Create worlds dedicated to adventure maps and mini-games
Great for Jump Maps, Puzzles, Adventures and Arenas!
Hi folks! This plugin is currently no longer being developed for Minecraft 1.8+. While I could continue work for Spigot or similar, I found this plugin to no longer be of mayor use to the feature packed new plugins in the community that do have similar possibilities as TempleCraft did. It was a whole lot of fun to work with/for you all and i will still be available when contacted! - Xarinor
Version v0.47
Bukkit 1.4.7 - 1.6.4-R2.1
->Use /tct save multiple times to make sure the temple is really saved after editing.
Version v0.47.1
Bukkit 1.6 - 1.7
GitHUB / ChangeLog
Vault: 1.2.15+
Supported Plugins:
Multiverse: 2.4-b527+
Heroes: 1.4.7+
plugin idea by HeyItsZenith
-> original Bukkit-Dev page: TempleCraft
Problems with Release-Versions
When you have problems with an Release-Version open a new ticket.
Problems with Alpha-Versions
When you have Problems with an Alpha Version go to the Alpha-Tests Forum and post it the Thread with the same Version-Number which your Version has.
If you just post your findings and errors in the comments you might not get an answer!
If you have a suggestion and think this is really needed then open a Suggestion-Ticket.
Problems with the usage
When you can't get your temples to run properly or don't know how to use TempleCraft, visit our TempleCraft WIKI before asking!
-> Visit the new TempleCraft Wiki
Visit the Temple-Area for downloadable Temples!
Please do not use temples without giving the creator some credits! Gentlemen's Agreement
- Set up temples for other players!
- Click signs or stand over signs underground to join temples!
- Kill monsters and find reward-blocks to get currency and loot (supports Vault)!
- Inventory, Health, FoodLevel, and XP is saved and restored when joining/editing a temple and leaving a temple.
- Multiple game-types (Adventure, Spleef, Arena and Race) for temples.
- > Adventure - Get from point A to point B
- > Spleef - Break the wool blocks from under your opponents feet to win
- > Race - Race against your opponents and your high score
- > Arena - Fight with and/or against other players - No need to worry about waiting to play a temple!
- > Possibility to play multiple games in the same temple at the same time! - No need to deal with setting up regions. TempleCraft uses worlds instead of regions!
- TempleCraft Worlds are removed when they're not in use.
- Use specified Blocks and Signs instead of commands!
- Supports Permissions
- Temples can be edited by their creator at any time.
- > Others can be added to help. - Enter creative mode automatically when editing temples
The original versions were created by HeyItsZenith
"This plugin is based off of garbagemule's plugin MobArena.
Thank you so much for the inspiration and jumping off point!
I couldn't have made this plugin without you :)"
Helpers, Testers and massive Bugfinders
- Thanks for your help =)
A beer for the active developer? Here you go :) [Donate Xarinor]
Is there a way to change the cant port into a world option? So my players can?
God I love this plugin... I am in no way advance enough to continue this if you leave us :(
Hi there folks! Sorry for the long dead-period ;)
We switched to "/tct" a while ago to prevent interferences with other "tc" plugins ;)
This still works with and up to 1.6.2 ;)
Thanks for the request but currently i am still very busy and have close to no time for improvements in the plugin. Geared Mobs, Mounts and such are in programming but i have paused development at the moment!
Citizens has hard problems with worlds that are unloaded mid-run and even prevents the unloading process what interferes hard with Templecraft. This is the point why Citizens are not supported within Temples but should work on the rest of the server, Sorry!
What you can do is to make an unreachable place where you only can get to with the TCT "finishloc" and where an npc awaits (or a go-to-target-location from citizens) for a temple - read this up in the Wiki ;)
@rejectdeath Wiki! :D
Does this plugin have any known problems with other plugins? For instance, would it work for making an extensive quest line with plugins like "Quester"? Or making arenas with both MobArena and PVP Arena? (I hope to do both these things.)
This looks like what I need, but does it work properly on 1.5.2? Will it be updated anytime soon?
