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Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed:
    • Stats was not using the right colors for people playing.
    • Removed debug message when the server cant place the boats randomly (forgot to remove it before release).
    • Rewrote the whole BoatPlacement script for single player and multiplayer. Was soo messy...
    • Rewrote the player interact script to clean up messy and buggy code.
    • Added message that you get your money back if you pay'd and your opponent got disconnected.
    • Cleanedup a lot of old code and removed unused functions.
    • Removed double message when both of the players waited to long for placing there boats.
  • New Features:
    • Some sort of Anti X-Ray function, When you place your boats they get removed for the other player, so everyone can see your boats except your opponent. Warning: due to server delays you can still see the boats for an very very short time, I cant get this much better and I hope that this will be enoying enough so people can't win while playing with an X-Ray Mod.
    • Added New Setting: showMultiPlayerBoats. If false: everyone except your opponent can see your boats while playing against eachother.
    • Multi-Language Support! You can now make your own Language! 2 Languages are standard supported: Nederlands and English. If you want to help me with making more languages please tell me, I realy appreciate any help :) You can find languages and an tutorial here: #All Languages
  • How to Update:
    • Stop your server.
    • Replace "plugins/ZeeSlag.jar" with the new version.
    • Delete the file: "plugins/ZeeSlag/Settings.yml". this is because some new settings are added.
    • Start the Server.
    • Edit Settings and save the file.
    • Use the command "zs load" in the console to reload the settings and you are ready to go!

Version 1.2.0

  • Fixed:
    • Cant surrender when playing against other players (gives a Null Error).
    • Increased Random BoatPlacement tries.
    • Error while the server cannot random place boats (could not place the boats, not enough space). It try'd to restore the inventory but it was never changed (was empty).
    • Inviting fixed. when you leave the server the invite will be cancelled.
    • Sometimes an diode will not be lighted if you hit a piece of the enemy boat.
    • Multi-World support wasn't doing his job... I fixed it now. You can use multiple fields in multiple worlds, and you will get teleported if you are in a different world than the field is. Rewrote almost the whole code because of one little mistake omg, but its fixed... (this is now how it supposed to be, sorry for any problems it coused.)
    • Fixed error when rightclicking on an field with a bone while not playing.
    • Fixed that you can invite other players when playing (resulting in playing 2 or more games, really strange things will happen).
    • You could start multiple matches against the server (resulting in holding multiple fields in Playing-State).
    • You cannot change the number of boats anymore while people are playing on that field.
    • Changed the description of some commands to fit better in the chatwindow (Some commands can be moved to an other page).
    • Improved "Boat Removed" message. Now contains the name of the boat you removed.
    • Improved "Cannot place boat" message. Now says: "You Cannot place an boat here, it is to long!"
    • Fixed an error when you want to play on a field or want to remove a field and the world doesn't exist anymore.
    • Fixed when setting files are empty that they get updated.
  • Removed:
    • "You cannot remove boats when your stats is ready" message.
  • New Features:
    • Using Vault to interact with Permissions and Economy plugins. This is much better because now I don't have to add so many different hooks to interact with so many different Economy and Permission plugins.
    • You can now set the time for how long it takes before an invite gets cancelled, how long it may take to make a move, or place your boats.
    • Added New Setting: TimeDelay functions, see line above.
    • Added an UpdateChecker. It will check for an update everytime the plugin gets Enabled. If a new version is found it will notify it in the console. And all users with the "zeeslag.update" permission node will be notified when they join the server.
    • Added New Setting: updateTimeInHours. The plugin will Check for Updates every given hour(s).
    • Added New Setting: notifyUsersWhenUpdateAvailable. The name says enough i guess.
    • ZeeSlagSigns! You can use signs to perform commands such as: "/zs ready", "/zs start", "/zs random" and more! Check this page for more info!
    • Changed the "/zs list" command. Now you can see how many fields you have, in what world it is, and the name will turn RED and contain names of the people if people are playing on it. Also when an Command Parameter asks for the fieldname it doesn't have to be Case Sensitive anymore.
    • NEW IDEA: You can use a sign to spawn a field. This means that you can make an Schematic with WorldEdit. Other people can download and spawn that, they can just simply click the sign and they are ready to start a match!!
  • New Commands:
    • /zs random OR /zs r - Places your boats randomly across the field.
    • /zs update - The plugin will check if there is an update of ZeeSlag. (this command is supported by players and by the console.
  • New Permission Nodes:
    • zeeslag.update - Allows the user to check for updates. And users with this node will be notified if there is an update of ZeeSlag available.
    • zeeslag.sign - Allows the user to create and remove ZeeSlag Command Signs.
  • How to Update:
    • Stop your server.
    • Replace "plugins/ZeeSlag.jar" with the new version.
    • Delete the file: "plugins/ZeeSlag/Settings.yml". this is because some new settings are added.
    • Start the Server.
    • Edit Settings and save the file.
    • Use the command "zs load" in the console to reload the settings and you are ready to go!

