Make your own plugin like features and more using VariableTriggers
This is a very powerful plugin that has unlimited potential. Create triggers that run lines of script when a player Clicks or Walks on a block (dirt, door, switch, trigger, torch, any block) or Create Event Triggers such as PlayerDeath , EntityDeath, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Join, Quit, Respawn, Interact and EntitySpawn that also run scripts. You can define Area Triggers and Command Triggers as well. You can use Dynamic Object variables and conditional IF and ELSE statements in the scripts. You can run any command that a player or OP can run and many speacial built-in commands to Teleport, Spawn Entities, Play Effects Visual or Sound, Set Blocks, Toggle Blocks, Check Players Heath and much more!. The scripts are executed on their own threads to take the strain off of the main server thread.
Submitted a 1.9+ version that should fix some issues. Let me know in the comments if the commands still don't work after you update.
Hello when will this plugin work for spigot? none of the commands works, tbh and the page for the commands is not the same as the ones you use in game.
In Spigot 1.9.4 none of the commands are working. Instead I getting a bunch of java exceptions fired by the plugin itself regulary. I really looking forward to 1.9.X update of VT beacause its a great and unique plugin.
Okey thank you. So I should just wait for you? Or do you think I can do something?
I'm fairly new to using VT on minecraft but I have made black ops2 mod menus, when I wanted to set cool downs for individual players I had a seperate script I'd call for that would set the players "self.player-cooldown = 1" then after X amount of time set it back to 0 and I'd have a check in other scripts to check if the players cool down valve was set to 0 or 1 if value is 1 it will give an error message, if 0 it would continue the script. But I could specify the individual players to have there own cooldown not a group one. Hope that helps
CoolDown() If self.player-cooldown == 1 do nothing Else Set self.player-cooldown = 1 Delay 30.0 Set self.player-cooldown = 0
Sorry for shit code I'm on iPhone lol but that's an example.
I'm trying to make a per-player cooldown instead of having cooldown affect all users. I want to send a user a message without spamming it to them, and also display the message to other users who follow the walk trigger.
- '@IF i $<playername>.ladder1 < <secondticks:0>' - ' @SETINT $<playername>.ladder1 <secondticks:30>' - ' @PLAYER &c&lHEROBRINE&k:&r&f&l I''ve added a ladder so you can beat this jump!' - '@ENDIF'
^ That does nothing, no errors, nothing. Plugin is enabled. Outputs messages fine without the IF statement. Spigot 1.9.4.
Hi I'm having same problem, I have lastest Ver of VT and placeholder API and get the same Error in logs, it was working fine before I updated Mcore and Factions plugin, I'm going to go back to old Ver of these to plugins to see if tht fixes it.
Anyone else on lastest Factions and Mcore with VT working fine ?
Hmm. I guess it does need placeholder API. I will look into why it is making it a hard depend instead of a soft one.
Hey, I'm also getting an error. Im using your latest version and I specified "add" If I add a trigger it says it's added but It won't do anything. This is the error I'm getting in the console.
08.06 20:41:38 [Server] INFO SCRIPT: @PLAYER "Hey" 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN Exception in thread "Thread-479" 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/clip/placeholderapi/PlaceholderAPI 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser.parseVars( 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser.parse( 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser$ 08.06 20:41:39 [Server] WARN at Source) 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN Exception in thread "Thread-480" 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/clip/placeholderapi/PlaceholderAPI 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser.parseVars( 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser.parse( 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN at com.github.lyokofirelyte.VariableTriggers.VTParser$ 08.06 20:41:40 [Server] WARN at Source)
Which version are you using? If you are using the latest version, you have to specify "add" after /vtclick - so /vtclick add @PLAYER Hello <playername>.
full of warming spam console
/vtclick @PLAYER Hello <playername> you are in <worldname>.
nothing come
spigot 1.9.4
It's been commented out for ages, and it's a soft depend in the plugin.yml - there shouldn't be any issues with PlaceholderAPI. If you see anything related to it please put the server log error that mentions PlaceholderAPI in a mail to me and I'll check it out.
You are totally right
everything in variable trigger seems to rely on Bukkit API
so there are nothing to fix except weird placeholder API dependency
it seems to working fine in 1.9 to me
it's a little mistake of the author; he should've designed it working even without presence of the placeholder API unless it's hardly relying on it
so everyone who is waiting for 1.9 update just get placeholder API
Please update to 1.9 now, I hope this stable, and now the version will have an odd format error message
I am wondering about this exact same thing.
Any idea when the 1.9 build will be out?
If sudo is fixing it then you don't have permissions to run the command
Odd, it should be a soft depend. You must be using some features from placeholder api.
I'm still reading your comments (usually) I just have been very, very busy with RL and haven't had time to Bukkit lately. Maybe if I'm up too it I'll update but a lot of people seem to be having issues with the newer versions so we'll see.
I recently figured out that the newer versions can actually work, but only when I install PlaceholderAPI ( Apparently VariableTriggers is dependent on PlaceholderAPI, but the dependency isn't listed on this Bukkit page for some reason. I figured this out after digging through the source code.
Perhaps there are some features that don't require PlaceholderAPI, but the ones I needed wouldn't work without it.