Permissions, Commands, and Config Settings

Permissions, Commands, and Config Settings

Permission Nodes

NodeDescription (or *)Allows users to use /hunt or /th in world. (or *)Allows users to receive broadcasts from TreasureHunt while in the world named. (or *)Allows users to use the hunt tool in world. (or *)Allows users to claim chests they find in world (without this, they cannot win the hunt, only find the chest). (or *)Allows users to make offerings to compass blocks to have their compass set. (or *)Players with this permission will not count towards the closest player checks in the respective world. (or *)Players with this permission will be able to use their hunt tool infinitely. (or *)Allows users to create stationary TreasureHunt chests without needing to give them the admin permission. (or *)Allows users to start hunts without needing to have the admin permission. users to use all settings commands below.

Commands (Basic)

NOTE: Any command with /hunt can also be done with /th

CommandPermission NodeDescription
/ (or *)Shows you the distance to the nearest chest. Can only be done once per SecondsBetweenChecks seconds. (See below.)
/ a random hunt somewhere.
/starthunt <value> a random hunt somewhere with at least the value specified.
/starthunt here <value> a hunt at the block you are looking at with at least the value specified.
/stattool off the stationary chest tool (OBSIDIAN).
/stattool <value> <minrespawntime> <maxrespawntime> <itemlist> your stationary chest tool (OBSIDIAN) to place chests of the desired value, with a respawn time somewhere between <minrespawntime> and <maxrespawntime> (different every respawn), using items from <itemlist>.
/hunt all commands for setting the TH settings ingame.
/hunt configuration.
/hunt all active hunts.
/hunt configuration.
/hunt your current world as a chest generation world.
/hunt your current world as a chest generation world.
/hunt copyworld <name> settings from the world you specify to your current world.
/hunt whether the block you're looking at is a compass block or not.
/hunt addenchant <name> the item you're holding as an enchanted item setup using the given name.
/tophuntersnoneDisplays the top chest hunters.
/tophunters the top hunters.

All-World Options / Commands

As with all commands, /th can be substituted for /hunt.

Config OptionIngame CommandDescription
Options.TopHuntersByValue/tophuntersIf true, the top hunters are displayed based upon how much value in chests they have found. If false, the top hunters are displayed based upon how many chests they've found. Default = false.
Options.MaxAttemptsPerTickNumber of times per server tick the plugin will search for a chest location (if it has determined that a chest should spawn). Default = 5.
Options.SecondsBetweenChecksAmount of seconds players must wait before /hunting or using the hunt tool. Default = 5.
Options.MaxSpawnAttemptsAmount of attempts to find a suitable location when trying to spawn a chest. If your configuration is too tight, it will be easier to hit higher counts. Default = 1000.
Options.MinPlayersOnlineAmount of players which must be online for chests to spawn (does not include stationary chests). Default = 4.
Options.UseCompass/hunt usecbUse the compass block feature of TH to help people find chests. Default = false.
Options.3DDistancesUse 3d distances instead of 2d for locating chests. With this off, players who get to 0 blocks must either go up or down. Default = false.
Options.FoundChestFadeTimeTime in minutes before a found chest will fade. Default = 5.
Options.DirectionalTextTurns on or off Directional Text, which displays what direction the chest is in textually when someone uses the hunt tool or does the hunt command. Default = false.
Options.DetailLogsDisplay more log messages to console such as where and when chests spawn, who finds them, how much money they get, etc. Default = false.
Options.Protection.BreakProtects chests and marker blocks from being broken. Default = true.
Options.Protection.BurnProtects chests and marker blocks from being burned. Default = true.
Options.Protection.ExplodeProtects chests and marker blocks from being blown up. Default = true.
Options.Protection.PistonProtects chests and marker blocks from being pistoned. Default = true.
Options.ChestLevels.UncommonSet the value at which chests become Uncommon. Default = 1500.
Options.ChestLevels.RareSet the value at which chests become Uncommon. Default = 2500.
Options.ChestLevels.LegendarySet the value at which chests become Uncommon. Default = 3500.
Options.ChestLevels.EpicSet the value at which chests become Uncommon. Default = 4500.

Per-World Options / Commands

As with all commands, /th can be substituted for /hunt. Replace <world> with the name of the world, no lessthans or greaterthans.

