EventAdministrator v1.00a

Introduction: EventManager aims to allow users to set events that will run automatically on a recurring time while regenerating the before each run. It can handle mob spawning and will have certain conditions to trigger event completion.

Commands (v1.00a):

/emname [name]Select the name of the event to manage
/emsaveSave the event to schematic. Use WorldEdit to select first and second position, copy and then use this command
/emloadThis will load the event at the pastLocation from the config. The pasteLocation is set upon emsave
/emsetcycleSet how often the event will restart
/emgetcycleGet the current event cycle
/emsetentranceSet event entrance. CURRENTLY UNUSED
/emsetexitSet event exit. Anyone in the event during a restart will be teleported here
/emstartStart the currently selected event
/emstopStop the currently selected event
/emspawnamount [integer]How many mobs should spawn during a cycle
/emspawncycle [seconds]How often mobs should spawn at this location
/emspawnisboss [true/false]Set as a boss. Any bosses that die will stop the event schedules but the event will still restart at the cycle time
/emspawnlocationSet the location of the spawn
/emspawnmob [mob name]Set the mob type. I will post a list of viable options later. Should be intuitive
/emspawnname [name]Select the name of the spawn to manage
/emspawnstart [seconds]When the spawn should start once the event has started

Permissions (v1.00a): Still being worked on

Files (v1.00a): Will add the default config soon. Some config options exist with no commands as of yet.

Dependencies: WorldEdit WorldGuard


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