Permissions - plugins supported
- Vault, which support many permissions plugins like PEX, bPermissions...
- OP Permissions, the basic permissions of bukkit will be used if no supported plugin is found.
Permissions - New nodes (1.6.1b and earlier)
- wirelessredstone.* - Gives access to all the nodes.
- wirelessredstone.create.* - Allows you to create all the kind of signs.
- wirelessredstone.create.transmitter / receiver / screen - Allows you to create the given kind of sign.
- wirelessredstone.remove.* - Allows you to remove all the kind of signs.
- wirelessredstone.remove.transmitter / receiver / screen - Allows you to destroy the given kind of sign.
- wirelessredstone.commands.* - Gives access to all the commands below.
- - Allows you to use /wr help and see the help
- - Allows you to see informations about a channel.
- wirelessredstone.commands.list - Allows you to see a list of the channels.
- wirelessredstone.commands.lock - Allows to use /wr lock / unlock command.
- wirelessredstone.commands.removechannel - Allows you to automatically remove an entire channel (You have to be an admin or the be the owner of the channel).
- - Allows to use /wr tp.
- wirelessredstone.admin.* - Gives access to all the nodes below
- wirelessredstone.admin.isAdmin - This node make you a wireless admin, that means that you're an owner of all the channels.
- wirelessredstone.admin.addowner - Allows you to add an Owner to a channel.
- wirelessredstone.admin.removeowner - Allows to remove an owner to channel.
- wirelessredstone.admin.backupdata - Allows to backup the database.
- wirelessredstone.admin.purge - Allows to purge the database.
- wirelessredstone.admin.wipedata - Allows you to delete the entire database. Don't give this permission to everybody, it's dangerous.
Permissions - Old nodes (1.6b and before)
- WirelessRedstone.createsign - Allows user/group to create signs manually.
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wrr - Allows user/group to use /WRr command
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wrt - Allow user/group to use /WRt command
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wrc - Allow user/group to use /WRc command
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wri - Allow user/group to use /WRi command
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wrlist - Allow user/group to use /WRList command
- - Allow user/group to use /WRhelp command
- WirelessRedstone.commands.wrremove - Allow user/group to use /WRremove command