D).

4. I only see one node in the skill tree, is that all there is to the plugin?
There are 20+ nodes in the current version of TR. They will be unlocked as you level up existing nodes.

Relax, damage/negative potion effects are added to help balance the plugin and make telekinesis more difficult to learn. As long as you have blocks in the air you will be subject to these effects. You can drop the blocks you are currently levitating by holding shift and left clicking in the air. Likewise, you will eventually unlock a node called "Exemption" which will also help negate these effects.

6. Can I help you develop this plugin? I'm pretty good with code...
You can submit a pull request on GitHub here. In addition, if you or someone you know can; make YouTube videos, create a plugin tutorial/guide, draw banners/pictures and/or bug test PLEASE send me a message, any help is welcome and much needed (and all videos/guides will be linked on the main page)!

7. Can I give myself skill points?
To boost the skills of a player, the server must be stopped or the player must be offline. Go into the folder called "tr_playerdata" and find the file with that player's name. Change "skp" to increase skill points. If you have not yet discovered telekinesis legitimately, you will need to set "total" to at least one. As of the 1.8 update stats are tracked using UUIDs. You will have to look through each file to find the one that matches your stats.

Have another question/concern you think should go in the FAQ? Post a comment below!


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