Complete Changelog

Version 1.0

Note About 1.0

Be sure to back up your config prior to updating to 1.0. There are changes to the config structure, and to be honest I am not good at writing conversion methods. The changes will be obvious enough once you see the new version of the config compared to the old version, so you should be able to copy/paste old data directly into the new file once you've got it running.

  • New optimization for chest spawning. No more lag when a chest location is being selected!
  • Connection to WorldGuard to prevent chests spawning in regions where block breaking and chest access are disabled.
  • Connection to Towny to prevent chests spawning in town blocks.
  • Config option to set the levels at which chests become Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and Epic. (Currently they are 1500, 2500, 3500, and 4500 respectively.)
  • Custom (named) Item Lists, and an ItemList option for each world as well as each stationary chest. (Worlds will only be able to use itemlists from the WorldLists section; Stationary chests will be free to use WorldLists or CustomLists.)
  • Complete rewrite of the way configs are handled so as to prevent the 'where's my config file?' issue. Apparently I've been using an outdated method of config usage. :/
  • Config option to choose the block left behind after a chest fades (perviously hardcoded to soulsand). Also the ability to say RETURN instead of a block name to have the block return to what it was before the chest spawned.
  • Permission node for starthunt commands, in the format of (or *). Also still covers this.
  • Permission node for stationary chest commands, in the format of (or *). Also still covers this.
  • A command to view a list of the top ten chest-finders, with listings of the total value of the chests they have found, as well as a command to clear the list and a config option whether to display by number of chests found or total value of chests found.
  • Finish/fix directional text, so that when a player does /hunt(or uses the tool) it will tell them which direction they need to turn to be facing the chest in addition to the distance. Config option to shut off this function already exists.

Version 0.10.2

  • Fixed a bug where console would throw errors when attempting to do any /hunt commands (basically just disabled them for now because they weren't set up for console yet anyway).
  • Fixed the bug (I'm fairly sure this time) where if you didn't have Vault installed the plugin would refuse to load. If this happens again, let me know.
  • Started to set up PluginMetrics for this plugin, although it is not implemented fully yet (that's why the difference in file size).

Version 0.10.1

  • /hunt minlight <int> command.
  • /hunt maxlight <int> command
  • Fixed a pretty important bug with world selection for chest generation (was a result of changing the data type of one of the variables in the code).

Version 0.10

  • CUSTOMIZABLE MESSAGES! Finally! Yes, it took a bunch of work but I devised a pretty lightweight system to handle the messages. They will be loaded from a separate .yml file called messages.yml. You will also be able to set the plugin's tag in there. You can include color codes in messages (&1, &2, etc). Most messages are covered (except errors). I'll be uploading a table of which tags can be used with which messages to the pages section soon. The tags are <tag>,<pname>,<worldname>,<timeleft>,<amount>,<item>,<distance>,<numhunts>,<value>,<rarity>, and probably one or two more I'm forgetting. :)
  • ABILITY TO ADD ENCHANTED ITEMS TO CHESTS! Woot! There will be a section in the config file called "EnchantedItems" where you will dictate certain enchantment setups and give each one a name which can be used in the item lists. Such as "ENCH1" which could be for example a piece of Protection IV Fire Resist I Iron Armor. This way you could set a value for each item just as with every other kind of item.
  • ABILITY TO PLACE STATIONARY CHESTS WITH SET VALUES! You will be able to use this new feature to fill out your dungeons/mazes/obstacle courses/whatever with treasure! For now, you will be able to dictate the average value for the chest (so making it 1500 will cause it to spawn Uncommon chests, etc). In the future, when I release a planned feature, you'll be able to define custom item lists, and then choose which item list the chest uses as well. These chests will have a "RespawnMinTime" and a "RespawnMaxTime", and when the chest is looted, a timer will be started to refresh the chest at some amount of minutes between those times (so no one can for example camp a four-hour chest and then mark the time it spawned and come four hours later to loot it again). The chest will disappear after found using the new foundchestfadetime option, like most chests, and as such while it is waiting to respawn there will be no deceptive chest sitting there making people think there are items present.
  • Added a couple more forms of protection for chests, so they REALLY can't be destroyed. (Previously there were still certain ways to break them.)
  • Config setting for not fading found chests and only fading unfound ones
  • Config setting for how many minutes it should take for a found chest to fade (default is 5, which is what it always was until now).
  • Ability to change what is offered to compass blocks (offeringtool) and how much
  • Ability to set a minimum number of unfound chests to keep active in a world at a time
  • Ability to set whether to override the minplayers setting to allow the world to reach that minimum unfound chests value even if not enough people are around (most people will want this set false)
  • Slightly better handling of instances where you incorrectly enter commands (so you know what you did wrong), but still needs some work.
  • Config setting for strict item selection, which alters the way items for chests are chosen. By default this is false (and chests of higher rarities may contain items from lower rarities as well as their own level's items), and when true chests will only contain items from their rarity level. When setting this to true I recommend you set gooditemweight to 1.
  • Config setting to use 3D directions instead of 2D (will be slightly more processor intensive).
  • Config setting to set amount weight of items in chests (higher weight = less amounts of items, instead of massive quantities of bricks, flint, etc).
  • I believe I finally fixed chests not fading. Let me know if it still happens. If it does, it almost certainly has to do with /th reload, which I think I need to work on a little.
  • Updated the permission to be like the others - that is, it now comes in the form of or*, and the world listed is the world you want them RECEIVING messages IN. So if the person is in "world" but doesn't have, they won't receive any messages from TH until they leave that world. Eventually I'll set it up so you can prevent messages based on the origin world as well.

