Player, Console and Sign Commands + Permission Nodes

ZeeSlag Commands and Permission Nodes

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Available Commands by Players:

<> = Optional, [] = Required.

Page 1:
  • /zs help <PageNumber> - Shows all available commands.
  • /zs inv [PlayerName] [FieldName] - Sends an invite to a player.
  • /zs start [FieldName] [FieldName] - Starts a match against the Server.
  • /zs deny - Denies the invite of a player.
  • /zs accept - Accept the invite of a player.
  • /zs cancel - Cancels your invite to someone.
  • /zs random OR /zs r - Places your boats randomly across the field.
  • /zs ready - Sets you status to Ready, and the game will start when both players have used '/zs ready'!
Page 2:
  • /zs surrender <yes> - Surrender!? You will die if you do!
  • /zs list - This will list all available FieldNames!
  • /zs remove [FieldName] - This will remove a PlayerField.
  • /zs tp [FieldName] - Teleport to a PlayerField by name.
  • /zs restore [FieldName] - Restores a PlayerField by name.
  • /zs tpback - allows you to teleport back where you came from.
Page 3:
  • /zs spawn [Width1] [Width2] [SpaceInBetween] [FieldName] - This will create a new Field to the front and left!
  • /zs spawn undo - Undo last spawn, this is for if you made an mistake ;)
  • /zs setspawn [FieldName] [PlayerNum -> 1:2] - Lets you set the spawn position of a player where you are standing.
  • /zs setboats [FieldName] [BigBoatNum] [MediumBoatNum] [NormalBoatNum] [SmallBoatNum] - This will Set the max amount of each boat available when playing on the given field.
Page 4:
  • /zs load - Reloads 'Settings.yml' and 'PlayerFieldLocations.yml'.
  • /zs save - Saves data to 'PlayerFieldLocations.yml'.
  • /zs stats - Shows some information about who's playing etc.
  • /zs update - The plugin will check if there is an update of ZeeSlag.

Available Commands by the Console:

<> = Optional, [] = Required.

  • zs help - Shows the help page.
  • zs list - This will list all available FieldNames!
  • zs load - Reloads 'Settings.yml' and 'PlayerFieldLocations.yml'.
  • zs save - Saves data to 'PlayerFieldLocations.yml'.
  • zs setboats [FieldName] [BigBoatNum] [MediumBoatNum] [NormalBoatNum] [SmallBoatNum] - This will Set the max boats available when playing on the given field.
  • zs remove [FieldName] - This will remove a PlayerField by name.
  • zs stats - this shows the plugin stats. if Economy is enabled, how much to pay, how much you get when you win, number of fields and how many people are playing. (also works in console!)
  • /zs update - The plugin will check if there is an update of ZeeSlag.

How to use some Commands:

/zs spawn [Width1] [Width2] [SpaceInBetween] [FieldName]
- Width1: The number of blocks from your location to the left.
- Width2: The number of blocks from your location to the front.
- SpaceInBetween: The number of blocks between the 2 fields.
- FieldName: The new Name of your field.

/zs setspawn [FieldName] [PlayerNum -> 1:2]
- FieldName: The name of a field.
- PlayerNum: Always 1 or 2. Player1 will always play on the field that is the closest when spawning a field.

/zs setboats [FieldName] [BigBoatNum] [MediumBoatNum] [NormalBoatNum] [SmallBoatNum]
- FieldName: The name of a field.
- BigBoatNum to SmallBoatNum: Number of boats being used when playing. Cannot be less than Zero(0).

Example Screenshot

Spawn Notations
To create the field with the name "battlearena" in the picture above you can use this command: "/zs spawn 14 10 3 battlearena"

Also the SetSpawn command can be used. The PlayerFieldNumber is marked on the screenshot. To edit the spawn place of PlayerField 1 stand somewhere on the field closest to your position when you spawned the field and use the following command: "/zs setspawn battlearena 1"

If you need more help with the commands and how to use them you can visit the Video Page. This page contains some video's I and other people made to make it more understandable.

Sign Commands:

This brand new function lets you execute commands through signs. Only a few Commands are supported by signs because there is not always enough space available on the signs. The commands are executed by right clicking a sign that has the following syntax on the first row:

[ZS *]

(The * stands for a command that is listed below.)

To Create a sign you just place it and write on the first line: [zs *] where * is a command. When you click on Done the sign will be modified: The first line will turn blue. (or more lines, it depends on the command that is used). Also when the Setting: "debugMode" is set to true, the signs that get created or removed will be notified in the console like this:

[ZeeSlag] Sign Removed by 'name': at (WorldName, X, Y, Z)

Available Commands:

Lines 2, 3 and 4 can be used to place text on it.

  • Random - This will simulate "/zs random"
  • Ready - This will simulate "/zs ready"
  • Update - "/zs update"
  • List - "/zs list"
  • TpBack - "/zs tpback"
  • Stats - "/zs stats"

Special Commands:

  • Start - Simulates "/zs start [FieldName]". This commands asks for an second parameter. This parameter (FieldName) will be placed on the SECOND line of the sign.
  • Restore - Simulates "/zs restore [FieldName]". This commands asks for an second parameter. This parameter (FieldName) will be placed on the SECOND line of the sign.
  • Spawn - Simulates "/zs spawn [Width1] [Width2] [SpaceInBetween] [FieldName]". This command asks for 4 extra parameters. The syntax of the Sign will be like this:
    • First Line: [ZS Spawn]
    • Second Line: [Width1]{Space}[Width2]{Space}[SpaceInBetween]
    • Third Line: [FieldName]


This is an example of how to create the signs. NOTE: If the command is an Special Command (needs an extra parameter) than the second line (or even third line) will also turn blue.

While creating the sign:


And after clicking done:


An example of how to spawn a field using a sign:


Permission Nodes

If there is no Permission plugin found (because you don't want it or something) you can use the ignorePermissions: in the Settings.yml File. In this file can you disable the permission check to some commands. Else the plugin will check for OP (operator) status.

Here are the Permission Nodes:

  • zeeslag.invite - Allows user to invite someone.
  • zeeslag.start - Allows user to start a match against the server
  • zeeslag.loadsave - Allows user to Load/Save Playerfield data.
  • zeeslag.spawn - Allows user to Spawn a new PlayerField.
  • zeeslag.remove - Allows user to Remove a PlayerField.
  • zeeslag.setspawn - Allows user to set the spawn positions of a PlayerField.
  • zeeslag.setboats - Allows user to set the max number of boats being used on a PlayerField.
  • - Allows user to Teleport to a PlayerField.
  • zeeslag.restore - Allows user to Restore a PlayerField to its original state.
  • zeeslag.update - Allows the user to check for updates. And users with this node will be notified if there is an update of ZeeSlag available.
  • zeeslag.sign - Allows the user to create and remove ZeeSlag Command Signs.


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