
Ultra Hardcore 1.8


Configutation Guide

Looking for older config file? Click here.
All detail of placeholder are in the config.yml file.





Default: 4
Type: Integer
Since: 1.3.0


If there is any update in the config, you will be notification on the console.





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.0


Enable the plugin if boolean value is set to true, otherwise the plugin will be disabled / edit mode.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.2.0


If true, it will check if there is a new update.





Default: 250 {0 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how far outside of the arena have to be loaded / generated chunks.




Default: {0 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how many tick delay before it load / generated the next group of chunks.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.3.0


If true, load / generated chunks in the nether as well.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, show more information before and after chunkloader.




Default: 20 {0 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how many chunk to be loaded / generated in a group.




disableElytraMovementCheck   [+]

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If false, the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, the sun will never move.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, entities that are not mobs should not drop items.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, fire cannot spread.



doLimitedCrafting   [+]

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If true, players should only be able to craft recipes that they've unlocked first.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, entities that are mobs should not drop items.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, mobs cannot spawn into the world.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, blocks cannot drop items.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.3.2


If false, weather will never change.




Default: 24 {0 - 100}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.3.2


If one entity tries to push more then specified number of entities, it starts to suffocate.
If 0, disabled.




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If false, mobs cannot destroy / damage the world.




Default: 3 {0 - 10}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


How often a random block tick occurs (Such as plant growth, leaf decay...) per chunk section per game tick.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, reduced the debug information to the player in F3 mode and players outline.




Default: 0 {0 - 10}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.3.0


The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player will be spawn in.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, spectators players can generate new chunks in the game.





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.1.0


If true, server mode otherwise private / friends mode.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.1.0


If true, will be using advanced message of the day otherwise will be using @ServerMode.SimpleMotd message of the day.




Default: 1 {1 - 9 999}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a server id number.




Default: 8 {2 - 100}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set the minimums players to start the game.
(Solo mode only)




Default: 4 {2 - 53}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set the minimums teams to start the game.
(Team mode only)




Default: 30 {10 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set how long players have to wait before the game is about to start, and the player will be teleport-ed to the arena.




Default: %0|%1|%2|%3
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a simple message of the day.



DisabledChunkloader   [+]

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If true, chunkloader will not load / generated chunks when the server is starting up.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Disabled

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&c Disabled
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'disabled'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Error

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&4&l Error
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'error'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Loading

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&c Loading... %C
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'loading'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Reset

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&c Restarting
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'reset'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Waiting

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&a Waiting for players...
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'waiting'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > WaitingStarting

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&e Starting soon...
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'waitingstarting'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Starting

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&7 Started
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'starting'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > InGame

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&7 InGame
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'ingame'.



AdvencedMotdStatus > Finished

Default: &cUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&7&lStatus:&r&7 Finished
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set a message of the day if game status is on 'finished'.



KickMessage > PlayerJoinError

Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8 - Error
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


If non-permission player try to join the game when the game status is on 'error', this message will be displayed to the player.



KickMessage > PlayerJoinLoading

Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8 - Loading
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


If non-permission player try to join the game when the game status is on 'loading', this message will be displayed to the player.



KickMessage > PlayerJoinGameEnd

Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8 - Ending
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


If non-permission player try to join the game when the game status is on 'finished', this message will be displayed to the player.



KickMessage > PlayerKickRestart

Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8 - Update / Restart
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


When the server reload / shutdown, this messages will be displayed to the player.



KickMessage > PlayerKickGameEnd

Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8&r{N}&cServer Restart&r{N}&aThanks for playing.
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


When the server is not using 'BungeeCord Support', this message will be displayed to the player.



BungeeCordSupport > Enabled

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.1.0


If true, Plugin support BungeeCord.
(Server mode have to be enabled)



BungeeCordSupport > FallbackServer

Default: hub
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set fallback server, when the game end it will connecting to this server id.
If BungeeCord server id do not exist, players will be kick instead.



BungeeCordSupport > Item

Default: BARRIER
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set what item it will be displayed to the player if they want to go back to the other server.



