Make your own plugin like features and more using VariableTriggers
This is a very powerful plugin that has unlimited potential. Create triggers that run lines of script when a player Clicks or Walks on a block (dirt, door, switch, trigger, torch, any block) or Create Event Triggers such as PlayerDeath , EntityDeath, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Join, Quit, Respawn, Interact and EntitySpawn that also run scripts. You can define Area Triggers and Command Triggers as well. You can use Dynamic Object variables and conditional IF and ELSE statements in the scripts. You can run any command that a player or OP can run and many speacial built-in commands to Teleport, Spawn Entities, Play Effects Visual or Sound, Set Blocks, Toggle Blocks, Check Players Heath and much more!. The scripts are executed on their own threads to take the strain off of the main server thread.
Yes it is :)
Btw Lexlaiden, do you have an IRC channel?
This is awesome!!
Not as it stands. But who knows what the future of this plugin will bring.
a quick question: (more will follow :P)
OK added a main thread to post on.
May i suggest that you add a forum to this page?
Then we could share scripts with each other, or request scripts :)
Can this check a area (x y z to x y z area) to count how many monsters is alive, because then i could make a script that will count to 15, look if there is a mob alive, if there is not, it will spawn a new mob, but if there is a mob alive, it will wait 15 sec, and try again.
OK I have your fix!!!!!!
I played with PEX so I understand your problem. I have witten the code and tested, works fine. it is a new script command @CMDCON as in CommandConsol.
@CMDCON pex promote <playername>
or whatever pex cmd you use. The @CMDCON just lets you run a command as if it were typed in the server consol.
I have uploaded the update v1.0.5 it should be avalible as soon as the dev team apoves it.
Just uploaded VariableTriggers v1.04 Hopefully they'll make avalible soon...
Have added /vtrigger setloc
/vtrigger setloc loc tp1
this wil set a variable $loc.tp1 with your current location and orientation. You can then use:
/vtwalk @TP $loc.tp1
insted of clicking a location.
And will be in next update v1.0.4 when i release it. Have some other items to code first.
Hello. Is it possible for you to add support to override PermissionsEX commands with a trigger? I'd like to set up a permission buying system with this, but PEX does not let normal players use any commands via VT block even with @CMDOP. Thank you for reading!
Thanks for the feedback that is what I need. Great idea about setting orientation. And thanks for the syntax info. Will work on it.
Would it be possible to make the @TP command be able to set the player's orientation/camera angle? Currently it seems to always point in the same direction. I'm sure this would be useful in spawning mobs as well.
When using the "vtwalkremove" command, it says "click trigger removed" instead of "walk trigger removed."
In your instructions section where you describe the syntax for defining variables, you apparently left out the placement for the actual variable name in the syntax for @SETBOOL and @SETSTR. I'll assume they should follow the pattern in the ones above it?
After installing your plugin, I noticed one thing that may need fixing:
When using the "vtwalkremove" command, it instructs you to "left click" the block you wish to remove the trigger from, but a right-click is the appropriate action.
A list of permissions would be useful.....
Other than that, I really like your plugin. It completely opens up the possibilities on any server!
Wow. More advanced than