Version 1.1

  • Fixed:
    • Cant surrender when playing against the computer (gives a Null Error).
  • New Features:
    • New settings added: you can now select which command ignores any permissions.
  • How to Update:
    • Stop your server.
    • Replace "plugins/ZeeSlag.jar" with the new version.
    • Delete the file: "plugins/ZeeSlag/Settings.yml". this is because some new settings are added.
    • Start the Server.
    • Edit Settings and save the file.
    • Use the command "zs load" in the console to reload the settings and you are ready to go!

Version 1.0

  • Fixed:
    • When removing a field it removed all blocks from all fields..
    • Not getting teleported properly when starting a match against each other.
    • Message corrected: if you are invited and you invite someone else.
    • Improved PlayerField spawning, it was not spawning the correct width.
    • Boats didn't got removed after removing a field, it's now calling a restore first.
    • GREATLY improved blockbreak event. When you break an diode(repeater) it won't disappear anymore. so you won't get stuck that fast anymore.
    • When accepting an invite when someone was offline some weard things happend...
    • When someone got disconnected when playing he/she gets his/her stuff back (also after get killed by surrender).
    • Improved player spawn positions when a new field is created (now default in the middle of the field).
    • You cannot remove a playerfield when people are playing on it anymore.
    • Now restores inventory on: plugin disable, surrender and on disconnect.
  • New Features:
    • Supports iConomy (only 5.0.1) ([ECON] iConomy 5.0.1 (Eruanna))
    • Settings are added, if there is no settings file found it will be created on first run.
    • Play against the server.(NOTE: the server DOES NOT CHEAT! It's an advanced random and calculation script I wrote!!!)
    • Now notifies you if you sunk an enemy boat! (Setting)
    • You can now spawn a field in any direction! It will spawn to the front and left of where you are looking at.
    • When an invite is going around and one of the 2 disconnects it will be canceled.
    • Anti-cheat methods added: 1)you can't use any other items than the bone, so compass teleport does not work. 2)You cant get off the field anymore, or you will get teleported back. 3)People cant teleport you to anyone, you will stay in the field no mather what happens.
    • Read the Settings.yml file for more options and new features
  • New Commands:
    • /zs start [FieldName] - Starts a SinglePlayer match against the Server.
    • /zs tpback - allows you to teleport back where you came from.
    • /zs stats - this shows the plugin stats. If iConomy is enabled, how much to pay, how much to get when you win, number of fields and how many people are playing. (also works in console!)
  • Commands Removed:
    • /zs boat [big:medium:normal:small] - Selects the boat you want to place when playing.

Version 0.2

  • Fixed:
    • "Remember to place a boat with 1 block in between" message when the field Y coords was over 62.
    • "Not Within Range" message. I added a message that if you are on the wrong field it says: "You clicked on the other playerfield!".

Version 0.1

  • The initial release of the plugin.


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