ZHorse's job is to provide an enhanced management of horses in Minecraft. It ranges from giving custom names to your horses to teleporting them if you happen to lose one. This plugin is highly customizable since you can edit any word showing up in the chat and define how ZHorse should work by editing the config.
- Claim any wild horse, donkey, mule or llama.
- Spawn horses with custom appearance and statistics.
- Name, rename and edit at will your claimed horses.
- Watch your horses names take the color of your permission group.
- Exchange your horses with other players...
- Or put them up for sale !
- Protect your horses against a customizable list of damages.
- Lock your horses to prevent any theft attempt...
- But share them with your friends !
- Teleport your horses to you, or yourself to your horses.
- Send them back to their stable.
- Resurrect them with their full inventory.
- Set you preferred language and horse.
- Store your data with MySQL or SQLite.
- Go through the list of commands to discover all the features !
- Spigot 1.14.x
- Vault 1.7.x
- Java 8
- (MySQL 5.7+)
- Check the To Do list on GitHub !
- Take a look at the Config, Locales (EN, FR, DE, NL, ES, HU, PL, CN) or the Tips and tricks page if you encounter any difficulty !
- Feel free to suggest me your ideas or report your bugs via a new issue on GitHub !
- Please note that English is not my native language, so let me know if I wrote something weird in this page or anywhere else ;)
You must rename it "locale_NL" :p
Also, don't forget to add "- NL" to config.Languages.available
Translated this plugin to Dutch. My file is called lang_NL, within the config i removed EN and added NL but somehow it still uses the english file. Something i do wrong?
Problem solved.
If anyone experience the same issue, just set the Worldguard flag "ride" to allow.
Entities, clearlag? Not sure, i don't think i have any other plugins.
The issue with an unclaimed horse occured only one time, the day i replied about it in the comments.
1) Player mounts a horse 2) Player can't leave the horse anymore, and gets stuck. 3) If he tries to logout, the horse disappears with him, when he rejoins the horse appears back to. If he uses /home for example, the horse goes with him.
The issue with an claimed horse, occured more times.
1) Player mounts a CLAIMED and LOCKED horse. 2) Player can ride on it, but gets stuck just like issue 1.
Very weird indeed ...
Do you have any other plugin dealing with entities or vehicles ?
If not, PM me your server IP and I will see that by myself ;)
It only happened once on an unclaimed horse actually, the day i made a reply about it. :/ It still happens on claimed horses. If the horse is locked against stealing and a player wants to sit on the horse, he gets bound to the horse or something, really weird!
If this issue happens only with locked horses, I don't see how it could have happened with unclaimed horses too :p
Tell me if it happens (even only once) with unclaimed horses.
The horse is locked indeed. Means they are able to ride it but are then stuck. Not holding a leash, and players have the same zhorse permissions indeed!
Will try the snapshot tomorrow, thanks for your help :D
ZHorse 1.3.0 SNAPSHOT 2 is available for download !
You can download it from this post or on Spigot, but in any case you should take a look at the changelogs on Spigot : https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/zhorse.45692/page-6#post-989685
My own timings are fine too, and some users reported my that 1.2.4 fixed ZHorse's events showing up fully red in /timings. I'll keep an eye on that.
Concerning your issue, I'll start working on it now. Let's hope I can figure out what isn't working and fix it for snapshot 3 ;)
You can help me by figurating how the concerned players are related (same permissions ? holding a leash ? horse is claimed/locked ?)
Nice! Looking forward to version 1.3.0. Still having the issue with people not able to leave horses sometimes. As for my timings, it might've been related to my old host, as i don't have issues with it anymore: http://timings.aikar.co/?url=12272852
Ok guys, I now have enough free time to get back to work on ZHorse :)
@Sikatsuu Could you please send me your timings report so I can compare with mines ?
I'll start working on it but I still have ZHorse 1.3.0 to release before that.
I had this too indeed. Showed up fully red using the timings command. But i have enough ram so it won't kill my server.
Unfortunately I won't be able to take a look at this before September :/
Anylone else having issues with a huge ammount of memory usage from the plugin?
Running 1.8.8 and latest zhorse version but it seems that there is a memory leak in the plugin because it kills the server after about 7 hrs since it does not give the ram free..
Take your time, i appreciate what you do for us.
That's weird...
I'll look into the code and try to find from where it could come.
EDIT : I'm pretty busy right now so it could take up to 2 weeks :/
I run a server for a while already and first didn't use a plugin and my players didn't have any issues. Then i used stables, no issues either, now i use zhorse and now it started. It happens with unclaimed horses!
If it occurs with unclaimed horses too it means that I broke my event manager or this is not ZHorse's fault.
Try to remove ZHorse for a while and see if it happen again.
If it does, you can install ZHorse back.
If not, I'll investigate ;)
Cool, would be awesome, thanks! Also, it seems there is a bug, some of my players can't go off horses. Even when unclaimed, if they leave the server, the horse disappears, when they join the server, the horse is back with the player on it.
Yep this is planned ! (Feature : Facultativity of -i -t and -a flags)
I'm going to work on it the first week of september ;)