a/configs/Default Config

Default Config

Here is what the default server ping will look like (it's not animated because making ".gif" files is difficult)

Every time the server shuts down, the player count message saved in server memory will be saved to the config, and every time the server boots up, the message from the config, serverIcon.yml, will be loaded.

Default View

Section Definitions

Version NameThe area where it normally says "5/20" next to the server ping.
Server-IconThe picture thingy
MotdThe server motd, two lines of text
Player ListText that is displayed when a user has the mouse hover over the Version Name

Jargon / Definitions

Here is some jargon for this description, read over it. This is also documented in the comments from the default config on this page, but here is a grouping of all the terms. Additionally, this is documented assuming you read from the top to the bottom, so if a term doesn't make sense, look to an earlier point in the documentation

Try experimenting with the vales to see what you can find and learn.

line(s)A line of text that will be displayed in the corresponding area
animationString/Image animation type, here is a better description (link here)
interval(s)Interval in which an animation will change frames
The bounds for acceptable values in interval are: [1, 10,000].
Default interval: 100
loopsLoops that an animation will run before it stops, -1 means run indefinitely, 0 means don't animate this, and any other value means loop for x times
The bounds for acceptable vales are: [-1, 1,000]
Default loops: 1
frame sizeThe text has a max character limit to fit it correctly within the client view, this is where you can set the max characters for a section of the animation
tagsNot the html kind, special tags that allow information to be updated that might change as the server runs, such as number of online players. There is a better description here


#Length of the animation in milliseconds. by default
#  it is 10 seconds but it can be set to anything you want. 
# The animation is bounded because the server will display
#  as out of date to a user until the animation finishes, then
#  it will be alright. If you don't care about that and want the
#  animation to go on forever, set to a really big number
#                  (as long as it is less than 2^31).
length: 10000

#This chooses if staff should be displayed by the %player% tag.
#If false, players with the permission "pcm.staff" will not be 
# displayed by the %player% tag.
#If true, players with the permission "pcm.staff" will be displayed
# by both the %player% tag and the %staff% tag.
players-and-staff: true

#Interval, in milliseconds, in which the server sends a new 
#  frame to the user's client. This would be the max  fps, it skips
#  frames that it cannot display and it looks alright. If the value
#  is dropped below 80ms, there is a greater chance that the
#  server will lose the client and the animation will stop. if it is
#  dropped below 10ms, you know what, don't do that.
ping_interval: 100

#The default name that the %guest% tag will show if no the 
# player pinging the server has not joined the server yet.
#This function/option is not compatible or available with the 
#  BungeeCord version of the plugin 
guestname: Guest

#This is the name of the world that will be used in the game time
# tags (%ghours%, %gminutes%...) and for the %weather% tag
#This function/option is not compatible or available with the 
#  BungeeCord version of the plugin 
world: world

#Area for editing the Player List

    #Frame size, how many characters are allowed per line. This
    #  is important because it decides how long the animations are
    frame_size: 50

    #Text for the player lines (" " are not needed), this text will be
    #  displayed in the Player Lines area. You can use Tags
    #  in the text to display updated information such as players.
    #  Lines can be empty (ex: ""). The first line in "lines:"
    #  corresponds to the first line in "animations:" and
    #  "intervals:" and so on...
        - "These are the player lines"
        - "edit them with the command &b/pcm play [args]"
        - "there are different types of animations"
        - "set them in the config file or with command"
        - "&rdo &f'&6/pcm help&f' &rfor help with commands;&rdo &f'&b/pcm help&f' &rfor help with commands"

    #Type of animation for each line, the number of lines must be
    #  the same as the number of animations. There are different
    #  animations, but they are pretty much scrolling text.
    #  Default animation: "none"
        - "none"
        - "none"
        - "scroll forward"
        - "scroll back"
        - "frames"

    #Interval, in milliseconds, in which the animation fires for each
    #  line. The number of intervals must be the same as lines just
    #  as in the animations. If an interval is set to 100ms, it would 
    #  run at 10 fps (1000ms per sec / 100 ms per frame = 10 fps).
    #  The bounds for acceptable values in interval are: [1, 10,000].
        - 100
        - 50
        - 80
        - 50
        - 400

    #Loops that an animation will run  before it stops (when
    #  it stops, it will contentiously display the last frame).
    #  If the animation elapses before an animation has finished,
    #  it will jump to the last frame of an animation. If you want
    #  an animation to run indefinitely, set the number of loops
    #  to -1. If you don't want an animation, set the loops to 0.
    #  The bounds for acceptable vales are: [-1, 1,000]
        - 0
        - 0
        - 2
        - 1
        - -1

#Area for editing the Message of the Day for the server
    #Frame size, the allowed number of characters per line
    frame_size: 50

    #Lines for the motd, it must be two lines long or it
    #  will be filled/cropped to be two lines long. Again,
    #  the liens can be empty (" "). Some of the tags may
    #  not work in the motd correctly.
        - "&aThis is the motd, you can do all sorts of stuff here. Even welcome players!  "
        - "&bWelcome&f: &6%user%"

    #Animation for motd lines, it is the same
    #  as the player list animations
        - "wrap forward"
        - "none"

    #Interval for motd animations
        - 100
        - 0

    #Loops for motd animations
        - -1
        - 1

#Area for editing the version text

    #Frame size for version, works the same
    #  as the other frame sizes
    frame_size: 20

    #Text to display in version name area,
    #  this is only one line so no need
    #  for over complicated arrays and such
    text: "&6Players&f: %online%&b/&f%max%"

    #Animation type, works the same as motd and player list animations
    animation: "scroll back"

    #Interval for the Version Name animation
    interval: 100

    #Loops for the Version Name animation
    loops: -1

#Area for editing the Server-Icon

    #Name of the server icon file (including the extension 
    #  such as ".png" or ".gif"). The image must be located
    #  in this plugin's directory ("\plugins\PlayerCountMessage").
    #  If no image is found with the provided name, the server
    #  will save a default image from within the jar file. You
    #  can delete the image, save a new one with the same
    #  name and reload it.
    image_name: "server-icon.gif"

    #Animation type for the image, "gif" means
    #  animated, "png" means not animated.
    animation: "gif"

    #The interval for image animation
    interval: 40

   #The loops for image animation
    loops: -1


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