Hi :) I have a litte request :D would it be possible to make this compatible with citizens (actually the NPCs seems to despawn after changing the world), so NPCs could give players quests and so on :) It would be also nice if it would be possible to bind signs to special events (like killing a boss or - as addition for the first idea - to compleat a quest), so the signs work only after this events had happened (for an example: You go to the boss and walk next to an mob-spawner sign without something happen, then you kill the boss and want to go back and in this moment the mobs spawn) A nice addition to the secound one would also be, if you could change blocks with such an event (if it's not possible to do this with pistons - for example if you want to flood a cave).
Or - backwards - would it be possible to cause things like spawning (or hitting) with redstone? (so, an command or a sign which will be activated with an redstone signal), this would (combined with an "invulnerable"-ability of an boss) allow to create boss fights where the players have to do more than just fighting^^
It would be great if you could do that all :D (...well, it's maybe a little bit much...if you could need someone who could help coding, I'm still a little bit new to programming plugins(I tried it, but I hadn't the ideas for realy "new" plugins, so it endet with half-ready plugins xD), but as this are all my ideas, I would offer myself as a helper :) )
MfG :)
Hey, what was the /tct findsigblocks command? Can't seem to get it to work, I think I have the wrong syntax.
Aye that is how it is supposed to work, but i will update it in the wiki so one can understand what is meant :)
Bukkit-Skeletons do not have any weapons since a few versions so i introduced the mob-mode. I will make sure that there is a standard mode set for skeletons and other mobs.
Okay, so I figured out how that works:
1 mob spawns per [time] (in seconds) up-to a maximum of [count] mobs. After [count] number of mobs have spawned, that sign will produce no more mobs.
Now I'm noticing that my skeletons have no weapons, and I can't figure out how to give them any. I see nothing in the documentation about arming the mobs Edit: Skeletons have no weapons unless you specify a mode (Skeleton:0 or Skeleton:1)
Hi there!
First, i wouldn't recommend you building a temple from scratch to end without many times saving and testing midway. This way you'll get in contact with all features/possibilities of templecraft. Also its unbelievably harassing when a temple hasn't been saved correctly what is a old problem caused by a "cooldown" from bukkit..
I'd suggest placing a sign of each kind in a test temple and find out what is possible ;)
I need a clarification for mob signs: How exactly does the Count attribute work?
I'm assuming it works one of these ways:
A: Each time the timer comes around, it spawns (n - current number of mobs), and runs indefinitely while players are in range. B: Each time the timer comes around, it spawns one if (current number of mobs < n), and runs indefinitely. C: Each time the timer comes around, it spawns one mob, until it has spawned a total of n mobs, and then no more mobs will spawn from that sign.
Can someone give me some idea how this works before I spend a lot of time typing up my signs?
Also, Can I use Count to spawn multiples mobs only once, without using Time? Or do I need to use multiple signs for this?
I'll need to look into that deeper but am currently not at home so it'll take awhile. ;)
Well it was when the players joins. It takes up to 10 seconds of lag when a players joins. I ran no other plugins and only templecraft, and templecraft was the culprit. Could be an issue with the craftbukkit build i'm using though
You should not need an update as TCT should work properly with 1.5(.1)
Any update? thanks
When players join the server or temples?
If it happens on Server join then its not an error of templecraft..
If it is on temple join tough id need to know what other plugins run and if the same setup has worked on other versions :)
TempleCraft works, but theres a issue on my server. Whenever someone joins, the whole server freezes
Templecraft should continue running on 1.5 servers but i'm still working on a ew version getting some stuff from my to-do list done :)
Stay tuned and have fun with the Plugin!
If anyone can help me on getting the save bug with edit worlds sorted out feel free to contact me as it seems to work/not work purely on rng..
Hey there!
You will have to try it out for yourself, if not many temples are opened at the same time there should be no laggs. Sometimes there is a small spike on leaving temples or when interfearances with other plugins happen ;)
Give me your Feedback after testing.
I'm considering using this plugin on my server but I'm a little concerned for the CPU usage. What do some of you veterans have to say about it?