
The plugin has on command, with 4 main sub commands; the commands are used to edit the message in game, reload the message, or save the message. For information about all the message's components, check out the default config.

all this information can be obtained with the command /pcm help from within game or /pcm [sub-cmd] help.

Command Table

/pcm play [args]pcm.playsub command for editing the player list
/pcm motd [args]pcm.motdsub command for editing the motd
/pcm vers [args]pcm.verssub command for editing the version text
/pcm img [args]pcm.imgsub command for editing the server icon
/pcm reloadpcm.pcmreloads the plugin and loads the message from the config file (called "serverInfo.yml"). When it reloads, it dumps the currently saved message and replaces it with the one saved in the config. It also loads the message from the config when the server boots up
/pcm savepcm.pcmsaves the current message to the config, it is saved whenever the server stops. Whenever the plugin saves the config, it overwrites the current config file
/pcm pinginterval (interval)pcm.pcmsets the ping interval in milliseconds (further description on the default config page) or shows the interval if no argument if provided for interval
/pcm length (length)pcm.pcmsets the animation length (ms) or shows the length if no argument is provided for (length)
/pcm showstaff (true/false)pcm.pcmSets whether or not to display the staff with %player% tag or checks if the staff is currently being displayed if no argument is provided for (true/false)
/pcm world (world)pcm.pcmsets world to check for game tags (%ghours%, %weather%...) or views the world that is currently being used to check for game tags if there is no argument
/pcm guest (name)pcm.pcmsets default guest name or views the current name if there is no argument

Player List Sub-Command

permission pcm.play will cover all these sub routines.

/pcm play viewviews the current player list text
/pcm play animviews the current player animation types
/pcm play loopsviews the current player loops
/pcm play interviews the current player intervals
/pcm play frameviews the current player frame size
/pcm play reloadloads the player list from the config
/pcm play savesaves the current player list to the config
/pcm play add [text]adds a line with text [text] to current player list, will fill animation, interval, and loops for this line with default values, they can be set later
/pcm play delete [line#]deletes a line, line numbers start at 1
/pcm play insert [line#] [text]adds a line after line number with text [text], [text] can include spaces
/pcm play set [line#] text [text]sets a line's text to [text]
/pcm play set [line#] anim [type]sets a line's animation to [type]. To view different animation types, go to the animations page
/pcm play set [line#] inter [num]sets a line's interval to num
/pcm play set [line#] loops [num]sets a line's loops to num
/pcm play setSize [num]sets the frame size for the player list

Motd Sub-Command

permission pcm.motd will cover all these sub routines. Also, there can only be ONE, I mean two lines in the motd, so [line#] can only reach from 1 to 2.

/pcm motd viewviews the current motd text
/pcm motd animviews the current motd animation types
/pcm motd loopsviews the current motd loops
/pcm motd interviews the current motd intervals
/pcm motd frameviews the current motd frame size
/pcm motd reloadloads the motd from the config
/pcm motd savesaves the current motd on to the config
/pcm motd set [line#] text [text]sets a line's text to [text]
/pcm motd set [line#] anim [type]sets a line's animation to [type]. To view different animation types, go to the animations page
/pcm motd set [line#] inter [num]sets a line's interval to num
/pcm motd set [line#] loops [num]sets a line's loops to num
/pcm motd setSize [num]sets the frame size for the player list to num

Version Name Sub-Command

permission pcm.vers will cover all these sub routines.

/pcm vers viewviews current version name text
/pcm vers animviews current version name animation type
/pcm vers loopsviews current version name loops of animation
/pcm vers interviews current version name interval of animation
/pcm vers frameviews current frame size of version name
/pcm vers reloadloads version name from config
/pcm vers savesaves current version name to config
/pcm vers set text [text]sets the version name's text to [text]
/pcm vers set anim [type]sets the version name's animation to [type]
/pcm vers set inter [num]sets the version name's interval to num
/pcm vers set loops [num]sets the version name's loops to num
/pcm vers setSize [num]sets the frame size for the version name

Image Sub-Command

permission pcm.img will cover all these sub routines. When the image animation is re-created, it will load the entire image into memory (so don't use a 100mb gif or something) and reform the animation, this may take a while (or not, computers are quite fast).

/pcm img viewviews current image name
/pcm img animviews current image animation type
/pcm img loopsviews current image loops of animation
/pcm img interviews current image interval of animation
/pcm img reloadloads image from config, this will recreate the image animation
/pcm img savesaves current image properties to config
/pcm img set name [text]sets the image's text to [text], this will recreate the image animation
/pcm img set anim [type]sets the image's animation to [type], this will recreate the image animation
/pcm img set inter [num]sets the image's interval to num
/pcm img set loops [num]sets the image's loops to num


Here are some extra permissions, and all the rest of the permissions because why not?

pcm.pcmcommand to use /pcm, but not the sub commands
pcm.playcommand to use the player list sub command
pcm.imgcommand to use the image sub command
pcm.verscommand to use the version sub command
pcm.motdcommand to use the motd sub command
pcm.staffwill be shown by the %staff% tag, see tags here


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