Version 0.9

  • Added a new feature: Compass blocks (as requested :D)! Players with the permission can now set compass blocks by looking at the block and typing /th cb. /th cb toggles the block between being and not being a compass block. Players then offer the compass block a bone (I'll make that changable shortly) to have it point their compass towards the nearest chest. You can set a different max range for the compass blocks in each world. The reason I set it up to be only one block (and you can set as many as you want) was so you could design an appropriate holder or obelisk or whatever at your whim :) Then spread them in secret locations around your world, or sell them as an admin service or something. :)
  • I'm pretty sure I fixed the bug with the first world being reset over and over, and the one with chests not in the first world being breakable.
  • Added permission (or *) to allow permission for people to make offerings to the compass blocks.
  • Added permission (or *) to allow people to be ignored in the check for the closest player, as requested.
  • Added permission (or *) to allow people to use the hunt tool infinitely.
  • Also fairly sure I fixed the chests not despawning bug. If you find any new ones, let me know and I'll look into it further.

Version 0.8.2

  • Fixed a pretty major bug with high-level chests spawning far too often - weight was being applied correctly but there was a bug in the item generation
  • Removed the "set" from the beginning of a lot of commands...felt it was a bit redundant

Version 0.8.1

  • Added the per-world config option "GoodItemWeight", which in the same way as "Weight" affects a chest's item generation. Basically, a GoodItemWeight of 3, for example, will make the plugin draw three times for each item, and the best tier of item drawn is used. So a higher GoodItemWeight will cause less common items in rarer chests.
  • Added '/th setitemweight' to set the GoodItemWeight ingame.
  • Added the global option "MinPlayers", which prevents chests from spawning if the number of players online is less than what it is set to.
  • Fixed the command /starthunt, which wasn't working if you didn't specify any information (it now performs correctly when you don't specify any arguments and spawns a chest in a random world with a random value).
  • Added an indicator when doing /hunt, /th, or using the hunt tool to show how many chests are currently up in the world you're in.
  • Added indicators in /th settings for new settings and some that were missing
  • Updated for 1.2.3!

Version 0.8

  • The plugin is now fully updated to support multiple worlds. Up until now it really wasn't set up for it. Now you can set specific settings for each world, and enable and disable chest spawning in each world.
  • The,, and permissions have been altered to allow world specific permissions. That means you have to change the old ones to* or whatever if you want the players to be able to use the tool in every world.
  • The chest setup has been changed significantly. Each type of chest now has an item set. You can use items with data values as well by instead of having WOOL: 30 (which previously would give you wool in the chest at a value of 30 each) putting in "WOOL:14": 30. (This would give you red wool.) The data value stuff is untested so please let me know if there are problems (but there shouldn't be - I've used the same code before).
  • Using the new item sets, a common chest can have only common items. An uncommon can have common and uncommon, and a rare can have rare, common, or uncommon. This same pattern continues through Epic.
  • Added the ability to set the kind of block appears under a spawned chest (MarkerBlock), default glowstone.
  • Added new commands to set new values.
  • Added /th as an alternative to /hunt
  • Various bugfixes
  • Updated for 1.1_R4

I strongly recommend renaming your current config file to save its data for setting up your new config, as they have been rearranged a bit.

