Plugin Tutorial

Plugin Tutorial

Last Updated v1.0

Permissions, Commands, and Config Settings

FAQ Section

Example Configs

How It Works

Anything in <>s here is a config setting. Information on some of the variables and basic usage follows:

  • There are five kinds of chests. Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and EPIC. The rarity is determined by the random value chosen for the chest. Less than 1500 is Common. 1500-2499 is Uncommon. 2500-3499 is Rare. 3500-4499 is Legendary. 4500+ is EPIC. (All five values can be changed in the config, but must progress in that order.) The default <MaxValue> is 5000, but chests can spawn above the cap a bit if the last item chosen to fill the chest exceeds the value chosen for the chest by a good enough amount. You can set any <MaxValue> you like for each world.
  • The plugin's timer checks every <ChestInterval> seconds against a random number generator. The chance of a chest spawning is 1 in <ChestChance>. If it hits, a chest of random value spawns in the world and is placed in a random location. <ChestChance> can be 1, which would spawn a chest every check. You can also set a <Duration> for how long spawned chests will exist before they fade away, default 60 minutes.
  • The value of the chests can be completely random, or you can use the <DrawWeight> variable to cause the plugin to draw more times and take the lowest of the draws(meaning more common chests will spawn and higher chests will be rarer). You can also weight the items chosen in the chest towards BETTER items (thus making higher value chests more likely to spawn stuff their level than more common level items) with the <GoodItemWeight> setting. You can also ignore this mechanic with <StrictItems>, which forces the chest to spawn items only from its own rarity level list.
  • Each world has a config property called <ItemList>, which defines the WorldLists entry they pull their items from. (See default config and look at how the WorldLists.Default item setup is configured. The number after each item name in the config is that item's individual value, when compiling the chest's contents at spawn-time.
  • The location of the chest is determined by choosing random locations until a suitable one is found. Suitable means that it fits within the <MinElevation> and <MaxElevation> (or <MaxElevationRare> if higher value than 2500), and that the light level is between <MinLightLevel> and <MaxLightLevel>. The chest must also be at least <MinDistance> blocks away from and no more than <MaxDistance> blocks away from the <CenterX> and <CenterZ>.
  • You can set a <MarkerBlock> under the chest to replace the block previously there. The default is GLOWSTONE, making chests appear with a glowstone block under them. You can turn this function off with <UseMarkerBlock>.
  • Players can do /hunt, /th, or left-click with a <HuntTool> (<ConsumeChance>% chance of consumption) to get the distance to the nearest chest horizontally (does not take into account height, making you have to dig when you arrive). They will only actually do a search every <SecondsBetweenChecks> seconds, in order to save server processor time from people mindlessly clicking. :)
  • Players can now also use /hunt tophunters (or /th tophunters) to display the top ten chest hunters, based on either chests found or total value found (Options.TopHuntersByValue).
  • Move and keep checking the command to determine the direction of the chest. The first one to open the chest is the one who claims it, and no one else can open it once it's claimed. The chest also cannot be destroyed. After 5 minutes from the time it was found, the chest will fade, unless you set <FadeFoundChests> to false. Also a new function allows the server owner to turn on Options.DirectionalText (default false), which makes hunting (in my option) much too much easier by telling the person the general direction they must face when they use their tool or do /hunt. As in, "The chest is somewhere behind you."
  • The chest will also fade if it is not found within an <ChestDuration>, or if the plugins are reloaded or the server is shut down. When a chest fades, the <MarkerBlock> under it turns into a <FadeBlock>, which is default SOUL_SAND.
  • Ops or people with permissions can use /hunt help or /th help to see info on how to configure the plugin ingame.
  • You can set up Enchantment Setups to use in place of item names in the item lists, to spawn enchanted items in chests.
  • You can distribute money in chests using <MinMoney>(which sets the minimum you can get) and <MoneyMultiplier>(which sets the max money you can get by multiplying <MaxValue> by itself).
  • You can now also spawn stationary chests, which are another type of chest consisting of a min/max respawn time, a value, an ItemList. The ItemList for a stationary chest can be either a WorldLists entry or a CustomLists entry. CustomLists are like WorldLists except that they don't have different rarity levels with different items; they just have one big item group.


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