
BuyLand Help

External Plugin Dependencies

Setting up your regions

Setting up a BuyLand region can be done in two or three steps. The first step is to create the region itself.
First you need to select your cuboid using WorldEdit. Once selected, then you do one of the following two commands depending on what type of region you want.
  • /abl save regionName
    • To create a Buy region
  • /rentland save regionName
    • To create a Rent region
The second thing you need to do is set the price of the new region. To set the price, you issue one of the following commands depending on the type of region you created. Where the variables are the following:
regionName = the name of the region you used above.
purchasePrice = The purchase price of the Buy region.
rentPrice = The rent price for the timeFrame indicated.
timeFrame = The timeframe the above price will cost. Values: Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week
  • /abl price regionName purchasePrice
    • To set the price on a Buy region
  • /abl price regionName rentPrice timeFrame
    • To set the price on a Rent region
As the player rents different timeframes, the rentPrice will adjust accordingly in relation to what was chosen.
Example: you set the price to be $100 per day and the player rents for 1 hour. The players cost would be $100 / 24 = $4.17 for the 1 hour. For a week, it would be $700 for the week.
The third thing you can optionally do is to create a BuyLand sign for the region. The sign must be placed outside of the region it represents. To create the sign, see the section below called Signs.


Signs allow players to buy, sell, rent, extend rent, and set WorldGuard flags on regions.
See Signs for details on how to use, make and break BuyLand signs.


The base commands for Buyland are the following
  • buyland - The commands dealing with buyable regions.
  • priceland - Displays the buy/rent price of a region.
  • sellland - This sells a region that the player owns.
  • reloadbuyland - Reloads the configuration files for BuyLand.
  • adminbuyland - The administration commands.
  • rentland - The commands dealing with rent regions.
For details and a more expanded command list, see the Help Commands page.


Non-Command Permissions
  • buyland.all - ALL Commands.
  • buyland.signuse - Allows the user of buyland signs.
  • buyland.signbreak - Allows a user to break buyland signs.
  • buyland.signcreate - Allows a user to create buyland signs.
  • buyland.offlinelimit.exempt - Allows the player to be offline longer than the amount specified in the config.yml setting of buyland.offlineLimit.days without the region being sold for inactivity.
  • buyland.maxland.(Any Number Between 1-50) - Determines the maximum number of regions a player or group can buy. If you are using inheritance on permissions you can just assign a higher maxland permission to the higher ranked group. It will use the highest permission it finds in determining if a player can purchase another region.

Configuration Files

The configuration files of the plugin are used to help keep track of what is going on and the current state of the plugin.
For each of the config files listed below, you can click on the config file name for a more detailed description of the settings.

This file defines how the plugin will react when a region is created, purchased, sold, rented, re-rented, or expired rent.
This is used to keep track by player of how many regions they own, amount of currency spent buying regions.
This is used to keep track by player of how many regions they are renting, and amount of currency spent renting regions.
This is used to keep track of settings for individual rental regions.
Used to keep track where region sign are located. This is also the location where a user will be teleported if you use /buyland tp
A place to localize statements to another language. Most of the language is setup within this file, but not all. I will work to get it all there.