Version 0.7

  • Changed permissions support to use Vault, which should hopefully fix all the permissions bugs people have been having.
  • This version is tested and working in the latest Dev build of bukkit for 1.1. (This statement will become outdated over time.)

Version 0.6

  • Added config option and '/hunt setminmoney' command to set the minimum money a chest will give. (Integer - Only using Vault)
  • Added config option and '/hunt setconsumechance' command to set the % chance of a hunt tool being consumed when used. (Integer 0-100)
  • Added config option and '/hunt setmoneymultiplier' command to set the (decimal) multiplier of a chest's value to be used as the max money it can provide (the actual amount will be random between the min amount and the chest's value * this). If you set this to 0, money will not be given out in chests.
  • Added Vault support to support the new money stuff. It won't work if you don't have it, but can still be used without it.
  • Added '/starthunt here <value>' to allow people with the permission to place chests manually.

Version 0.5e

  • Fixed bug with '/hunt setmindist' command.
  • Add min distance indicator to '/hunt settings' command.

Version 0.5d

  • Support for Bukkit RB 1337 (untested, let me know if there are problems)
  • Added config option "MinDistance", which sets the minimum distance a chest can spawn from the center point.
  • Added a console output when chests are generated showing how many runs it took to find a suitable location. If this gets too high, try lowering your specificness on requirements for light and distance and such.

Version 0.5c

  • Support for Bukkit RB 1317 (Sorry, new stuff coming soon)

Version 0.5b

  • Added message "<Playername> is very close to a chest!" when players are within 200 blocks of a chest.
  • Added config option "SecondsBetweenChecks", which sets how often a player can use /hunt or the hunt tool. Default is once every 5 seconds. (They can still attempt to use it, but it won't process the request, thus saving the server lots of processing.)

Version 0.5

  • Fixed PermissionsBukkit support. Let me know if there are problems, as I do not run this plugin on my server.
  • PermissionsEx support

Version 0.4a

  • Fixed chest draw interval not being properly read by the program (I had duration in its place for some reason).

Version 0.4

  • SuperPerms support(PermissionsBukkit)
  • /hunt settings command - lists current settings of TreasureHunt
  • /hunt list command - lists all active hunts
  • /hunt setweight command - see below
  • Added ability to set the types of blocks a chest can spawn on
  • Added ability to set the required max or minimum light level.
  • Added ability to set the minimum and maximum elevation for chests to spawn on, as well as a separate maximum for chests with value over 3500 (Legendary or EPIC)
  • Added ability to turn off the glowstone/soulsand marker under the chest
  • Added ability to set downward weight on chest value - default is 2 draws (value is drawn twice and lowest is used)
  • Permission: - use the hunt tool
  • Permission: - use the hunt command
  • Permission: - ability to claim chests
  • Permission: - ability to recieve TreasureHunt broadcasts
  • Permission: - ability to use /hunt help and all TreasureHunt settings commands.

Version 0.3

  • Fixed the glowstone block underneath the chest being breakable.
  • Added commands! See above.
  • Added configuration options "CenterX" and "CenterZ", which are the coordinates of the center of chest generation. You can also access this value ingame from the new commands (see above). You may need to set this if you have used a previous version, otherwise it will be set to the first world on your server.
  • Added configuration option "TreasureWorld", which holds the name of the world that is generating chests. You can access this ingame too!

Version 0.2

  • Fixed bug where left-clicking with the hunt tool would sometimes crash the client.
  • Added configuration option "MaxDistance", used to set the max distance from 0,0 a chest can spawn.
  • Added configuration option "ChestInterval", used to set how often (in seconds) the plugin does a chest chance check to spawn a chest.
  • Added configuration option "ChestChance", used to set the chance of a chest spawning. This number is what the chance is out of, so if you set it to 100, the chance of a chest spawning on a ChestInterval is 1 in 100. So, higher is less likely.
  • Added configuration option "HuntTool", used to set the tool the player can use to check for the nearest chest.
  • Added configuration option "ChestDuration", used to set how long a chest will sit there unfound before it fades, in minutes.
  • Added /hunt reload command for ops.

Version 0.1

  • Released!


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