Signs - The simplest sign editing plugin
This plugin allows to edit sign by right clicking them with an configurable item. Many protection plugins are supported.
When a new version is available, it'll be downloaded and installed automatically.
You can turn off this option in the config
Edit a sign
To edit a sign, you only have to right click it with the item set in the config (default: INK_SAC:0).
Write on a sign wall
To write over multiple signs, you have to left click one of the signs with a book (book and quill or written book) and the content of the book will be transfered to the signs.
I still don't know how to deal with the displayed char amount depending on the char width (since 1.8)
Copy and Paste
Rightclick a sign with the copy-item to copy its text, leftclick another sign to paste it again
Note: When the CopyCosts/PasteCosts option is enabled, copying/pasting will only work if you have one Copy.Ink in your inventory
- /signs - Reloads the plugin data from the configuration file.
- /edit <line> <text> - Edits the text on the specified line
- /colorcodes - Displays the color codes (colors the player doesn't have permissions for are italic)
- signs.use - Allows the user to edit signs.
- signs.copy - Allows the user to copy and paste text from one sign to another
- signs.signwall - Allows the user to write on a sign wall.
- signs.signcolors - Allows the user to use all colors.
- signs.signcolors.<color> - Allows access to a single color (only if PerColorPermissions is enabled)
- signs.reload - Allows the user to use the /signs command
- signs.colorcodes - Allows the user to use the /colorcodes command
- signs.edit - Allows the user to use the /edit command
- signs.bypass.<plugin> - Protections from the plugin <plugin> are ignored.
- signs.bypass.editcosts - Even if EditCosts is turned on, it is free to edit signs
- signs.bypass.copycosts - Even if CopyCosts is turned on, it is free to copy text from signs
- signs.bypass.pastecosts - Even if PasteCosts is turned on, it is free to paste text on signs
- Locale: your_language - Your language. If it doesn't exists, english will be used
- Action: INK_SACK:0 - The action value can be:
- Item (default: INK_SACK:0): The item value can be the name of the item or its id
- Sneak: Sneak to edit signs.
- Hand: Edit signs with every item
- EditCosts: false - if this is true, it costs one EditMaterial to edit a sign
- SignColors: true - Enable / disable the sign colors.
- PerColorPermissions: false - Enable / disable the ability to use enable per color permissions (higher CPU/Memory usage)
- OnlyInOwnedRegion: false - Whether a player can only edit signs in a WorldGuard region he owns or he is member in.
- NotifyUpdates: true - Whether update notifications are enabled or not
- AutoUpdate: true - Whether the auto updater is enabled or not
- Copy.Item: PAPER - The copy/paste item
- Copy.Ink: INK_SACK:0 - The item, which is needed, if CopyCosts or PasteCosts is enabled
- Copy.CopyCosts: false - Whether or not it costs one ink to copy a sign
- Copy.PasteCosts: false - Whether or not it costs one ink to paste copied text to another sign
Note: WorldGuard protection are normally also supported, whenever a player can place blocks he can edit signs. If OnlyInOwnedRegion is enabled, a player can only edit signs if he's owner or member in the region. This means also that, when no region is set, he can't edit signs
Multi language support
Currently supported languages:
Signs is coming with a multi language feature.
If you want to override the default messages, place a properties file called messages_[language]_[country]_[variant].properties (both the country and the variant are optional) in the signs folder, and write your own messages there.
The language code must be the same, as you've specified in the config.
If you find errors in one of the translations or if a language code is wrong, tell me that.
If you've translated it into another language and you want to share your translation, send me a pm.
Support for other plugins
Fully supported are the protections from:
- WorldGuard
- Towny
- QuickShop
- Factions
- PlotMe
- Lockette
- GriefPrevention
- ChestShop
Also NoCheatPlus is hooked in to prevent it's "AutoSign protection" from blocking Signs
Implement your ideas:
- If you have any ideas for plugins which i should support or some extra features, open a ticket and tell me them
I guess you could say that the fact that you're sneaking replaces the specific item being held. I think that would be better. :)
@Marium0505 So you want to edit signs regardless of the held item?
@ChillerKraft @ChillerKraft
Which craftbukkit version are you using? It must be a 1.7.2-R*.* If it's the right version, and it's still not working, open a ticket please.
The plugin is actually not supported, but i'll look if i can implement that ;) I don't know the plugin, so please tell me: should the signs not be edited, or should only the shop owner edit them?
i also cant see the config
To give an example:
I put down a sign, but did a mistake, so I right click the sign while sneaking (just an example) and I can now edit the previously wirtten text on the sign.
i am unable to view the edit interface.
Jofkos, does this support the signs for the QuickShop plugin while also protecting them from unauthorized changes? If not, can it be in a later update?
This seems like a really nice plugin and I love the use of needed items to edit a sign.
do you mean without an item?
Can you make it possible to direct edit signs?
i'll look at that tomorow... on my server i've a modified version of this plugin, this is probaly the reason why it's working for me and not for you ;) on my test server i've not tested the chest shop compatiblity
Oh, missed the consumable thingie. Thanks.
ChestShop. My setting is following:
and how it acts for people.
1) Right click on chestshop sign with ink sack
2) They recieve 3 notifications:
- shop being protected with LWC
- You have been charged xx monies for creating chestshop
- ChestShop successfuly created.
But screen for editing sign never appears. Not even flashes for a split second.
@Mortalsinn i'll look at that
can you make this also respect Towny Town regions so people can't go to other towns and mess with their signs?
The EditMaterial is consumable if you turn on the option "EditCost" in the config.
What is your problem with ChestShop? I tested that on my own server, and there are no problems. What does it do when a player try to edit the ChestShop sign?
Hi, thanks for this plugin! Finally easy and comfortable way to edit signs. Here are my 2 cents: