Make your own plugin like features and more using VariableTriggers
This is a very powerful plugin that has unlimited potential. Create triggers that run lines of script when a player Clicks or Walks on a block (dirt, door, switch, trigger, torch, any block) or Create Event Triggers such as PlayerDeath , EntityDeath, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Join, Quit, Respawn, Interact and EntitySpawn that also run scripts. You can define Area Triggers and Command Triggers as well. You can use Dynamic Object variables and conditional IF and ELSE statements in the scripts. You can run any command that a player or OP can run and many speacial built-in commands to Teleport, Spawn Entities, Play Effects Visual or Sound, Set Blocks, Toggle Blocks, Check Players Heath and much more!. The scripts are executed on their own threads to take the strain off of the main server thread.
I don't exactly know what the heads or tails of this is.
Check the console for errors
Getting acquainted with VT. Setting up my first click event, this is what I got. Any tips on what I am doing wrong? It is set up to happen whenever a certain block is clicked. Nothing else to it.
you need to use /vtclick add of command. Instead of /vtclick you may use /vtc, eg:
/vtclict add @PLAYER Hello
then with a Bone in your hand, right click on a block to add.
You can view it via /vtc view , remove via /vtc remove
If anyone wants a 1.10 version of the old 1.3 version which a lot of you apparently use, just shoot me a PM. Mandatory disclaimer: it has not been approved by a Bukkit staff member and I am not maintaining anything or adding new features to it, but it should work on the newer servers.
Is there any way you could update VT to MC 1.10? I've been using it with no problems since MC 1.8, but after the MC 1.10 update, it stopped working.
I don't want you to feel like you need to fix all the bugs with VT 2.0. I'm sure it would be faster to update VT to MC 1.10 (maybe?)
Thank you!
Also, another problem with <playeruuid>, whenever I try to put $<playeruuid>.playername,
it shows as $894cc0d8-3618-4e51-bdd6-36bb69eb30cd.playername, instead of the value for that object variable.
Also, whenever I use a WalkTrigger with @TP to an object variable location, it throws this error.
It might be because it is teleporting people to a different world?
Lastly, there's an issue with some of the placeholders.
When I add @EXIT to the end of a script,
- '@IF i <cmdargcount> = 0'
- '@PLAYER &8T&fI&7T&fM&0 &8Usage: /[ooc | global | gl] (message).'
- '@EXIT'
- '@ENDIF')
It causes an error in the console.
Thank you so much!
Yeah it looks like it is trying to just print the object instead of the value. While I was on vacation over the summer I received a lot of bug reports and I'll see what I can do about them in the next couple of days.
I'm having issues with the <playeruuid> placeholder inside of @IF.
Here is the example I have:
- '@SETBOOL $sign.<playeruuid> false'
- '@IF b $sign.<playeruuid> = false'
- '@PLAYER Test'
- '@EXIT'
- '@ENDIF'
It does not go through, for some reason, and I think it's a bug with VariableTriggers.
I tried with $sign.test instead of $sign.<playeruuid> and it worked fine. It's just when it has <playeruuid> as a variable.
Also, when I run '@PLAYER $sign.<playeruuid>', it looks like this:
It should be saying false, so I think it's definitely a bug.
Also, $<playeruuid>.sign doesn't work either, so it''s both <playeruuid> as the object and the variable.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on making this fantastic plugin. From what I've seen from videos, it is perfect for what my server needs.
However, I seem to have a large issue. I have gone through the installation notes and done what is meant to be done, but the server does not recognise any commands. If I simply just put /vtc it just says /vtclick or /vtwalk? If, however, I input something like /vtc @PLAYER Hello, the server says Alexb333 has run command /vtc @PLAYER and does nothing else. I cannot figure out how to fix it. If you could learn me on how to fix it, I would be very grateful.
Thank you for your time ;D
for the making new thread thing, can you please address the problem with the spigot?
as Spigot doesn't allow asynchronous access to Bukkit API, it spams the console with the AsynchronousAccess something exception if the trigger script tries to access Bukkit API.I think this can be easily addressed by you :D (Using queue or something) The script itself works fine anyway, but throwing exception always slow down the execution time in Java as far as I know. Most of all, it's distracting! So if you are aware of the performance, please address this issue.
+ vtw edit seems not working. Or maybe edit for other commands(like vte) too; I tested only vtw. It says that updated the script, but the script never change when I check it with vtw view.
And I strongly suggest to add an insertion command, so people can insert script between the script; deleting entire scripts to add a single line before the another scripts is quite a lot of work. Of course, we can modify it directly with the text file, but I would like to do it in-game wise. We use script to make the simple codes work, so insertion command will be quite useful feature.
Thank you :)
Hi everyone. I have a question. Is it possible to make that mobs while wonders and after death can make another sound, like I want to creeper have wondering sound (as example) of falling anvil with a special pitch, and I want him to make sound of broken anvil after death? Is it even possible to make???
VT makes a new thread to run each thing you do and then it is removed, in order to not slow down the server with all of the intensive script reading. My guess is that one of your other plugins combined with VT are making too many threads for your server to handle, resulting in the out of memory error. I may release a version that keeps everything on the main thread soon if I find the time. It looks like the issue is also related to an area enter event with the player move, so maybe you've got too many areas set up for it to handle. The code is a couple years old on this so I'm not surprised if it's pretty inefficient with memory handling.
Frequently getting crashes from a specific error. Been using VariableTriggers for 2 years and never had this problem.
Server is definitely not running out of memory either. Not sure what exactly is causing it, help would be greatly appreciated
this is my favorite plugin. i appreciate you making it. but i dont know how to use the V2.
i used spigot for 1.9.4. there are some test results:
1.@SETBLOCK and @TOGGLEBLOCK don't work,and console got a warn. [Thread-119/WARN]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 [Thread-119/WARN]: at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser.parse( [Thread-119/WARN]: at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser$ [Thread-119/WARN]: at Source)
2.when i run a script command of Effects,nothing happened even the console.
3.i set override of command a few moments and then it will back to FALSE.
4.Sometimes triggers disappeard after restart console. Even I used /vt ss ,/vt st
Event triggers that teleport a player are giving me this:
Command should not be dispatched Async by variable triggers. Any help? FYI: This was happening both with Spigot and Paper
console keeps giving " Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to VariableTriggers v2'' error, any suggestions?
The @SETBLOCK is a bit buggy for me.Sometime the block won't appear, I need to left or right click on the position that the block supposed to appear to make the block appear.Please fix it.
I get an error when attempting to run any script on PlayerRespawn. Here's the error in console and PlayerRespawn event file. It's running a command called /maxhealth that just reloads a users maximum health. Server is running on Spigot 1.9.4.
Hello can this plugin work with mythic mobs? I cant spawn mythic mobs using @CMD/@CMDOP/@CMDCON.Any idea?