Create worlds dedicated to adventure maps and mini-games
Great for Jump Maps, Puzzles, Adventures and Arenas!
Hi folks! This plugin is currently no longer being developed for Minecraft 1.8+. While I could continue work for Spigot or similar, I found this plugin to no longer be of mayor use to the feature packed new plugins in the community that do have similar possibilities as TempleCraft did. It was a whole lot of fun to work with/for you all and i will still be available when contacted! - Xarinor
Version v0.47
Bukkit 1.4.7 - 1.6.4-R2.1
->Use /tct save multiple times to make sure the temple is really saved after editing.
Version v0.47.1
Bukkit 1.6 - 1.7
GitHUB / ChangeLog
Vault: 1.2.15+
Supported Plugins:
Multiverse: 2.4-b527+
Heroes: 1.4.7+
plugin idea by HeyItsZenith
-> original Bukkit-Dev page: TempleCraft
Problems with Release-Versions
When you have problems with an Release-Version open a new ticket.
Problems with Alpha-Versions
When you have Problems with an Alpha Version go to the Alpha-Tests Forum and post it the Thread with the same Version-Number which your Version has.
If you just post your findings and errors in the comments you might not get an answer!
If you have a suggestion and think this is really needed then open a Suggestion-Ticket.
Problems with the usage
When you can't get your temples to run properly or don't know how to use TempleCraft, visit our TempleCraft WIKI before asking!
-> Visit the new TempleCraft Wiki
Visit the Temple-Area for downloadable Temples!
Please do not use temples without giving the creator some credits! Gentlemen's Agreement
- Set up temples for other players!
- Click signs or stand over signs underground to join temples!
- Kill monsters and find reward-blocks to get currency and loot (supports Vault)!
- Inventory, Health, FoodLevel, and XP is saved and restored when joining/editing a temple and leaving a temple.
- Multiple game-types (Adventure, Spleef, Arena and Race) for temples.
- > Adventure - Get from point A to point B
- > Spleef - Break the wool blocks from under your opponents feet to win
- > Race - Race against your opponents and your high score
- > Arena - Fight with and/or against other players - No need to worry about waiting to play a temple!
- > Possibility to play multiple games in the same temple at the same time! - No need to deal with setting up regions. TempleCraft uses worlds instead of regions!
- TempleCraft Worlds are removed when they're not in use.
- Use specified Blocks and Signs instead of commands!
- Supports Permissions
- Temples can be edited by their creator at any time.
- > Others can be added to help. - Enter creative mode automatically when editing temples
The original versions were created by HeyItsZenith
"This plugin is based off of garbagemule's plugin MobArena.
Thank you so much for the inspiration and jumping off point!
I couldn't have made this plugin without you :)"
Helpers, Testers and massive Bugfinders
- Thanks for your help =)
A beer for the active developer? Here you go :) [Donate Xarinor]
/tct reload was implemented awhile ago and should work in the console if i remember correctly. A disable function was not implemented ..
Also the plugin was designed for letting players play on predefined maps that reset after getting trough. aking those worlds persistent was not the idea of the plugin. When i get back into more plugin def i might work on another version that can handle continous temples. But in the next weeks this surely will not happen : (
Could you also make it possible to use commands like /tct reload or disable in console?
Is there any way for this plugin not to load or delete worlds when it finishes the temple
Anyway to just make the temple world persistent?
You can find more about this in the wiki on importing and exporting temples :)
how Do i put worlds in it so i can use then. like how i type /tct worldtotemple <name> in the world
Hey yeah there are some crashes with Templecraft that occur incombination with other plugins. Currently i have other private projects running and am not absolutely active so it is hard to get more then version fixes out for the servers that already run the plugin.
The ToDo list is still massive tough and there are many suggestions that i did accept in the past.
@funnyjol You can do that like ms0244412 said. It will tough not work on Herobrines Mansion or other Maps that are based around consistant mobs as the Templecraft world will only spawn mobs that are defined on shields or come from monster spawners. It is on the todo list to get those awesome maps running tough.
You can, just use /tct worldtotemple <name> in your adventure map world.
Is there a preset config option to make it crash less often. My server is crashing a lot now, and getting Read Time Out Errors when people exit temples, doesn't happen all the time though
I think you should allow people to put downloaded maps that people can play on in server. like you could put lets say herobrine's mansion on there and then the people on server can just tp to the world and once they finish it it resets itself
Please Reply
Hi there
This happens from time to time since the newer bukkit versions. It is also on the to-do list for bugs.
When working on temples be sure to save multiple times. I for my self repeat the command 1-2 times (/tct save) to be sure. Sometimes bukkit stops mid save because there are other tasks that break the save as i assume.
I have created a temple, properly created all the block/signs and saved the temple with it saying that it is setup. However, when I try to begin a new game, it says the temple is not setup. Any help would be great.
Ok, it works now. Thanks!
Please do delete your language file in the templecraft plugin folder (example: templecraft-en-US.csv). Templecraft will then create the current version of that file where the command is added.
It should only be a bug with the displaying of the plugins reaction, not the actual task.
Hey, I've been trying to use /tct finishloc but it always says that the command is disabled for translation. Please help!
oh ok well I will look into it but while playing i realized that i couldn't open chests in adventure or survival mode but creative mode i could. Maybe it was something else.
This should already be possible or isn't it?
If you just put a chest into a temple world then players should be able to use the content in the temple. If you place a treasure chest (on a iron block) then they get the items on leaving the temple.
Is it possible to make it so the players can open chests in the temple?
It should be the same requirements as before but try saving the temple multiple times as with the newest versions of bukkit the saving doesnt work perfectly anymore, I am on this but I'm short in time at the moment, it is on the list :)
You need Lobby Sign, Spawnarea sign or Spawnblock, Startblock, Endblock
I'm having a hard time getting a temple "set up". I have placed all 4 required tools according to your wiki entry and upon saving it says that my temple is not set up. Have the requirements or a temple changed? Perhaps the default configuration does not allow such a minimal temple now? Please advise as your wiki is currently not accurate.
this works with bPermissions, but bPermissions has the bug that it loads allways(even if "use global files" is true) the per-world permission files and ignors the global ones (that is a very anoying bug, if i update one note in a permission, i have to copy-past this change in every possible with templecraft created world-folder of bPermissions :/ but that's not a fault from templecraft)
(By the way, I didn't test, if this bug is still there, for some time now, so if this is fixed, please tell it me)
Vault is listed as required dependancy. This is because of the fact that you can get gold on killing mobs and use it to respawn.
Even if you deactivate this features it will load the plugin, this is a todo as it shouldnt be required when not used.