BungeeCordSupport > InvSlot

Default: 8 {0 - 8}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.1.0


Here do you set where return server item will be placed on the player hot-bar inventory.
(Remember if other item using this item slot, that item will be overwritten or not showing up)





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, team mode will be using otherwise solo mode.




Default: 2 {1 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the max players for each teams.
(Command /autoteam will overwritten this settings)




Default: 1
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the where 'Select Team' item will be on the players hot-bar inventory.
(If there is a item on that item slot it will be overwritten or not showing up)



OldCombatMode   [+]

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since 1.4.0


If true, will be using the old Minecraft combat mode.



PlayerListHearts   [+]

Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If true, player tab-list will show up as hearts bar for each player otherwise it will show up as integer.



Options > CollisionRule

Default: 0 {0 - 3}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.3.0


Here do you set the collision rules for the players.



Options > FriendlyFire

Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, teammate can kill each other.



Options > NameTagVisibility

Default: 0 {0 - 3}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.2.0


Here do you set the name tag visibility.



Options > SeeFriendlyInvisibles

Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, teammates can see other teammates invisibly.




Default: {List}
Type: String list
Since: 1.4.1


Here do you setting up the teams name and the color of the teams.

'Team Name|Color Code'
'Red Team|c'





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, player tab-list will have a header & footer.




Default: &c&lUltra Hardcore 1.8&r
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the player tab-list header message.




Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the player tab-list footer message.





Default: 2 {1 - 3}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the world difficulty.




Default: 1000 {100 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the arena size where players / teams can be teleport-ed in.




Default: 0 {0 - 23 999}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set a specific where the sun should be in the game when the game is starting.
(Value are in Minecraft tick)





Default: 0 {0 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.2.0


Here do you set a delay before the world-border is going to shrink.
(Value are in seconds)



StartSize   [+]

Default: 1250 {50 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.4.0


Here do you set where world-border should be starting at.
If @WorldSettings.ArenaSize is bigger, it will be using that value.



EndSize   [+]

Default: 150 {5 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.4.0


Here do you set where world-border should stop / how small arena will be.




Default: 10800 {0 - 100 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the world-border shrink time, just how long it will take to reach the end position.





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, generated custom book.




Default: 7 {0 - 8}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set where on the player hot-bar inventory this book will be spawn in for each players.




Default: &cUltra Hardcore
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the name of the book.




Default: {List}
Type: String list
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the book lord.




Default: {List}
Type: String list
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the book pages in.





Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.2.0


If true, golden head is enable.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If true, default golden head apple can be crafted.
(GoldenHead have to be enabled)




Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.4.0


If true, golden head apple can be crafted.
(GoldenHead have to be enabled)





Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, freeze player when the game is starting the game.
(Custom world-border will be added around the player)




Default: 10 {5 - 15}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how big aria where players / teams can be moving before the game is starting.





Default: 20 {0 - 20 000}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how long delay for each message is going to displayed to the players.
If 0, disabled.




Default: &cUHC&8 |&r YOU ARE NOW IN &a%0&r MIN IN
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the marker message.
If blank, disabled.




Default: false
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.0.4


If true, every damage that player get hits will be logged, when the player die it will show all the damage for that player.





Default: %0 was killed by Offline Timer
Type: String
Can be empty: No
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set the death message when the player did not come back to the game in time.




Default: 5 {1 - 20}
Type: Integer
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how long for each player can be offline for.





Default: true
Type: Boolean
Since: 1.2.0


If false, will use the Minecraft chat system layout / other plugins chat system.




Default: <%0> %0
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how the 'default' chat format will lock like.
If blank, disabled. (Players will not enabled to chat)




Default: &7Team&r <%0> &7%0
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.3.0


Here do you set how 'private team' chat format will lock like.
If blank, will be using @GlobalChat.Team.




Default: <&7&o%0&r> %0
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.0.4


Here do you set how 'spectators' chat format will lock like.
If blank, disabled. (Players will not enabled to chat)




Default: <%0> %0
Type: String
Can be empty: Yes
Since: 1.3.0


Here do you set how 'team' chat format will lock like.
If blank, disabled. (Players will not enabled to chat)

