Commands - Spawn Setup

Spawn Setup Commands (v1.97a+):

/ea s{pawn} name <name>Select the name of the spawn to
/ea s{pawn} mob [mob name]Set the mob type. I will post a list of viable options later. Should be intuitive.ea.spawn.mob
/ea s{pawn} loc{ation}Set the location of the spawn.ea.spawn.location
/ea s{pawn} amount <integer>How many mobs should spawn during a cycle.ea.spawn.amount
/ea s{pawn} start <time (seconds)>When the spawn should start once the event has started.ea.spawn.start
/ea s{pawn} cycle <time (seconds)>How often mobs should spawn at this location.ea.spawn.cycle
/ea s{pawn} isboss [true/false]Set as a boss. Any bosses that die will stop the event schedules but the event will still restart at the cycle time.ea.spawn.isboss


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