ZHorse's job is to provide an enhanced management of horses in Minecraft. It ranges from giving custom names to your horses to teleporting them if you happen to lose one. This plugin is highly customizable since you can edit any word showing up in the chat and define how ZHorse should work by editing the config.
- Claim any wild horse, donkey, mule or llama.
- Spawn horses with custom appearance and statistics.
- Name, rename and edit at will your claimed horses.
- Watch your horses names take the color of your permission group.
- Exchange your horses with other players...
- Or put them up for sale !
- Protect your horses against a customizable list of damages.
- Lock your horses to prevent any theft attempt...
- But share them with your friends !
- Teleport your horses to you, or yourself to your horses.
- Send them back to their stable.
- Resurrect them with their full inventory.
- Set you preferred language and horse.
- Store your data with MySQL or SQLite.
- Go through the list of commands to discover all the features !
- Spigot 1.14.x
- Vault 1.7.x
- Java 8
- (MySQL 5.7+)
- Check the To Do list on GitHub !
- Take a look at the Config, Locales (EN, FR, DE, NL, ES, HU, PL, CN) or the Tips and tricks page if you encounter any difficulty !
- Feel free to suggest me your ideas or report your bugs via a new issue on GitHub !
- Please note that English is not my native language, so let me know if I wrote something weird in this page or anywhere else ;)
Hi, Could you upload your zhorse config on pastebin please ?
Hay Z3dd7, I cannot bind Zhorse to my groupmanager. id says i have reached the maximum of horses. but i dont claim any horses before. and i have the permission zh.* and zh.group.admin. i wrote the permissions zh.group.admin in the config to the admins with -1 claims.
- Xeruck
Anyway, I'm glad that it was magically fixed. I would have asked you to (turn it off and on again) download it again at some point, but without real hope...
Uhhhhh :/
The one in the .jar is as it should be o_0
I was kinda proud to have been an outlier but now I'm just as confused as I really see no reason that it should have happened :/
I removed the plugin and the folder, restarted the server, then installed and restarted to get a fresh base. I then deleted the Meta-Inf folder though.which didn't fix the default one created, although it does seem to have let me edit and save those edits, but the plugin is now not being read..
Hmm. I'm 90% certain that it deleted the .jar itself after I uploaded it o_0
I downloaded a fresh one however and uploaded that (keeping the config which seemed to have been saved) and it now appears to work fine / have saved that config.
I am ... quite confused though, about pretty much all of this. Shame that I can't pinpoint what exactly happened my end and you appear to be as bemused for things within the .jar.
Anyone else who has this ... try the steps outlined above I guess ... ? o_o
This is so weird...
I can see that you are using the 1.2.5 version, but the generated config file is 1.2.2 old o_o
Take a look at the history of config.yml : https://github.com/Xibalba/ZHorse/commit/3a0ec835791955d1633f19f5247dcd99fd33d9e5
Sorry but I have really no idea of what is causing this... It looks like the config is generated in 1.2.2 and then the 1.2.5 config checker invalidates color codes without brackets and the activeWorlds section.
You should extract the config.yml inside of your ZHorse jar and compare it with your pastebin. Also, you can try to set up a new server with ZHorse as the only plugin and see what happen...
Far from it sadly.
Oh I misread that, or you edited to fix it :p
It is the only ZH plugin in there yes ^_^
Weird... I just did the testing again on my server and everything is running smooth.
Could you upload the config file that is generated right after you 1/ Stop the server, 2/ Delete the ZHorse folder, 3/ Star the server ?
PS : Just in case, is the file ZHorse_1.2.5.jar the only ZHorse jar in your plugins folder ?
Sadly not :/
I make the changes and save - for ActiveWorlds: and the font errors - but the config automatically regenerates itself into the bugged format.
Tried deleting just the config, the entire folder, and of course saving the config.
I'm running Spigot 1.8.7, the R.0.1 snapshot.
[09:32:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZHorse] Enabling ZHorse v1.2.5 [09:32:12] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ZHorse] The value "dark_aqua" attributed to the group "player" is not a color ! [09:32:12] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ZHorse] The value "BOLD" attributed to the group "vip1" is not a color ! [09:32:12] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ZHorse] The "ActiveWorlds" section is missing from config ! [09:32:12] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ZHorse] This can be fixed by deleting "config.yml" and reloading ZHorse.
1.2.5 is waiting for approval. If you had issues with the "ActiveWorlds" section in 1.2.4, this should now be fixed !
Wait until tomorrow then :p 1.2.5 is on the way.
Thats weird, I really wanted to get this plugin :\ but whatever I do the config just changes back
Weird.. Maybe that it's corrupted.
What you can do is :
Ok, so I tried to do it this way but for some reason, the config keeps changing to the old settings after I restart the server. and this is how my config looks like: http://i62.tinypic.com/1zdxf6d.jpg
Yeah sorry about that.. As I explained in 1.2.4 patchnote I messed up with the ActiveWorlds section.
All you have to do to make ZHorse works is change "activeWorlds" to "ActiveWorlds" (capital A) and put it at the same level as "Settings".
Look at the default config, it should be clearer.
Tell me if you have troubles fixing this !
PS : You will also get a warning about this on server startup, don't mind it. PPS : Everything will be fixed in the upcoming 1.2.5
This plugin sounds really awesome but I have a problem, when I try to use it it says Zhorse is disabled in this world.. so I dont know whats wrong the config says its enabled in the world,nether,and end what could the problem be?
Thanks !
Honestly I don't really care about downloads :p I just want ideas for new features
Amazing. This is the best horse protection plugin I've ever seen. I don't get why it has only 500 downloads...
Good :)
So what I think is that you somehow messed with ZHorse's config :p
You must be carefull with YAML files, because they will regen if you use tabulations instead of spaces by eg.
Inserting a tab in ZHorse's config will break it. To fix it, you can either track errors with online yaml validators, or manually look for forbidden characters.
hey that seems to work! I guess it does need a fix, but this is a decent workaround! Thanks, and keep up the good work!
ZHorse 1.0.3+ works the same on any 1.8+ CB/Spigot version, so this is normal.
Before I can get my hands on this, what you can try is :
Tell me if this works or if the issue occurs again ;)