configs/My Config

This is the code you see in the image on the main screen

#To edit, simply repeat what is done with line one and put two spaces before a - then one space and your new line in quotes.
#Use the '&' instead of the 'ยง' in formatting codes found on
#Don't worry if you delete this config, it will revert back to this, the default
#To update just do /pcm load or restart the server. You can only edit the message from this file.
  - "&bWelcome to"
  - "&fWe have:"
  - "&f-&a Survival"
  - "&f-&a Freebuild"
  - "&f-&a Skyblock"
  - "&f-&a Minigames"
  - "&f-&a And More..."
  - ""
  - "&b&lPlayers Online:"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"
  - "&f&l - &r&a%player%"

What this will look like:

Note, the image only displays three names, that's because the lines with %player% are skipped if there aren't enough people on the server to fill those spots.


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