

Just as with previous versions of the plugin, this version supports tags within the different text sections of the plugin. Here is a big list of them:

Tag ListDescription
&a, &b, &c...formatting codes for minecraft, replace the "§" character with "&" to do color formatting within the messages
%player%Will show an online player or be skipped if no player is online to fill the spot, can be used multiple times per line. It won't remove the line if it was place in the motd or version name section, but it will lead to odd errors and unintended results
%staff%Will replace %staff% with the name of a staff player that is logged online (has the permissions pcm.staff), same restrictions and limitations as the %player% tag. If you want the staff to be only show by the %staff% tag and not shown as players, you can change your config or do the command /pcm showstaff false
%online%Will show the online number of players, will not remove the line if there are no players online
%max%Will show the maximum number of players online
%more%Will show the number of players who haven't been shown by %player%, if there were 10 players online, and only 5 %player%'s in the message, it would be 5, this won't work well across multiple sections (motd and player list for example)
%cent%Will roughly center the line compared to others, doesn't work too well though, I wouldn't recommend using this or the %right% and %left% tags
%u0000if you replace "0000" with a hexadecimal number, you can add unicode characters with little effort. Table of unicode characters : http://unicode-table.com/en/#control-character .
ex: \u2745 will be ❅
%user%This will replace %user% with the username of the player connecting to the server if he/she has logged into the server while this plugin was implemented
"welcome %user%" to "welcome flyguy23ndm". If he/she has not logged into the server while the plugin was installed, he/she will be called "guest" or whatever it is set to in the config file. This feature is not available for BungeeCord
%ip%This will replace %ip% with the ip of the player connecting to the server, if you want to creep them out or something, same limitations as the %user% tag. This feature is not available for BungeeCord
%month%This tag will show the current month for the server computer, ex: January, February...
%smonth%This tag will show the current month for the server computer in short hand, ex: Jan, Feb, Mar...
%-month-%This tag will show the current month for the server computer as a number (1 is Jan, 2 is Feb...), ex: 1, 2, 3...
%day%This tag will show the day of the week for the server computer, ex: Monday, Tuesday...
%sday%This tag will show the day of the week for the server computer in short hand, ex: Mon, Tue...
%-day-%This tag will show the day of the month as a number, ex: 1, 2, 3...
%year%This tag will show the year for the server computer, ex: 2015, 2016...
%-year-%This tag will show the year for the server computer as two digits, ex: 15,16...
%hour%This tag will show the current hour for the server computer, ex: 12, 1, 2, 3... 11. Updating in real time. Do not put this on a line with scroll animation.
%hour24%This tag will show the current hour for the server computer in 24 hour time, ex: 12, 1, 2, 3... 23. Updating in real time Do not put this on a line with scroll animation.
%minute%This tag will show the current minute of the hour for the server computer, ex: 1, 2, 3... 59. Updating in real time Do not put this on a line with scroll animation.
%second%This tag will show the current second of the minute for the server computer, ex: 1, 2, 3... 59. Updating in real time Do not put this on a line with scroll animation.
%millis%This tag will show the current milliseconds of the second for the server computer, ex: 1,2,3... 999. Updating in real time Do not put this on a line with scroll animation.
%ampm%This tag will show if the server is before or after noon for the server computer, before is "am" and after is "pm". Updating in real time Do not put this on a line with scroll animation (you get the point, assume this warning repeats...)
%ghour%This tag will show the current hour of the minecraft world specified in the config, ex: 12, 1, 2, 3... 11. Updating in real time and this feature is not available for BungeeCord
%ghour24%This tag does the same thing as %ghour% but in 24 hour time. Same benefits and restrictions apply
%gminute%This tag will show the current minute of the minecraft world specified in the config, ex: 1, 2, 3... 59. Updating in real time and this feature is not available for BungeeCord
%gsecond%This tag will show the current second of the minecraft world specified in the config, ex: 1, 2, 3... 59. Updating in real time and this feature is not available for BungeeCord
%gampm%This tag will show if the server is before or after noon in the minecraft world specified in the config, before is "am" and after is "pm". Updating in real time and this feature is not available for BungeeCord
%weather%This tag will show the weather of the minecraft world specified in the config, either stormy or sunny.Updating in real time and this feature is not available for BungeeCord

The "%player%" (and %staff%) tag will check the server to see if a player is online and add his/her name to the line in place of %player%. If it encounters more lines it will repeat the same process but if there aren't enough players on the server to fill the x'th line, then it will skip that line. In my example on my server, I actually have 10 lines set up to show players but since only four are online it only shows for players

Tags work with the animations, but if the player or staff tags are in a frame of a Frame by Frame animated line (more explanation on animations here), the entire line will be removed instead of the one frame.

Here are some examples of tags in lines:

Raw InputTagged Result
Hello %user%, there are %online% players onlineHello guest, there are 5 players online
This is a fun shape: %u273AThis is a fun shpae: ✺

Future Ideas

There may be animated tags (like a clock that counts down!)

If there is anything else you want, just post a comment and I may add it next update.


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