Config OptionIngame CommandDescription
WorldOptions.<world>.HuntTool/hunt toolBukkit name of the Material to be used as the hunt tool. Default = ROTTEN_FLESH.
WorldOptions.<world>.OfferingTool/hunt offeringtoolBukkit name of the Material to be used as the offering to compass blocks. Default = BONE.
WorldOptions.<world>.MarkerBlock/hunt markerBukkit name of the Material to be used as the marker block UNDER a chest. Default = GLOWSTONE.
WorldOptions.<world>.ChestChance/hunt chance <int>Represents X in the chest chance of 1 in X. For example, entering 1 for this would cause a chest to spawn every check. Default = 100.
WorldOptions.<world>.ChestInterval/hunt interval <int>Amount of time in seconds between chest checks for this world. Default = 60.
WorldOptions.<world>.ChestDuration/hunt duration <int>Amount of time in minutes before an unfound chest fades. Default = 60.
WorldOptions.<world>.MinDistance/hunt mindist <int>The minimum distance (cubical) that a chest must spawn from center in order to be allowed. Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxDistance/hunt maxdist <int>The maximum distance (cubical) that a chest can spawn from center. Default = 3000.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxCompassDistance/hunt maxcompassdist <int>The maximum distance a chest can be from a compass block before it won't register to that block. Default = 1000.
WorldOptions.<world>.CenterX/hunt centerThe X-coordinate of the center of chest generation. Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.CenterZ/hunt centerThe Z-coordinate of the center of chest generation. Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.DrawWeight/hunt weight <int>The amount of draws before a value is chosen (taking the lowest value). Default = 2.
WorldOptions.<world>.GoodItemWeight/hunt itemweight <int>The amount of draws before an item is chosen (taking the one earliest in the list). Default = 2.
WorldOptions.<world>.AmountWeight/hunt amountweight <int>The amount of draws before an amount of items is chosen (taking the lowest value). Default = 3.
WorldOptions.<world>.MinLightLevelThe minimum light required for a location to be valid for a chest to spawn. Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxLightLevelThe maximum light allowed for a location to be valid for a chest to spawn. Default = 4.
WorldOptions.<world>.UseMarker/hunt usemarker <true/false>Use the Marker block underneath chests in this world. Default = true.
WorldOptions.<world>.MinElevationThe minimum elevation required for a location to be valid for a chest to spawn. Default = 4.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxElevationThe maximum elevation allowed for a location to be valid for any chest to spawn. Default = 50.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxElevationRareThe maximum elevation allowed for a location to be valid for a chest of rarity Rare or higher to spawn. Default = 25.
WorldOptions.<world>.ConsumeChance/hunt consumechance <int>The percent chance (max 100) that the hunt tool will be consumed when used. Default = 50.
WorldOptions.<world>.MinMoney/hunt minmoney <int>The minimum amount of money someone can get when they find a chest. Default = 100.
WorldOptions.<world>.MoneyMultiplier/hunt moneymultiplier <decimal>The max money someone can get when they find a chest is the chest's value times this. Default = 1.0.
WorldOptions.<world>.Enabled/hunt enable <true/false>Enable random chest generation for this world. Default = false.
WorldOptions.<world>.StrictItems/hunt strictitems <true/false>Enable strict item selection for this world, which causes items from only the chest's rarity level to appear within it, instead of the default behavior of higher-level chests being able to contain amounts of lower-level items. Default = false.
WorldOptions.<world>.MaxValue/hunt maxvalue <int>The maximum value any chest in this world can have. (Note that sometimes the value will go slightly over this - this is due to TH still accepting the last item randomly picked for a chest even if it goes over the goal value.) Default = 5000.
WorldOptions.<world>.LastCheckYou should probably not mess with this, but this represents the time (in milliseconds) when the world was last checked for chest generation. Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.OverrideMinPlayers/hunt overrideminplayers <true/false>Override the MinPlayersOnline setting to allow the plugin to always keep the MinChests amount of chests active even if not enough people are online to normally spawn chests. Default = false.
WorldOptions.<world>.FadeFoundChests/hunt fadefoundchests <true/false>Fade chests that have been found shortly afterward. Default = true.
WorldOptions.<world>.MinChests/hunt minchests <int>The amount of chests to keep active on this world at all times (except when there aren't enough players on to reach MinPlayers). Default = 0.
WorldOptions.<world>.OfferAmount/hunt offeramount <int>The amount of OfferingTool you must offer to a compass block to get a reading. Default = 1.
WorldOptions.<world>.CanSpawnOnThe Bukkit material names of block types that TH chests can spawn on top of. Default = STONE, SMOOTH_BRICK, MOSSY_COBBLESTONE, OBSIDIAN.


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