
The goal of this page is to describe all the options in config.yml to help you understand what they mean and how to set them to do what you want.

I have turned the comments on below so you can leave feed back on sections that are unclear or changes need to be made (such as wording, or examples) to this help page only. I will remove any other type of comments that do not help with understanding the config.yml file.

The structure of the config.yml file is broken down into 3 main groups and 4 subgroups each

  • General: - Items in this section applies to both region types (rental, owned) or the plugin itself.
  • buyland: - This section deals only with the the owning of regions.
    Each nested section deals with an event of the buyable region's life.
    • offlineLimit: - What happens to the region if the owner does not login for an amount of time.
    • onCreate: - The buyable region is created
    • onBuyFromBank: - A player buys the For Sale region
    • onSellToBank: - The owner of a region sells the region back
  • rentland: - This section deals only with the renting of regions.
    Each nested section deals with an event of the rented region's life.
    • onCreate: - The rentable region is created
    • onRentBegin: - A player rents a For Rent region
    • onRentExtend: - The current player renting a region, re-rents it to extend the time.
    • onRentExpire: - The rental time for a region expires without a renewal.

The settings that fall within these groups may do the same thing, but they are performed at different times or on different events.
So even though there are a lot of entries, for any given thing you do, there are a limited number of settings you need to look at.
For example: when you create a region for sale, there are really only 5 or 6 settings you have to worry about. You also do not need to worry that the setting you put here will affect a setting somewhere else.

Individual settings that occur within different events

The items in this section will cover the individual setting options that do something, but are applied at different times or events of the life of a region. For example when it is created, bought, rented, etc. What they do remains constant, just when it happens changes depending on the section or event in which they are located.

valid settings: true or false
If true, this will deny access to the region to all since there is no owner nor members yet.
If false, this will clear the flag and allow entry as if other overlapping regions allow it.
This sets the WorldGuard ENTRY flag to accomplish this and worldguard manages who is allowed.
See WorldGuard Regions section 3.3 page for more information.
NOTE: This could also be accomplished by setting an entry flag in the worldGuardFlags section below.
valid settings: true or false
If true, the message defined in the language.yml file buy.welcome1 and buy.welcome2 will be assigned as the GREETING message for the region
If false, this will not update the message and will look to the greetMessage.erase setting for additional things to do.
This sets the WorldGuard GREETING flag to handle this.
See WorldGuard Regions section 3.3 page for more information.
NOTE: This could also be accomplished by setting a greeting flag in the worldGuardFlags section below.
greetMessage.erase (This is only considered when the greetMessage.display setting is false, and ignored otherwise.)
valid settings: true or false
If true, the previously defined message is removed and no longer displayed
If false, the previously defined GREETING message is left unchanged.
This would clear the WorldGuard GREETING flag to do this.
See WorldGuard Regions section 3.3 page for more information.
NOTE: This could also be accomplished by setting an empty greeting flag in the worldGuardFlags section below.
valid settings: true or false
If true, the region will be saved as a WorldEdit schematic in the Plugins\Buyland\data directory under the name of regionName.schematic
If false, a schematic will not be saved.
This uses WorldEdit to accomplish this.
See WorldEdit page for more information.
valid settings: true or false
If true, if a WorldEdit schematic is saved in the Plugins\Buyland\data directory under the name of regionName.schematic will be used to reset the region to the state of the schematic when it was last saved.
If false, the region will remain unchanged.
This uses WorldEdit to accomplish this.
See WorldEdit page for more information.
valid settings: true or false
If true, this will hook into the LWC plugin and ask it remove any protection that it has set for the region area.
If false, the region LWC protections will remain as set.
This uses LWC to accomplish this.
See LWC page for more information.
This section contains groups that are either the name of a region or "default".
Each group contains a list of WorldGuard flags that are to be set or cleared when this option is processed.
NOTE: The default group will be applied to all regions unless there is a group for a specific region.
A group can have one or more WorldGuard flags that can be found at WorldGuard Flags or by using the command /abl Flags.
default: '' means there are no flags defined for the default region. Please remove the '' if you place a flag below it.
The structure is the same irregardless of using the default group or a region specific one. The name of the flag in lower case followed by a colon, followed by a space and then the setting.
          mob-spawning: allow
          enderman-grief: deny
          mob-spawning: deny
The above example would do the following for all regions in this nested event except for exampleBooth1:
Set the flag "mob-spawning" to "allow"
Remove the flag "sleep" from the region
Set the flag "enderman-grief" to "deny"

In region exampleBooth1, only the "mob-spawning" flag would be set to "deny"

no flags other than the ones specified in this section, would be added, adjusted or removed.

