ZHorse's job is to provide an enhanced management of horses in Minecraft. It ranges from giving custom names to your horses to teleporting them if you happen to lose one. This plugin is highly customizable since you can edit any word showing up in the chat and define how ZHorse should work by editing the config.
- Claim any wild horse, donkey, mule or llama.
- Spawn horses with custom appearance and statistics.
- Name, rename and edit at will your claimed horses.
- Watch your horses names take the color of your permission group.
- Exchange your horses with other players...
- Or put them up for sale !
- Protect your horses against a customizable list of damages.
- Lock your horses to prevent any theft attempt...
- But share them with your friends !
- Teleport your horses to you, or yourself to your horses.
- Send them back to their stable.
- Resurrect them with their full inventory.
- Set you preferred language and horse.
- Store your data with MySQL or SQLite.
- Go through the list of commands to discover all the features !
- Spigot 1.14.x
- Vault 1.7.x
- Java 8
- (MySQL 5.7+)
- Check the To Do list on GitHub !
- Take a look at the Config, Locales (EN, FR, DE, NL, ES, HU, PL, CN) or the Tips and tricks page if you encounter any difficulty !
- Feel free to suggest me your ideas or report your bugs via a new issue on GitHub !
- Please note that English is not my native language, so let me know if I wrote something weird in this page or anywhere else ;)
Hey there, so I fell asleep at my computer and the gf woke me up while I was waiting for you lol. I got the PM, thank you! The debug is not working though even after deleting the config file entirely. I am still in the chat channel, hopefully I will see you there!
http://paste.ubuntu.com/9966705/ http://gyazo.com/1c4ff40e2a43ab73dea719c89592c222
Finally I will provide you the 1.2.0 debugging snapshot directly, as it is almost done.
If you have time for it, it would be easier to chat directly. I created a chatroom here : http://www.e-chat.co/room/55662
Let's see if this works^^
After more testing, I got the plugin to give me /zh help when I deleted the config. Apparently it was not accepting dark_purple as a valid color but there was no output. I have named my groups. With default settings, when I try to claim a horse as op (added zh.* for good measure) it tells me I have reached the maximum number of horses I can claim.
In my configs, I have tried using 100% default, lower case, case sensitive, every tweak I could think of to no avail...
My config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9953298/
ready when you are =]
That's weird.
I'll provide you a snapshot full of debug messages so we can track the error(s).
Usually I do that on my test server but I could not reproduce the issue..
I do see it in my plugins list, which is the odd thing >.<
/zh help does not respond with any output, and there are no errors on loadup. It says it loaded successfully...
This looks like ZHorse didn't loaded at all. Do you see it when you type /plugins or /version zhorse ?
If not you should looks for loading errors in console. But if ZHorse loaded successfully, tell me if anything appears in console when you type /zh help
I am op, gave myself the permissions node zh.* anyway, I have vault 1.5.2, and version 1.1.1 but I cannot claim a horse...or run any commands with including /zh help. Any thoughts on what could be wrong here?
I have used all commands to claim, both with a custom name, default name, while on the horse, and while looking at the horse, all to no avail.
Excited to get this working!!
I think that your issue should now be fixed with 1.1.1 release.
I'm not sure to understand but if your question is "Can I give/claim/manage an horse just by looking at it ?", then you can't.
You can however manage/give an horse without mounting it by adding the '-i horseID' flag in your command.
By eg. :
1. Mount an unclaimed horse.
2. Execute /zh claim ExampleName
Then, either :
3. Execute /zh give -t Z3dd7 (when mouting ExampleName)
or : (when mouting/not mounting ExampleName)
3. Execute /zh list and take note of ExampleName's id (let's say 7)
4. Execute /zh give -i 7 -t Drehverschluss
Can i give a player a Horse in another too besides looking at a horse?
@zizitt Are you using CB/Spigot 1.8 and ZHorse 1.0.3 ?
I will try to reproduce your issue with those settings.
edit : ZHorse starts successfully on both my usual server (populated with others plugins) and my test server (ZHorse et Vault only). Please provide more details to help identifying the issue.
When I try to install your plugin. It says that the group folder isn't there, and that removing config and reloading will fix it. However for me, it seems not too. It also throws some error nullpointer line since there is no message to load about the error in local.yml