NOTE: These WorldGuard flags are applied after the other options are set, so it is possible to create a custom GREETING for the region by defining a GREETING flag under the default or region section and entering the message after it.
NOTE: There are two flags that can not be set using this section because they are used by the plugin itself. buyable and price
This section contains a list of the WorldGuard flags that are allowed to be set on a region by the user through a sign. This is available in the buyland and rentland sections.
A group can have one or more WorldGuard flags that can be found at WorldGuard Flags or by using the command /abl Flags.
example: 0.0 is a sample flag followed by the buy/sell price of the flag.
The structure is the same irregardless what section it is in. The name of the flag in lower case followed by a colon, followed by a space and then the cost of setting or the refund for unsetting the flag.
If you allow deny-spawn, there are many options within that, and each will cost the amount you specify.
        example: 0.0
        lighter: 2.0
        deny-spawn: 1.0

Color conventions used below

The color conventions are only to try to clarify this page and are not part of the config.yml file. The notes in blue should never be put into the config.yml file as they are not valid and will break the config file.

  • The structure names that can not change I will display in the color of red
    • NOTE: the indentation is very important in the yml file. Please do not change it.
  • The values you can change will be to the right of the : and in the color of green
  • The notes about each setting will be in the color of blue
    • The notes about groups of settings will be directly below the line it is discussing
    • The notes about an individual setting will be to the right of the setting
    • If there is no note on an indiviual option, look in the section above for the description, as it is used in more than one place


  • general:
    • regionPriority: 1 A setting passed to WorldGuard when creating a region. If you are unsure what WorldGuard Priorites are, leave this value a 1. See WG-Regions-Introduction for the proper value of this field. Given a reason or a need, this could be moved into each of the onCreate sections so they can have different values.
    • configVersion: 2 Do not change. Helps me to know what needs to change given an upgrade.
    • sign:
      • showBuyLand:true Do BuyLand signs show "[BuyLand]" on the first line? If not, it will allow for some other information to be displayed when applicable.
  • buyland:
    All items within this section deal with the buyable regions only, not the rentable regions.
    • allowedWorldGuardFlags:
      • example: 0.0
    • offlineLimit:
      options to tell if the plugin will sell regions of owners that have not logged in for an amount of time. NOTE: This can be disabled for certain players/groups with the buyland.offlinelimit.exempt permission (v0.8.8+)
      • enable: true Does the plugin take any action if the owner does not login for an amount of time?
      • days: 30 After how many days of not logging in, does the plugin take action?
      • checkMembers: false Does logging in by a member of the region count as the owner logging in?
    • onCreate:
      Options that are done or referenced when a region is created. This is used in the command /abl save [regionName]
      • denyEntry: false
      • greetMessage:
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • saveSchematic: true
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
    • onBuyFromBank:
      Options that are done or referenced when a region is purchased by either clicking on a For Sale sign or using the command /buyland [regionName]
      • breakSign: false Does the For Sale sign get broken and removed when the region is purchased?
      • denyEntry: false
      • greetMessage:
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • placeSchematic: false
      • saveSchematic: true
      • price:
        • usePerBlock: false Should price of the region be based on the number of blocks in it? NOTE: This is only considered if the price of the region has not be explicitly set with /abl Price [RegionName] [Cost]
        • perBlock: 1.0 If charging per block, how much should be charged per block.
        • default: 100.0 If not charging per block, how much is the region as a whole?
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
    • onSaleToBank:
      Options that are done or referenced when a region is sold to the bank by either clicking on a Sale Back sign or using the command /Sellland [regionName]
      • denyEntry: false
      • greetMessage:
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • placeSchematic: true
      • saveSchematic: false
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • price:
        • percent: 1.0 What percent of the purchase price will they receive when selling the land back? 1.0 = 100%
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
  • rentland:
    • allowedWorldGuardFlags:
      • example: 0.0
    • onPlayerJoin:
      • notifyOfTimeLeft: true When the player logs in, notify them how how much time is left on a rental region?
    • onCreate:
      Options that are done or referenced when a rent region is created. This is used in the command /rentland save [regionName]
      • denyEntry: false
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • saveSchematic: false
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
      • price:
        • perMinDefault: 1.0 How much should be charged per minute to rent the region? NOTE: This is only considered if the price of the region has not been explicitly set with /abl Price [RegionName] [Cost] [SecMinHrDayWeek]
    • onRentBegin:
      Options that are done or referenced when a region is newly rented by clicking on a For Rent sign or using the command /rentland [RegionName] [TimeQuantity] [SecMinHourDayWeek].
      • denyEntry: false
      • greetMessage:
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • placeSchematic: false
      • saveSchematic: true
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
      • maxRegions: 1 The maximum amount of regions any player may rent at one time.
    • onRentExtend:
      Options that are done or referenced when the time on a rent region is extended before expiring by clicking on the For Rent sign again or using the command /rentland [RegionName] [TimeQuantity] [SecMinHourDayWeek].
      • denyEntry: false
      • placeSchematic: false
      • saveSchematic: false
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''
    • onRentExpire:
      Options that are done or referenced when the time on a rent region expires and the region is put back up for rent. This can be forced by the command /rentland Reset [regionName]
      • denyEntry: false
      • greetMessage:
        • display: true
        • erase: false
      • placeSchematic: true
      • saveSchematic: false
      • removelwcprotection: false
      • broadcast:
        • available: true Should a message be broadcast to everyone on the server including console that a rental region is available to rent.
      • worldGuardFlags:
        • default: ''


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